Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 515 The Juggernaut Pearl

Chapter 515 The Juggernaut Pearl
"The Juggernaut Bead, what is this?" Huang Yu grabbed the Juggernaut Bead and looked at it. It turned out that the Juggernaut Bead was actually a bead formed by the power of the law of the Juggernaut. , you can get the power of the law comprehended by the strong master, which is of great help to the strong master of the world to break through the master.

"It's a good thing." Huang Yu took a deep breath. It doesn't matter whether he wants this thing, but if it is given to Yue Qingcheng, it will be much easier for her to break through the master.

This thing is not common. If it is given to Zu Qinglong, it will not take much time to become a strong master. Of course, Huang Yu is not so stupid. How could he give this thing to others.

Originally, Huang Yu planned to leave it to his own women, but among his own women, none of them reached the level of world respect, so naturally he did not consider this point. Although Yue Qingcheng is not his own woman yet, she is the closest to him. It will also be my own woman.

In fact, Huang Yu has already regarded Yue Qingcheng as his woman, but this relationship has not been broken yet.

"Congratulations, master, the Juggernaut Pearl is very useful. With this Juggernaut Orb, the master can cultivate a real master in a short period of time." Lulu said.

"Good luck." Huang Yu nodded happily, "Now that terrifying master-level soul is dead, it won't be long before the Fengyin Killing Sword devours the killing mace, right?"

"Yes, master, there is still an hour at most before the Fengyin Killing God Knife can break through again." Lulu said, "However, the master is in some trouble now, because the master has cast the thorn of the primordial, so the master will now have Been in a weak state for a long time."

Huang Yu smiled wryly: "There is no way to do this. If I don't use the Primordial Thorn, I'm afraid my life will be accounted for here."

After all, it is the soul of a master-level strongman, and his own strength is still too weak.

"However, the master is a blessing in disguise, otherwise it will take a long time for the master to break through to the fifth-rank Great Realm King." Lulu said, "There is still a lot of energy, but the master can't absorb the refining right now. , It's a pity, otherwise the master can still rise to a small level and reach the realm of the sixth-rank Great Realm King."

"I am already very content." Huang Yu said, "This time, I have gained a lot."

After an hour, Huang Yu heard a crisp sound coming from his ear, and the system issued a reminder sound.

The Fengyin Killing God Knife has advanced. At this time, the Fengyin Killing God Knife has become a top-level venerable weapon. Huang Yu is very satisfied. The Fengyin Killing God Knife can now kill strong masters, and the power of the Wind Knife Seven Kills has also increased More than double, relying on the strongest attack of the Wind Knife Seven Kills alone, it can kill the peak of the World Venerable, the half-step master.

Huang Yu was very satisfied, and the consumption was also reduced.

"Okay, it's really good." Huang Yu grabbed the Fengyin Killing God Knife, the spirit in the Fengyin Killing God Knife already possessed spiritual wisdom and awakened part of the memory.

It turns out that Fengyin Killing God Knife can continue to grow. What surprised Huang Yu the most is that Fengyin Killing God Knife now has an additional attribute, which is the attribute of space. Fengyin Killing God Knife can tear any space, As long as there is enough energy to support it, any space can be torn apart.

Huang Yu felt it for a while. This Fengyin Killing God Knife could directly tear apart the bloody battlefield and go into the real world. There is no way to move it out. I didn't expect that the Fengyin Killing God Knife is so powerful that it can do this.

However, although Fengyin Killing God Knife now has such a powerful space attribute, his own strength is too weak to really tear through the powerful space barrier. When he is at his peak, he can only use one knife.

After Huang Yu put away the Fengyin Killing God Knife, he waved his hand and summoned Yue Qingcheng.

"Miss Qingcheng."

"You bastard." Seeing Huang Yu, Yue Qingcheng couldn't help cursing, "You didn't call me out when you were in danger. Your current strength has dropped so much. What's going on?"

The decline of Huang Yu's strength will naturally have an impact on the Zhenwu Great World. The richness of the aura in the Zhenwu Great World has a great relationship with Huang Yu's own strength. Huang Yu's strength is strong, so in the Zhenwu Great World The aura and the power of the law in his body became more and more intense and powerful. On the contrary, if Huang Yu's strength fell and was injured, then the real martial arts world would suffer losses, and the aura's richness would decrease.

Therefore, Yue Qingcheng can feel it.

"Sister Qingcheng, this is just a small matter." Huang Yu said softly when he heard the words, "I used a secret method, which caused my cultivation base to temporarily drop, but don't worry, it will be completely restored after three months, there is no big deal. The problem is, it's just that I have to wait here for the past three months."

The genius conference is not far away, but Huang Yu is not worried.

Although I haven't got my badge yet, it's not very difficult. However, what Huang Yu is worried about right now is the mission, the mission to capture Yaoyue City. This is the key. Now that my strength has not recovered, I need three Yue, but he only has three months to accept the mission, so to master the entire Yaoyue City, he must kill Zu Qinglong. He can't do it now, so he can only rely on Yue Qingcheng.

"Sister Qingcheng, now I'm in trouble. I have to kill a strong ruler within three months, that is the city lord of Yaoyue City, Zu Qinglong." Huang Yu said, "This time, I have to trouble Qingcheng. Sister, you have made a move, and in my current situation, I can't do it at all, even Jie Zun can't kill it."

"Dominate the strong man?" Yue Qingcheng's face changed, and said, "Huang Yu, are you kidding me? Dominate the strong man, although my strength has improved a lot now, it is only in the late stage of Jiezun. Even Jiezun You haven't even reached the peak, how can you compete with the master? Let alone kill the master."

Huang Yudao: "Of course I know this. A strong ruler is extremely powerful. In general, it is naturally not easy to kill. Although Zu Qinglong has not reached the realm of real dominance in reality, in this bloody battlefield, it is a real deal. Master the strong man, but there is no way to kill him, if there is no way, I will not let you take risks, sister Qingcheng, I don't want to see you have something to do with sister Qingcheng, or get hurt in the slightest."

Yue Qingcheng was moved when she heard the words, she had feelings for Huang Yu for a long time, but the window paper between the two of them was not pierced.

"What can you do?" Yue Qingcheng said, "He is a strong ruler, how could it be impossible for me to break through the realm of domination within three months?"

"Although it is impossible for you, Sister Qingcheng, to break through in a short time, I have obtained one thing. This thing will be of great help to you, Sister Qingcheng. It can greatly increase your cultivation, Sister Qingcheng, although it may not be within three months It is absolutely no problem to break through the master, but to reach the half-step master.”

"Impossible, even if it is a high-level pill, it is impossible." Yue Qingcheng shook his head and said, "The strength has reached this level, mainly because of the comprehension of the power of the law. The deeper the comprehension, the easier it is to break through. Now that I am in the late stage of Jiezun, to reach the realm of half-step dominance, I need to comprehend the power of the original law to completely control it, but now I am only in preliminary control, and it is still too far away from complete control."

"Sister Qingcheng, what do you think this is?" Huang Yu took out one thing, which was the Juggernaut Pearl.

"This... this... such a huge power of law." Yue Qingcheng stared at the bead handed over by Huang Yu, and her eyes widened. She clearly felt that this bead contained the strongest power. The great original law, if you can comprehend the original law in this bead, then you can really break through to half-step master within three months.

"The Pearl of the Ruler, in this Pearl of the Ruler, contains the lifelong understanding of the power of the original law by the strong ruler. However, the power of the law of this Pearl of the Ruler is somewhat different. It may have a demonic nature, which is easy to attract Demon, so Sister Qingcheng, when you use it, you must take the Meditation Exorcism Pill first." Huang Yu took out another porcelain bottle, which was full of pills, the Meditation Exorcism Pill, this Meditation Exorcism Pill It was exchanged by Huang Yu, and it cost 500 million yuan crystals, which made Huang Yu very heartbroken, but there was nothing he could do about it. This Orb of Dominion was magical, and one who was not careful might go mad. That would be bad, once the inner demons invaded and became obsessed, the loss would be huge. Not only would the original law of the Juggernaut Orb dissipate, but even the cultivators would be in danger of being completely demonized.

This Meditation Exorcism Pill must be assisted. This Meditation Exorcism Pill is very precious. If it is released for auction, the price will be ridiculously high. Everyone wants it. With this Meditation Exorcism Pill, you can stabilize your mood and drive out demons , In this way, you can safely use the pill to improve your strength without any sequelae, which means that as long as you have enough resources, you can improve without limit, and you can already master it in batches.

"This... this is too precious, you... you can use it yourself, you should be able to restore your cultivation quickly, right?" Yue Qingcheng shook her head and refused, how precious is this master pearl, a half-step master has this master pearl and meditation With the help of the exorcism pill, it can be promoted to the realm of dominance, which is the realm of dominance.

Huang Yu smiled wryly: "It's useless, my current body can't bear it at all, this Juggernaut Pearl doesn't actually have any effect on me, and I don't have that much time now, it has to be done within three months. Kill that Zu Qinglong and take control of the entire Yaoyue City, otherwise there will be big troubles and your life may be lost, so I can only rely on you, Sister Qingcheng."

"Even if I reach the half-step master, I still can't kill the master?" Yue Qingcheng said.

"It doesn't matter, I still have two things to assist, that is, the real spirit talisman that lives in you and this time-pause talisman seal. With the help of these two things, plus Sister Qingcheng, you can break through the half-step dominance, and you will be safe."

(End of this chapter)

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