Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 512 Blackmailing the City Lord

Chapter 512 Blackmailing the City Lord
"You're ruthless." Zu Qinglong was really scared when he saw the true ruler's talisman in Huang Yu's hand.

"Don't worry, I only have one True Ruler Talisman, but you can try it to see if my True Ruler Talisman can kill you." Huang Yu looked at Zu Qinglong and said coldly, "Master City Master, can you kill me?" Think about it well, the decision is in your hands, do you want my precious sword? If you want it, you just need to break my ruler's true spirit talisman, and it will not be difficult for you to think about it."

Zu Qinglong was choked by Huang Yu's words, and he was very angry. This ruler's true spirit talisman can compete with him just by its aura. If it is really released by the demon knife, it may be the middle stage of the ruler, or even the late stage of the ruler. Confrontation is really an unknown.

"Where, where, little brother Yaodao, I was just joking, you are a junior, I am an elder, how can you snatch something from a junior, isn't this a slap in the face?" Zu Qinglong said with a laugh .

"It turned out to be just a joke, Lord City Master, you scared me to death, and almost scared my heart to death. City Master, should you give me some compensation?" Huang Yu stared at him and said.

When Zu Qinglong heard this, he was so angry that he was going to die, this little bastard actually threatened to pay himself, bastard, really bastard, took a deep breath, really wanted to kill the demon knife, but he didn't dare, didn't dare Do it, because that talisman, this talisman, is too much of a threat.

"That's natural, what compensation do you want?" Zu Qinglong suppressed the anger in his heart, looked at Huang Yu, and said with a smile on his face.

"I don't need more, demon cores, half-step master demon cores, ten are enough." Huang Yu said.

" speak too much." Zu Qinglong almost didn't make a move when he heard it. The half-step master's demon core is not a Chinese cabbage. In the entire Yaoyue City, the half-step master's powerhouse After so many years, there are only thirteen demon cores left, and he wants ten at once, which is too hateful. These thirteen half-step master demon cores are the ones Zu Qinglong is planning to use In reality, if he was given all the preparations to really attack the master, if he really attacked the master himself, then there would be no hope.

"My lord, you can't afford it, right?" Huang Yu looked at Zu Qinglong and said, "For my lord, this is just a piece of cake. If my lord doesn't give it, it doesn't matter, but... ...My hands will tremble, and then, I'm afraid there will be some accidents."

"You..." This is Hong Guoguo's threat. Zu Qinglong wished to cut Huang Yu into pieces, but he couldn't do it. He didn't dare to take risks. This little beast has the true ruler's talisman and the terrifying sword in his hand.

"Okay, I'll give it." In the end, Zu Qinglong suppressed the anger in his heart, the demon core was gone, and he could still find a way to kill him, but if he really confronted the little beast like Yaodao, he released the true master spirit talisman, Even if he can win, he will be seriously injured. At that time, other people will definitely attack him. At that time, he will not be able to resist at all. In this way, both sides will suffer. This is what Zu Qinglong does not want to see.

"Thank you, Lord City Lord."

Seeing Zu Qinglong take out ten half-step master demon cores, Huang Yu was overjoyed. It is not so easy for him to obtain Jieyuan crystals, but these demon cores are amazingly valuable. A half-step master demon core , fully equivalent to 100 million Jieyuan crystals, better ones, or even more, the best one, fully equivalent to 1000 million Jieyuan crystals, these ten demon cores can also be exchanged for 500 million Jie Yuanjing, that is a huge sum of money.

However, Huang Yu does not intend to exchange all these demon cores into Jieyuan crystals. Once the demon cores are converted into Jieyuan crystals, it will cost ten times the price to exchange them from Jieyuan crystals back to demon cores. Therefore, Keep the demon core, maybe it will be useful when necessary?
As for the Jieyuan Crystal, it can be exchanged at any time when needed.

After Zu Qinglong and others left, the other people present looked at Huang Yu with awe, even Xing Yuan was in awe.

Once again, I felt thankful in my heart, glad that I didn't do anything, otherwise, I would have died without a whole body, and there was no other possibility.

"Dao'er, you... how come you have such a terrifying treasured sword in your hand, as well as a real ruler's talisman?" The demon old man looked at Huang Yu and said.

"It's just an inheritance from outside." Huang Yu didn't explain much.

"Inheritance, is it the inheritance of that lord?" The old man Yao and everyone were shocked, thinking of a legendary figure, that is the master of the sky knife, and that master is another legendary figure of the Azure Universe. It is said that this The master, entered Taoism with a sword, and his sword skills have reached a shocking level. His world has grown into a universe, and his universe has finally been refined into a precious sword. This precious sword is indestructible and can destroy everything. With a sword of destruction, even the Dao is afraid, and wants to be destroyed, but the master of the Heavenly Sword is so powerful that he broke through the Dao space, broke the shackles of the Dao, and went to the outer universe.

If Yaodao was inherited by that legendary figure, it would be really awesome, not to mention Yaoyue City, Yaoyue Great World, once it grows up, it will definitely be a top-level existence in this Azure Universe. It can sit on an equal footing with the five masters.

"No, no, my Yao clan is about to rise, and everyone in the Yao clan listens to me. From now on, Yao Dao will be the patriarch, and everyone in my Yao clan must obey Yao Dao's orders. It is impossible to have any violations, otherwise it is treason, and it will be punished as treason." The old man Yao said loudly at this time.


The crowd echoed loudly.

"The patriarch of the demon knife."

"The patriarch of the demon knife."

Everyone shouted loudly and saluted Huang Yu.

"Okay, I will be the patriarch of the Yao clan from now on, and I don't have high demands on everyone. Practice hard for me. I will formulate a new clan rule in the next few days. According to the clan rule, I will give you There are all the things you want, such as pills and exercises. Of course, the premise is that you have to exchange for merit, and you can't violate the clan rules, otherwise you will be a traitor, and you will only die, even if you are the master. You will die as well." Huang Yu said loudly.

"Yes, patriarch."

Shouted loudly one by one, the sound was earth-shattering.

Xing Yuan, who was watching all this, sighed in his heart, the Yao clan is about to rise, this Yao Dao is too powerful, too domineering, it is by no means an ordinary character, but fortunately, this kid likes his daughter, As long as there is his own daughter who leads the way, his Xing clan should not pose any threat in the future.

Originally, Xing Yuan wanted his daughter to seize the treasure of Yaodao and seize the entire lineage of the Yaoclan, but now, he has already made a change. If he wants to seize the treasured sword from the hands of the Yaodao and seize the clan power of the entire lineage of the Yaoclan, it is absolutely impossible. Impossible, he can only seek his own death, what Xingyuan thinks now is to let Xingna and Yaodao get married, so that Yaodao and the Xing clan can form a bond, and let Yaodao give up his thoughts on the Xing clan.

But Xingyuan knew that it would be a matter of time before the entire Yaoyue City could be unified with the strength of the Yaodao. Those who oppose the Yaodao will definitely end badly. He is an opponent, and it is only a matter of time before he unifies the entire Yaoyue City.

"Father, Yaodao, I'm back." At this moment, Xing Na flew over from one side, "Hey, is the Lord City Master here? The demon has been killed?"

Seeing Yao Huannong's body, Xing Na hurriedly ran towards Yao Dao: "Yao Dao, are you alright?"

"It's fine, how could something happen to me?" Huang Yu patted her shoulders, then smiled and looked at Xing Yuan.Said, "Patriarch Xingyuan, thanks to your help this time."

Of course, Huang Yu is clear about Xing Yuan's ambitions, but in the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and schemes are jokes, so for so many years, Zu Qinglong has expressed gratitude and resentment for the struggle for power among the major forces in Yaoyue City. , did not take it seriously, because he knew that as long as no one breaks through the Juggernaut, no one can shake his position. Moreover, even if someone breaks through the Juggernaut, he will not be his opponent in a short time. , can completely kill the opponent in the cradle.

But he never expected that there would be such a heaven-defying guy as Yaodao, such a variable, and the pressure from the True Ruler Talisman was too great for him, and he didn't have the determination to fight to the death.

"You don't need to be like this. You and Xingna have a good relationship. She asked me to help. Can I not help?" Xing Yuan smiled wryly.

Huang Yu looked at Xing Yuan and couldn't help admiring his shamelessness of talking nonsense without blushing with his eyes open, which was unmatched by anyone.

"Xing Na, you just have to accompany Yao Dao for a while, and I'll leave first." Xing Yuan looked at his daughter and said.

"Don't worry, father, I will." Xing Na didn't know what happened, but she was very happy to see her father like this, she nodded and said joyfully.

Now that Xing Na has been branded by Huang Yu, and has also seen Huang Yu's strength, she no longer hates Huang Yu, and has even developed attachment and unshakable feelings.

After Xing Yuan left, Huang Yu asked Mr. Yao to handle the affairs of the entire Yao clan. Huang Yu didn't want to care about these matters. Now the entire Yao clan is in his hands, and no one dares to resist.

This has allowed Huang Yu to complete the first task of capturing Yaoyue City.

Moreover, right now, Xingyuan has seen his own strength, and with the bond of Xingna, in fact, the Xing clan is also in his hands. Huang Yu doesn't need to worry about the other four major families. Although the strength of the family is good, it is not in Huang Yu's eyes. The most important thing is the city lord's mansion, the city lord Zu Qinglong. I am afraid that this old guy's strength will not be long before he can truly break through the master and become the master in reality. Or, by that time, his strength will increase greatly, and it will be difficult to deal with him.

Although he owns the True Ruler Talisman, Huang Yu knows that the time for this True Ruler Talisman is limited, and if Zu Qinglong wants to escape, he can't stop him at all, so he must think of a surefire way.

(End of this chapter)

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