Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 517 Before the Great War

Chapter 517 Before the Great War
"Sister Qingcheng, congratulations on your breakthrough." Huang Yu was very happy. In one month, Yue Qingcheng has completely refined the Juggernaut Pearl, and her cultivation base has broken through to the realm of half-step domination, and she is already infinitely close to the domination. If talismans were banned in the past, Yue Qingcheng could kill Zu Qinglong even if he didn't use the ruler's true spirit talisman.

In fact, Huang Yu himself was very depressed. He originally planned to kill Zu Qinglong after he recovered, but in that case, there would be insufficient time. If he exceeded the time limit for completing the task, he would be punished. There was no way. , can only rely on Yue Qingcheng.

"Thank you very much." Yue Qingcheng said, "Now, my strength is only one step away from breaking through the real master, and I am infinitely close to the master of the master. Under the master, no one can beat me, you say Even if Zu Qinglong can't beat him, he can't do anything to me."

"Okay, I don't have much time, let's do it without delay." Huang Yu thought for a while and said, time is running out now, even if Zu Qinglong is killed, it will take some time to integrate Yaoyue City, Therefore, we must hurry up, and if we miss the time, it will be too late to cry at that time.

"Well, listen to you, but if you really fight against the ruler, I'm afraid I don't have the energy to protect you. In your current situation, it's hard to protect yourself. I'm worried..."

Huang Yu interrupted Yue Qingcheng's words, and said, "Sister Qingcheng, there is nothing to worry about. Although my strength is greatly damaged now, self-protection is not a problem." Huang Yu waved the Wanshou space bracelet in his hand, Said, "This is my hole card. There are countless magic-winged birds, hundreds of millions of them. Although the strength of these magic-winged birds is only at the realm of kings, they are very large in number, and I can control them to form a formation. Come on, the power is very terrifying, unless it is the master of the strong, it is impossible to resist it."

"Then I'm relieved." Yue Qingcheng was extremely shocked. The magic winged bird, with hundreds of millions of magic winged birds, would be so terrifying. Even the dominant and powerful ones couldn't take it lightly.

Huang Yu opened the stone chamber.

"Come out, the patriarch has come out." The guard guarding outside the training room shouted immediately.

When the guards saw the existence of Yue Qingcheng, they were a little surprised.

"Master Patriarch, she a human cultivator?"

"She is mine, remember, she will be the biggest besides me in the future, you know?" Huang Yu's eyes flashed sharply, and he looked at the guard and said.

"Yes, yes." A guard, even though he was in the late stage of Jiezun, saw Huang Yu being so serious, he didn't dare to refute. He is the patriarch, and his words are sacred orders, so he cannot refute, even if he refute, his status is not enough, Unless it is an elder, but do elders dare?
The news spread quickly, and Huang Yu and Yue Qingcheng came to the main hall of the Yao family, and the old man Yao and all the elders all appeared.

"Dao'er, who is she?" Seeing Yue Qingcheng, the faces of the old man Yao and the elders changed. This woman, this human cultivator, put him under tremendous pressure. I am afraid that everyone present may not be able to counter this woman if they join forces. They were shocked and very nervous.

Is the patriarch controlled by this woman?Everyone's faces were gloomy and uncertain, with all kinds of thoughts in their hearts, as if they were facing a big enemy, they looked at Huang Yu and Yue Qingcheng.

If the patriarch is controlled by this woman, it will be a big trouble, and this woman, who is so bold and reckless, broke into Yaoyue City, isn't she afraid of death?
"You don't need to be nervous, she is my woman, she won't do us any harm." Huang Yu hugged Yue Qingcheng, kissed her on the cheek, and said to everyone.

Yue Qingcheng was attacked by surprise, her face was blushing, and her heart was pounding.

He secretly said in his heart: "Huang Yu, he, he kissed himself, could it be...does he really have affection for himself? he acting? "

Yue Qingcheng's mind suddenly became chaotic, with various thoughts in her heart.

After seeing this scene and hearing Huang Yu's words, Mr. Yao and all the elders were still skeptical, because they had already discovered that Huang Yu's cultivation base had been greatly reduced. This was not a good sign. Falling into the Great Luo Realm, the gap is too big.

"Demon Sword, your cultivation..."

"It's okay, some accidents happened in cultivation, right now, I want to tell you one thing." Huang Yu looked at the elders and said.

"Patriarch, what's the matter, just tell me." An elder whose cultivation base was at the peak of Jiezun looked at Huang Yu and said.

This elder is called Yao Tuan, with a gray beard, but his eyes are full of energy. His strength and status are second only to the old man Yao, and his status in the Yao clan is very high. His words are extremely influential.

"I will only be able to master Yaoyue City in a month." Huang Yu's words were like a thunderbolt, causing the whole scene to explode.

The elders present were stunned. Looking at Huang Yu, they seemed to wonder if they were joking.

"Master Patriarch, are you... are you... are you joking?" an elder said.

"Just kidding, no, no, I'm not joking. It's true. I've made a decision. You and the Xing clan will deal with the others. As for the city lord, Zu Qinglong, I'll deal with it." Huang Yu said, "As long as Zu Qinglong is killed, it shouldn't be difficult for you to subdue the other four major families, right?"

Huang Yu knew that the lineage of the Yao clan was still very strong. As early as when Yaoyue City was established, there was a powerful special force. This special force had been hidden all the time. Although Huang Yu became the Yao clan The patriarch of the same line, but that power has not been handed over to Huang Yu, and is still under the control of Mr. Yao. Huang Yu himself only got a little information. Huang Yu is not rare for this power, after all My purpose is to control Yaoyue City and become the master of Yaoyue City, and once the task is completed, I will immediately, this Yaoyue City, Yaoshi's line, has nothing to do with me, I am always just a Just passing by.

" deal with the city lord?"

"Yao Dao, you... do you know the terrifying strength of Zu Qinglong? Although you have the True Ruler Talisman, if Zu Qinglong is determined to run away, your True Ruler Talisman will not be able to kill him. Once the time of the True Ruler Talisman passes , he can kill you, and when the time comes, my Yao clan will be exterminated, do you know?" The old man Yao looked at Huang Yu and said, "Are you being controlled by this woman and bewitched by this woman?"

At this time, the demon old man released a huge aura, looking at Huang Yu, his eyes became very sharp, like a sharp knife out of its sheath, invincible.

Huang Yu smiled wryly when he heard the words, this is indeed true, if it were him, he would doubt it.

Sighing, he said: "Old man, don't worry, it's not what you think, I have a way to deal with Zu Qinglong, even if you don't agree, I will deal with Zu Qinglong, moreover, you can't stop it at all I."

"You... are you a demon sword?" Old man Yao looked at Huang Yu, "If it wasn't for your blood and soul, I really doubt that you were taken away."

Huang Yu's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, he really guessed right about this old guy, he is not a demon sword at all.

"Don't the old man believe it?" Huang Yu looked at the old man Yao and said, "Since you doubt me, why do you want me to be the patriarch of the Yao clan?"

"Of course I believe in you. You are my grandson. There is no doubt about it. Even if I don't believe in myself, I still trust my ancestor." The demon old man said, "However, I suspect now that you were given by this woman." Take control."

The demon old man stretched out one hand, pointing at Yue Qingcheng.

Huang Yu said: "That's not the case, you don't have to worry, and her strength is not something you can deal with, even if you add up or even use that strength, it is impossible to beat her."

"She is a human being, a human cultivator." The old man Yao said.

"So what." Huang Yu squinted his eyes and said, "Under the Great Dao, humans and monster races are actually the same, there is no difference."

"But I want to take her down, make sure that she is not a threat to my Yao clan, and make sure you are not controlled by her." Old Master Yao said.

"Old man, do you have to do that?" Huang Yu looked at him coldly, and Yue Qingcheng's eyes were also cold, full of murderous intent. For these monsters, no, these are actually fierce beasts, and Yue Qingcheng has no good impression of.

"Yes, for the sake of my Yao clan, I have to do this." The old man Yao nodded, looked at Huang Yudao, "Yao Dao, you have a bright future, you are the one who can open the ancestral line, the inheritance of my Yao clan's ancestors, and can really break through to dominate the world." You are the future of my Yao clan, the hope of my Yao clan, and I absolutely cannot watch you have an accident, even if all the other people in my Yao clan die, you cannot have an accident."

The words of the demon old man are righteous.

Huang Yu was extremely depressed.

"You are a real old man." Huang Yu looked at him and said, "I am the patriarch, do you really not listen to me?"

Huang Yu glanced at the others, and in his tone, he had already used the subtle magic in the Grandmist Good Fortune Art.

"Patriarch, for the future of my Yao clan, we must figure it out." Everyone said in unison.

"I'm really pissed off." Huang Yu roared angrily, and said, "Sister Qingcheng, clean them up for me, arrest them all, whoever dares to refuse, just kill them."


Yue Qingcheng moved, the speed was astonishing, the huge power of the law was released, and the pressure of the ruler, this is definitely the pressure of the ruler, it is extremely shocking.

"Master, is this the coercion of the Master?"

A huge phantom rose behind Yue Qingcheng. This phantom turned into a huge bright moon. On the bright moon, there was a proud gray giant wolf. That giant wolf had terrifying strength. dominate.

"That's... is that the Killing Demon Wolf?" The old man Yao shouted loudly, "The Supreme Demon Sealed in the Killing Mace, the Killing Demon Wolf."

Huang Yudao: "The killing mace has been refined and devoured by me, and its master pearl has also been refined. Sister Qingcheng's strength is already half a step to the peak of master, only a hair away, infinitely close to master, even Zu Qinglong You can't kill them, you have no power to resist."

(End of this chapter)

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