Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 528 The Terrifying Power of Rules

Chapter 528 The Terrifying Power of Rules
On this day, Huang Yu went on a killing spree in the lair of ferocious beasts. Yue Qingcheng's strength had reached its peak, and he was only one step away from being the real master. Although the ferocious beasts were powerful, they were completely vulnerable in front of Yue Qingcheng, so they were all maimed by Yue Qingcheng, and Huang Yu just killed them.

In just half a day, Huang Yu killed more than forty half-step master-level beasts, and gained Yuanli, Jieyuanjing and Neidan, which is a huge amount.

This speed is fast.Huang Yu raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Master, you are doing this too fast. Although you can obtain a large amount of Jieyuan crystals, a large amount of Yuanli and inner alchemy in a short period of time, you may provoke the master of the beast because of this." Lulu But reminded.

"Here, even if it comes, it's just a clone, and the clone can be killed." Huang Yu hasn't put a clone in his eyes yet, but if the deity also comes, it will be troublesome. There are two times of destruction Chance, you can kill it twice, but the master of the fierce beast is probably more than just a clone of the law.

It has been countless years to break through the master, how could it be possible to only have two clones of the law?Huang Yu didn't quite believe it either.

"If I can break through Jie Zun, then there will be no problem. Even if I can't kill the opponent, there should be no problem in escaping." Huang Yu thought for a while and said.

The time-pause talisman, in fact, has different effects depending on the strength of the user. The stronger the strength, the more amazing the effect it will display.

"It doesn't matter, I have been killing like crazy these two days. I need a lot of Jieyuan crystals and a lot of inner alchemy. In addition, there is another problem. To break through, I need a lot of energy. Killing a half-step master Fierce beasts can allow me to obtain tens of millions of Yuanli. If I want to break through to the realm of Jie Zun now, I need to kill at least [-] ferocious beasts, which is far from enough now." It is absolutely impossible to break through in a short time, If he could kill the clone of the master of fierce beasts, it should be much faster. Killing the two clones of the ruler of fierce beasts would allow him to gain half of his energy.

Right now, after killing so many ferocious beasts, the origin force value he obtained is less than ten percent, which shows how terrifying the origin force value needed to become a world king from a great realm king.

This is what Huang Yu found out after spending Jieyuan Crystal on purpose to check.

"If the master can snatch that piece of seven-color Daoyun stone, the master's strength should be able to directly break through Jie Zun." Lulu said.

"Breakthrough directly?" Huang Yu's eyes lit up.

"However, it's not easy to take it. That Daoyun stone is in the deepest part of the beast's lair. There are countless beasts inside, and there are more than ten half-step master beasts familiar with time at the half-step master level. But the master's time-suspending talisman is not very useful for cultivating the fierce beast of the law of time." Lulu said, "The invisibility talisman is also suppressed here, it is the power of the Dao Yun stone."

What would happen if the space in this beast's lair was detonated?Huang Yu thought for a while and said.

"Detonation?" Lulu shook her head, "Impossible, it's impossible to do it, even if it is a real ruler, it is impossible to detonate this side of space, because the existence of that piece of Dao Yun Stone absolutely suppressed this side Space, in fact, this space is the strongest existence in the entire Azure universe, even if the entire Azure universe is destroyed, this small space will remain intact."

"Isn't it?" Huang Yu's eyes widened when he heard it. This seven-color Dao rhyme stone is so powerful?
"It's true, master, this piece of seven-color Daoyun stone is owned by the true master and creator of the Azure universe. In fact, it is also one of the foundations of the entire Azure universe." Lulu said.

"One of the foundations of this universe, then, if I can refine this seven-color Dao rhyme stone, wouldn't it be possible to control the entire Azure universe?" Huang Yu was overjoyed when he heard this. Yunshi, is it equivalent to obtaining a huge, uh, universe?

Although his own Zhenwu Great World is good, compared with the entire Azure Universe, it is just a tiny speck of dust, too inconspicuous.

"Of course it's not that simple." Upon hearing this, Lulu said coldly, "Master, you're thinking too simply. Although this piece of Daoyun Stone is one of the foundations of the Tianqing universe, in fact, today's Tianqing The blue universe has developed, and it can completely break away from the existence of this colorful Daoyun stone. The law power in the colorful Daoyun stone has been integrated into the Dao law of the Azure universe, making the laws of the entire Azure universe perfect , the seven original laws in this colorful dao rhyme stone are just the root of the law of the azure universe, just like the parents of the law of the azure universe. If the parents die, there will be no loss to the children. On the contrary, it will lead to the suppression of the Dao Law in the Azure Universe. If you can resist and integrate into it, then although the master may not be able to become one of the successors of the Azure Universe, you can also feel like a fish in water in the Azure Universe. "

"That's it." Huang Yu was a little disappointed, but soon recovered, "Then, Lulu, is the master of today's Qing Universe still alive?"

"Of course it's still there." Lulu said, "The owner of the Azure Universe is very terrifying. Now he has penetrated into the chaos and built a city in the chaos, called the Azure Chaos City."

"Lu Lu, how do you know these things?" Huang Yu looked at Lu Lu in surprise, didn't Lu Lu know a lot?How come so many things popped up all at once, even the owner of Azure Universe knows.

"These are all the information the master got from the Dao Yun Stones after he obtained the seven Dao Yun Stones." Lulu said, "I don't know what happened."

"It seems that these dao rhyme stones were left on purpose, just for the master to let me and the master know." Lulu said.

"Is it that person?" Huang Yu narrowed his eyes, recalling Yang Lei's memory. Yang Lei and himself are both under the control of that person, and the world is under his control.

"I'm afraid it's not entirely like this. There are some special situations in the whole system. There are some problems with that person's grasp of the entire universe. That person is no longer able to fully grasp this world. I feel that this world , this side of the primordial universe seems to have infiltrated the power of other rules." Lulu said a little confused.

"Other rules of power?"

"Yes, the power of these rules is very special, but it is very powerful and terrifying. That trace of power of rules is even more terrifying than the power of the original law of the Azure Universe. If the power of the law of the Azure Universe Taking one unit as a comparison, then one hundred units of the power of the original law of the Azure Universe is only equivalent to that trace of the power of rules, that is, the ratio is one hundred to one." Lulu's face was very serious.

One hundred to one, this... This is too terrifying, it is just a trace of the power of rules, and it is only the power of rules. There is a huge difference between rules and laws.

For the power of rules to rise to the power of laws, there must be a huge change, which is no longer a quantitative change, but a qualitative change.

In the Azure Universe, the power of rules can be mastered as long as the cultivation base reaches the Immortal Martial Realm, but the power of laws must reach the level of Jiezun before it can be truly mastered. How huge is the gap?

"So, the power of these rules is penetrated by a very powerful and high-level plane?" Huang Yu said.

"It should be so. I don't know the specific situation. Perhaps, maybe the master of the Azure Universe will know something." Lulu said, "These circumstances, the current five masters of the Azure Universe, should also have some information. However, if the master wants to communicate with them, he must have strong strength, without strength, he is not even qualified to talk."

"Of course." Huang Yu nodded, "I am fully aware of this."

No matter what, only in the case of equal strength can there be fairness.

There is no fairness in the world at all, only strength is fair.

"It's good to know, but the strength of the master, to be able to be on an equal footing with the five masters, at least break through the world, and even the world is not enough, the master can use the destruction method to kill the master, but they all have countless law clones, at least There are also three clones of the law, the master's destruction is one style, it is impossible to kill two people, or even more, therefore, only the master's strength can protect himself, can he be qualified to be equal to them." Lulu said, "So, The master should practice quickly, the master can take the initiative to accept the task, there are special upgrade tasks, as long as the master completes the upgrade task, then the upgrade of the level will be much easier."

"Upgrade missions?" Huang Yu was ecstatically surprised, and said, "Are there any upgrade missions? Isn't the upgrade mission randomly released by the system? Can you take the initiative to accept it?"

"Of course I can't take the initiative to accept it. Even though I'm a system elf, I can't help it. Only the master can activate it." Lulu smiled wryly. The system has set rules, and there is no way to change these rules unless, unless the strength is superhuman. If the law of this primordial universe is understood, it is impossible to change it.

Lulu is very clear about this point, because this grandmist universe was created by that person. This is a virtual primordial universe, but it has begun to evolve now, and it may even evolve into a real grandmist world.

"How to motivate?" Huang Yu said, "I don't know how to motivate these tasks at all." Huang Yu frowned, if he could find the rules, maybe he could really do it.

This primordial universe should have been created by that person according to certain rules, and there are still traces to follow.

(End of this chapter)

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