Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 523 Seven Dao Rhyme Stones

Chapter 523 Seven Dao Rhyme Stones


Hu Tianxiao and the others looked at Huang Yu and were very angry. They knew that Huang Yu had that strength. In Yaoyue Great World, there is no one who can dominate the world. Originally, Zu Qinglong was the most hopeful to break through the realm of dominance, but they didn't want to be seen by others. The two were killed and never had a chance again.

The two geniuses of Yaoyue Great World, one is Zu Qinglong and the other is Yaotian. The two have the best aptitude and are the most hopeful to attack the master. But now, both of them have been killed, who can resist?

"Let's go." Elder Yao agreed first, and walked in front with a few people from the Yao family.

Hu Tianxiao, Niu Dahou and the others saw that they had no choice but to walk towards the beast's lair together.

Huang Yu shook his head secretly, these guys are really cheap, they won't go without threats, they are dishonest.

They walked in front, Huang Yu and Yue Qingcheng walked behind.

Yue Qingcheng whispered: "Huang Yu, if you force them like this, will it be counterproductive? If they want to die with us in the beast's lair, it will be a lot of trouble."

The strength of these people is very strong, Jiezun peak, half-step dominance, worst is the late Jiezun, and in this beast lair, fortune and disaster are unpredictable and extremely dangerous. If they really plan to die together, it will be It's difficult, Yue Qingcheng can leave, but Huang Yu is different.

"I'm prepared, so don't worry." Huang Yu said, "If they really want to do that, we can still use time to pause the talisman, and there is also the real master talisman. It is not difficult to escape."

In fact, the invisibility talisman can also have a great effect. Huang Yu is not worried about these guys at all. If he really dares to do something, then they will be the ones who will die.

"Sister Qingcheng, you have forgotten that when I encountered so many dangers, I was able to avoid them. My Eye of Heaven's Punishment is not that bad. Once there is any abnormality, I can see it."

"Then be careful."

When a group of people entered the beast's lair, Huang Yu's face changed, and the faces of the demon old man and others also turned ugly.

"The law of space here is completely imprisoned and cannot be teleported."

"Everyone be careful, there is a powerful law of space here, which completely restricts the law of space."

The shackles of the laws of space are too terrifying. Huang Yu was so shocked that he couldn't even move his universe, which shows how powerful the shackles of the laws of space are.

"Sister Qingcheng, can you use the law of space?"

Yue Qingcheng is the strongest, Huang Yu asked.

"No, I can't either." Yue Qingcheng shook her head.

"Sure enough, it's not that simple. Could it be that this is a mysterious ruin?" Huang Yu said softly.

If the law of space is imprisoned, there is no way to escape in an instant. It is indeed a place that has been turned into a forbidden place by the people of Yaoyue City, which is very strange.

"Go ahead, keep going." Huang Yu shouted, "Don't stop."


Although the strong monster clans in Yaoyue City were very unwilling, they had no choice.

"Niu Roar, Yao Zhimo, these two people are a great disaster to our Yaozu, why don't we lead them to a place of death?" Hu Tianxiao said via voice transmission.

"No, you can't take risks." Yao Zhi Mo Yao objected immediately.

"Yaozhimo, do you know that that person is no longer your grandson Yaodao, but a human being, the sworn enemy of my Yaozu." Hu Tianxiao said.

"Of course I know that." The demon old man said, "However, his strength is beyond your imagination. He also has a ruler's true talisman in his hand. If two masters fight, do you think we can resist it?"


"Okay, don't talk about it, he is going to leave anyway." The old man Yao said, "So, you'd better not make up your mind, in case, really angered him, then we Yaoyue City, Yaoyue The mainland will really be destroyed. It doesn't matter if we die here, but the inheritance cannot be broken, and the clan blood cannot be broken. This is enough. Moreover, I believe that he is a person who keeps his promises. There is no problem, even if we die here, he should still fulfill his promise to refine Jiezun Pill for our seven families in Yaoyue City."

"I hope what you said is right." Niu Dahou sighed.

Of course, Huang Yu found out about their voice transmission, but he had no way of knowing what they were talking about. However, Huang Yu didn't take it to heart. Although their strength was good, it was still not enough to deal with him.

"what is that?"

Suddenly, Niu Loud stopped and looked at a large pit in the distance. The light in that pit shone like an ancient lighthouse.

"Be careful, I feel the crisis."

"Wait." At this time, Huang Yu's Eye of Punishment checked the shining lighthouse, and it turned out to be a fierce beast, a powerful beast.

This is just the first intersection.

The strength of this ferocious beast is terrifying, half-step master, but it is much fiercer than ordinary half-step masters, although not as good as Zu Qinglong, but not much worse.

This ferocious beast is sleeping, but it blocks the way. If you want to pass through here, you must kill this ferocious beast.

"Red-mansed beast, this is the red-mansed beast." The demon old man said, "Incomparably powerful, the eyes of the red-mansed beast can release terrifying rays of light, which can hinder our blood flow, very dangerous, once irradiated by its rays, If you don't die, you will be seriously injured."

Is it a red beast?

This is the first time Huang Yu has heard of this name. This kind of beast is actually attacked by light.

"Is there any weakness?" Huang Yu asked.

Although the Fengyin Killing Sword has been improved now, Huang Yu is not sure about killing it with one blow. If he doesn't use the Destroyer Style, after all, this is a half-step dominating beast.

"Yes, its weak point is also its eyes, as long as you attack its eyes, you can kill it."


"Then leave it to me." said a monster clan elder. In his hand was a longbow with mysterious runes on it. This monster clan elder was from the Qinglong lineage, called the ancestor demon bow, and his archery skills were unparalleled.

"Okay." Huang Yu nodded, "Let's attack together, and you, as the main force, will target the eyes of the red mang beast."

"Yes, Lord City Lord."

"Everyone is ready, I'm going to use a puppet to divert its attention." Huang Yu waved his hand, and a powerful puppet appeared in front of his eyes. This puppet was only refined by Huang Yu in the early days of Jie Zun, and its strength was counted. It doesn't look very good, but it's the most suitable for cannon fodder.

The puppet flew out and rushed towards the red-glowed beast without making a sound.


Under the attack of the puppet beast, the red mang beast woke up immediately, roared, and slapped the puppet with its big paw, smashing the puppet into pieces.

"Do it." Huang Yu shouted.

Everyone made their move together and unleashed a powerful attack method. The target was the eyes of the red-maned beast.

The red-maned beast's eyes are very small, and its defense is amazing. Its reaction is very sensitive, and ordinary people can't attack it at all.

However, the arrows of the Ancestral Demon Bow are very powerful, and the archery skills are astonishing. The two arrows were shot out in the blink of an eye, piercing the space.


Two voices came out.

The speed was astonishing, two arrows, like two bolts of lightning, appeared in the eyes of the red mang beast in the blink of an eye.


The red-maned beast was shot in the eyes immediately, angry, angry, angry, the red-maned beast roared wildly, its huge body, constantly moving and hitting.

In an instant, the rocks shattered, the ground shook, and the entire world was shaken.

"it's time."

Huang Yu also made a move, a cold light flashed in his eyes, Feng Yin's God Killing Knife was deployed, and with a slash of the knife, terrifying power erupted, this knife was to kill the red-glowed beast.

"Seven kills of the wind knife, seven kills in one."

The sword slashed on the red-mans beast's body, the armor of the red-mansed beast was smashed, and the blood splashed like a torrent, dyeing the whole ground red, and the shrill cry spread far away.


With a loud noise, the huge body of the red-mansed beast fell to the ground, splashing waves of dust.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing the Red-Mansled Beast, gaining 1000 million Yuanli and [-] Yuanyuan Crystals."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for obtaining the inner alchemy of the red mans beast."

With the inner alchemy in hand, there is also a lot of Yuanli, but it's a pity that nothing else was revealed, which made Huang Yu quite disappointed.

"The body of the red-mounted beast is a good material, and its flesh and blood contains a huge amount of spiritual energy. You can collect it yourself, I don't want it." Huang Yu said.

"Thank you, Lord City Lord."

Everyone was overjoyed, the red-mansed beast is not an ordinary beast, but a kind of ancient beast, very rare, although the eyes of the red-mansed beast were shot, but the horns of the red-mansed beast, the mysterious runes on it, Its head, its skeleton, and its body are all very precious.

As for the inner alchemy, they didn't take it seriously. A half-step master of the fierce beast inner alchemy contained huge energy, but it was difficult to use. The inner alchemy of the fierce beast contained a terrifying aura. Hostility is difficult to get rid of and cannot be used. If it is used forcibly, it is likely to go mad.

"This is what you should get." Huang Yu said with a smile.

It is necessary to give them some fields to make them work harder.

In front, there will be seven passages, Huang Yu has long seen it with the eyes of heaven's punishment, and there are seven stones at the end of the passage, these seven stones reveal a mysterious atmosphere.

However, every channel is guarded by powerful beasts. Huang Yu knows that those seven stones are definitely not simple things, and Huang Yu's purpose was to kill countless beasts, but now the goal is to kill countless beasts. Changed, it is these seven stones.

Because Lulu has already told Huang Yu that these seven stones are all Daoyun stones, seven different Daoyun stones.

What Huang Yu got before, that piece of Daoyun stone, probably also drifted out from here. Daoyun stone, that is definitely a good thing.

Of course, there is still some distance to the entrance of the seven passages ahead. There is a wave of fierce beasts ahead. These beasts are all half-step masters, and they are not easy to provoke. It is not easy to get rid of them.

(End of this chapter)

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