Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 530 Destruction 1 Style, Killing the Dominant Clone

Chapter 530 Destroy one style, kill the dominator's clone
"If you take me as your teacher, I don't need to care about what you do." The Huo Ling Law clone of the fierce beast master looked at Huang Yu and Yue Qingcheng and said.

"I worship you as a teacher, are you qualified?" Huang Yu sneered, "You are just a clone now, do you think we can't kill you?"

"I am a strong master, one of the five masters in the Azure universe. If you say I am not qualified, who is qualified?" The beast master looked at Huang Yu and laughed wildly, "Both of you have the potential to become masters. Moreover, girls have even greater potential, and it is only a matter of time before they become masters. If you are not willing, then I will strangle you in the cradle. You are human beings. balance."

"Strangle us in the cradle, master of fierce beasts, you think too much of yourself." Huang Yu raised a mocking smile, "If your deity is here, I might be afraid, but right now, you There is only one clone, and killing you is like killing a dog."

"Damn you little bastard, you're courting death." The ruler of the fierce beast was furious. This little bastard insulted him like this. He is a strong ruler, one of the five masters in the Azure universe, and his status is so high. How could anyone dare to be so ruthless to himself? present?That is the face of the master, and his dignity has been insulted. If it gets out, the face of himself, the master of the beast, in the Azure universe will be lost.

The majestic aura of the master of fierce beasts erupted, and terrifying flames turned into terrifying dragons, sweeping towards Huang Yu and Yue Qingcheng.

"Huang Yu, get out of the way and protect yourself, I'll deal with him." Yue Qingcheng said.

"No need." Huang Yu shook his head, "I want to kill him, one move is enough."

As he said that, Huang Yu's long sword was unsheathed, and the terrifying power of Fengyin's God Killing Sword surged out, crushing everything and destroying everything, and the whole world was rushed away by this terrifying power.

The master of fierce beasts looked at the long knife in Huang Yu's hand, his eyes were red, and his greed was not concealed at all.

"A good sword, such a treasured sword, terrifying murderous aura, so domineering, it actually made me feel threatened, if I get it, then I can become the strongest person in the Tianqing universe, and that guy Tianqing is not me opponent." The beast master stared at the treasured sword in Huang Yu's hand, laughing wildly, "My luck is really good, I didn't expect you to have such a treasure in your hand. It's a waste, give it to me."

A sharp light shot out from the eyes of the master of the beast.

A giant dragon transformed into a terrifying flame roared and appeared around Huang Yu and Yue Qingcheng.

"It's just a mere flame, turn it into me." The Fengyin Killing God Saber in Huang Yu's hand erupted into a vortex, absorbing all the terrifying fire dragons and turning them into the purest energy.

"It's really amazing, it's amazing, it's so easy to dispel my Myriad Beasts Divine Fire, the more powerful this knife is, the better it will help me, kid, hand over the knife honestly, and I'll spare you. "The voice of the master of the fierce beast seemed to come from all directions, seeping into the soul, like a thunderclap.

Huang Yu ignored it, his eyes were focused to the extreme.

"Master of the fierce beast, you go to die for me, destroy one move, kill."

The sword glow locked onto the master of the beast, Huang Yu waved his sword, and that sword glow split the entire space, the entire bloody battlefield shook, the space oscillated, and a terrifying crack was torn open, and the surging power of space burst out , swept across the entire lair of ferocious beasts, and countless ferocious beasts were crushed by this terrifying space power.

That unparalleled sword light disappeared in a flash, and the body of the beast master was split in half, and the power of law on his body was also swallowed by Feng Yin's God Killing Saber.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing the clone of the Law of Fire Spirit dominated by the fierce beast, gaining 5000 million Yuan Qi and [-] million Jieyuan Crystals."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for obtaining the Fire Spirit Master Orb."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for obtaining the Bone of the Ten Thousand Beasts."

The prompt from the system made Huang Yu clear that the Huo Ling avatar dominated by the beast was beheaded by himself, and Huang Yu knew whether he could stay here for a long time.

If the avatar is beheaded, then the deity will know in an instant, and if he waits any longer, he will be courting death. Can he escape when the deity of that guy is driven out?

Huang Yu was not sure.

"Sister Qingcheng, we have to get out of here quickly, otherwise that guy's true self will come to the door, and we will be in big trouble." Huang Yu pulled Yue Qingcheng up, opened the golden dragon chariot, and used the method of teleportation.

Originally, Huang Yu planned to leave the bloody battlefield directly, but he still wanted to tell the people in Yaoyue City to see if they were willing to leave with him, or if they were willing to let him integrate into the entire Yaoyue City, If they are willing, they can move the entire Yaoyue City into their own Zhenwu Great World. In that way, the Zhenwu Great World will be upgraded to a higher level. Such an opportunity, of course, does not have any disadvantages for Huang Yu.

After a few breaths, Huang Yu appeared in Yaoyue City.

A thought moved in Huang Yu's mind. Now that Huang Yu is the city lord of the entire Yaoyue City, he can naturally mobilize the special power in Yaoyue City.

One thought can cover the entire Yaoyue City, and Huang Yu's thought conveyed what he wanted to say to the heads of the seven major families.

"All the principals of the seven major families have come to the City Lord's Mansion. I have something important to say."

"The city lord is back."

"The city lord is really back."

"It seems to be that thing."

Hu Tianxiao and the others already knew Huang Yu's words and the crisis in Yaoyue City, so they planned to go to Huang Yu.

Unexpectedly, Huang Yu came back first now.

A group of people quickly came to the City Lord's Mansion.

Huang Yu was above the main hall, and when he saw that everyone had arrived, he waved his hand and sealed the entire space.

"You already know it, now I tell you, I killed the clone of the master of the beast, and now the master of the beast will definitely not let it go, maybe the deity will come over, I will give you another chance, do you want to do it? Are you willing to submit to me and cooperate with me to relocate and integrate the entire Yaoyue City into my world?" Huang Yu said, "There is not much time, and I will give you ten breaths at most. After ten breaths, you have not made a choice yet. , I will treat you as giving up, and then I will leave the bloody battlefield directly, and what you will have to face at that time is likely to be the monstrous wrath of the master of fierce beasts."

After speaking, Huang Yu closed his eyes, waiting for their answer.

Hu Tianxiao, Niu Dahou, Yaozhi Mo and others were shocked to the extreme when they heard Huang Yu's words.

He actually killed the clone of the master of the fierce beast, and killed the clone of a real master. Although it was only a clone, they all had extensive knowledge, and their ancestors had memories of the master. They knew that the real master , They have law avatars. Their law avatars are extremely powerful. Although they are not as powerful as the deity, they are definitely masters. The real master is not the original Zu Qinglong. Although Zu Qinglong is also the master, but that is just It's just a false master, compared with the five masters in the Azure universe, it's not at the same level, on the same level.

"It's too terrifying. This Huang Yu's strength is so terrifying. The real master has been beheaded. What kind of strength has he reached?"

"Is he real? I don't believe it. How could he kill the clone of the master of beasts? Although it is a clone, its strength is not something that a half-step master can deal with. He is countless times stronger than Zu Qinglong. Hundreds of Zu Qinglong will definitely not be the opponent of a clone of the master of beasts, I don't think what he said is true."

"How to choose?"

"What if he is telling the truth? Then, once he leaves, we will have to face the wrath of a real master. Do you think our Yaoyue City can stop it?"

"What should I do?"

"Whether it's true or not, we can't take risks. As long as there is a [-]% possibility of this matter, we can't take risks either."

"Master Yao, do you mean that we promise him to enter his world and move the entire Yaoyue City there?"

"No matter what, my Yao clan's lineage has decided. As for whether you agree or not, believe it or not, that's your business. I, Yao Zhimo, can never let my Yao's lineage be a bet. Even if he said If it’s not the truth, we can afford to lose it, but if it’s true, then my lineage of the Yao clan will be saved.” The old man Yao Zhimo was the first to make up his mind.

He said to Huang Yu: "Yao Dao, I have made a choice, I believe in you, I will gather all the people from the Yao clan."

"What about you?" Huang Yu nodded, looking at the other six races.

"My Niu family also agrees."

"I, from the Tiger family, also agree."

Looking at the three major families, the three most powerful families have already agreed, and the other four families couldn't help but nodded one after another.

"My Qinglong lineage agrees."



All of a sudden, they all chose to leave with Huang Yu, and chose to let Huang Yu move the entire Yaoyue City.

"Okay, very good, your choice is correct, I will relocate the entire Yaoyue City into my world, and in my world, I will draw an independent world, as the demon world, it is also yours. place to live."

After getting their reply, Huang Yu was extremely happy.

They all agree, that means that they have truly become the masters of Yaoyue Continent and Yaoyue City, and can truly control this Yaoyue City.

"Are you ready? I want to integrate the entire Yaoyue City and the entire Yaoyue Continent into my True Martial World." Huang Yu said loudly.

This time, to integrate the entire Yaoyue City and the entire Yaoyue Continent, the price to be spent is also huge.

Although Huang Yu now has a lot of Boundary Crystals, it is still not enough. Therefore, after consuming all the storage of Boundary Crystals this time, he still needs to borrow Boundary Crystals from the system.

Because integrating the entire Yaoyue City and the Yaoyue Continent into it would cost a full billion jieyuan crystals, and Huang Yu only had [-] million jieyuan crystals at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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