Chapter 54 Illusion?

Outside Lingyun Pagoda, countless people are paying attention to a person's name, that is "Huang Yu".

"The sixth floor, he will definitely not be able to pass."

"Two hours have passed, and he has not passed the sixth floor. It seems that he will finally stop here."

"Fart, I'm sure he will pass. It's only been two hours. When you passed the first level, it took you three full days."

"That's different."

"What's the difference? I believe he will definitely pass. Huang Yu will definitely become No.1 in the Tongtian list since the history of Qishui City."

"It's not that easy. The strongest Po Cangling on the Tongtian Ranking was a thousand years ago, but he broke through the ninth floor in one breath."

"Huang Yu can compare with Po Cangling? I don't believe it. Breaking through the fifth floor is already amazing. On the ninth floor, there are only two people who passed the entire Tongtian list. Although Huang Yu is also a genius, there is still a gap."

"Is he really going to stop here?" Gu Xin looked at the shining name on it, and felt nervous for him for no reason, "No, I believe he can do it, and he can definitely become No.1 in the Tongtian list."

four hours later.

"It moved, moved, and he broke through again."

"I'll just say, he's sure to be able to do it."

"There must be something wrong with Lingyun Pagoda."

"I think you've lost your mind."

At this time, Gu Xin's eyes were shining with joy.

"I knew he would be fine."

At this time, Huang Yu, after killing one coyote after another, was only left with instinctive attacks, constantly waving his fists, tirelessly.

If this was a real battlefield, then there would be a mountain of corpses on the ground right now.

"I did it, I succeeded." After killing the last wolf, Huang Yu was full of strength, and his aura reached its peak.

"Ding, the player's cultivation base has broken through and reached the third floor of the Human Infant Realm."

Breaking through, the cultivation level broke through again, and reached the third level of the Human Infant Realm. Huang Yu felt that some problems that he hadn't understood thoroughly before suddenly became clear. There was no obstacle, and it was a matter of course. .

The breakthrough in cultivation made Huang Yu more confident in the next challenge.

"Congratulations, master, for your breakthrough."

"Well, I didn't expect to break through."

"As expected, the master has already gained enough accumulation in the first five floors, and it is strange that there is no breakthrough." Lulu smiled and said, "How is it, master, will you continue?"

"That's natural? Your master, I'm not the kind of person who retreats without fighting. Even if I lose, I have to understand the loss and fight happily." Huang Yulang said.

"I would like to give the master a suggestion. Before entering the seventh floor, the master should consolidate and integrate what he has learned before. This will be extremely helpful for the master's next challenge." Lulu said with a smile.

"it is good."

Huang Yu thought for a while, then nodded in agreement. If he could integrate his previous combat experience, his strength should be raised to another level.

Huang Yu sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and comprehended the previous battle.

The first layer, the flying knife, the control of the flying knife by mental power.

The second layer, speed, comprehension of wind.

The third layer, Lei, the understanding of Lei.

The fourth layer is the comprehension of strength and skills.

The fifth layer, fighting consciousness, is the comprehension of one's own fighting consciousness.

And the sixth floor is a comprehensive test, a challenge to oneself, strength, skill, speed, combat awareness, and endurance. When facing the sixth floor, you must have extremely tough endurance. If you don't have enough endurance, It is impossible to hold on.

Time and time again, the entire previous six battles played over and over again in his mind.

Bit by bit, the combat experience is constantly integrated into my mind and constantly penetrated.

Half an hour later, Huang Yu opened his eyes, his mental strength was introverted, the previous insights were extremely precious to Huang Yu, Huang Yu felt that he was about to break through again, there was only a slight chance, a chance, a breakthrough for himself The opportunity, or in other words, the triggering opportunity.

Huang Yu had a strong premonition that he would break through again in the challenges of the next level.

What is the seventh floor? Huang Yu didn't ask Lulu, and stepped into the gate of the seventh floor.

"Boom, boom!"

As soon as Huang Yu stepped onto the seventh floor, the whole scene changed instantly, the sky and the earth shook, thunder suddenly broke out, it rained heavily, and mountain torrents rolled.

"Is this a force of nature?"

The ground under his feet split instantly.

A boulder fell from the sky.

Dangerous, dodge.

Huang Yu avoided it, his heart broke out in a cold sweat.

If this is hit, it will definitely become meat sauce.

What is the test of this level?Is it to let yourself see the power of nature?
The majestic flood came surging, and the ground where Huang Yu was was instantly overturned by the terrifying flood. The whole person turned somersaults in the air, hurriedly dropped a heavy weight, and stood on a huge boulder.

In the distance, a huge falling rock hit the torrenting flood, and immediately set off a huge wave. The water spray was tens of meters high, and it ruthlessly broke the giant tree that was approaching.

Beside the giant tree, an iron-clad lizard was crushed to death.

Seeing this scene, Huang Yu was horrified. This is the power of nature, too powerful and terrifying.

"Boom, boom."

Huang Yu felt that the huge rock he was on shook for a while, and a nearby mountain suddenly erupted, and the fiery red magma spurted out like fireworks.

The magma fell into the water, sizzling, and countless water vapors evaporated.

Smoke instantly enveloped the entire ground.

The sky became pitch black.


A bolt of lightning split the dark sky like a giant ax splitting the chaos.

"Boom, boom."

Suddenly, Huang Yu felt that the stone under his feet was constantly shaking. After a sudden shock, a huge body stood up.

A huge head, panting and whirring.


The giant beast roared violently, opened its mouth wide, and spewed out a ball of flames, burning everything in front of it. The whole world, as if suppressed by an invisible force, instantly became calm.

With a bang, a huge shadow appeared in the sky.

Looking up, Huang Yu was stunned.

It was a huge flying bird with wide wings spread out, covering the sky and the sun.

"Master, master."

At this time, Lulu in Huang Yu's mind was anxious and kept shouting.

Hearing Lulu's voice, Huang Yu was startled.

"Lulu, what's the matter? How can we break through this barrier? Do we want to fight these two big guys?"

Huang Yu saw these two terrifying giant beasts, and finally understood that the ground shaking, floods, lightning and thunder, and so on, these series of events were originally caused by these two giant beasts.

These two behemoths are definitely ancient behemoths. Their strength is so terrifying that they can blow themselves away in one breath.If you let yourself fight these two guys, there is simply no suspense.

"Feel it with your heart, the master must feel it with your heart." Lulu reminded.

"Feel it with your heart?"

"Yes, what you see and hear is not necessarily true," Lulu said.

"Illusion? Is this all an illusion?" Huang Yu immediately shouted when he heard the words.

"Yes, this is an illusion, but if the master wants to escape from this illusion, he still needs to rely on himself." Lulu nodded.

Hearing Lulu's words, Huang Yu was sure that the place he was in now was an illusion, and he was relieved. It was just an illusion. If it was true, then there was no way for him to pass this level, and he had no hope at all.

"Huanjing, what should I do?" Huang Yu sat down.

Suddenly, a strong sense of crisis rushed into my heart.


Huang Yu jumped suddenly, dodged a few steps, and took a closer look.

It turned out that where he was, a large black pit appeared.

"Come out." Huang Yu was furious in his heart, he was attacked by surprise, and he didn't even see anyone.

"Master, calm down, calm down, this is an illusion, remember, everything here is an illusion, you must calm down, close your eyes, and rely on your own heart to understand." Lulu said.

"Enlighten it with your heart? Everything here is an illusion?" Huang Yu frowned. Is it really an illusion?

Huang Yu sat down again, closed his eyes, and felt peaceful in his heart.


A long sword stabbed towards him, Huang Yu opened his eyes suddenly, stretched out his hand, and tightly clamped the stabbed long sword with two fingers.Then Huang Yu punched out violently, and the terrifying punch hit the opponent's chest.

Only a "click" was heard, and the ribs in the man's chest were broken inch by inch. The whole person was instantly sent flying, and then fell to the ground, motionless, without any breath of life.

"Congratulations, master, the task is completed." At this time, Lulu appeared on Huang Yu's shoulder, and the scene in front of him changed again, turning into a large practice room.

Huang Yu smiled lightly, stretched out his hand suddenly, and punched Lulu's body.


Lu Lu was punched by Huang Yu and repelled a few steps, only to see that "Lu Lu" changed into a blood-colored villain.

"How did you find out?" the blood-colored little man looked at Huang Yu from a distance and asked with an incredulous expression on his face.

"You told me that everything is an illusion, you have to believe in your own heart." Huang Yu raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, looked at the blood-colored villain, but he couldn't help but admire him in his heart, this blood-colored villain is really amazing, if it wasn't for Because of one detail, Huang Yu really didn't know that the "Lulu" in front of him was actually an illusion.

"So what if you find out?" Suddenly the blood-colored villain laughed wildly, "Boy, since you have already seen through, then I don't need to tell you any more, hand over your body, Jie Jie."

After all, the whole person turned into a blood-red arrow and shot towards Huang Yu's eyebrows...

(End of this chapter)

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