Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 541 Killing the Dugu City Lord

Chapter 541 Killing the Dugu City Lord
"Death and death." Dugu's huge sword energy attacked Huang Yu in an all-round way.

"Immortal body, resist." Huang Yu roared, relying on his physical body to resist.


There was a crisp sound, and the terrifying sword energy seemed to tear Huang Yu into pieces, shaking the world.

"No." Mingyue shouted loudly when she saw this scene.

"Not good." Nie Feng was also very frightened, and hurriedly rushed towards Dugu's side.

The sword energy dispersed, and Huang Yu's figure appeared in front of everyone.

"Impossible? This is impossible." Dugu Yifang was completely stunned. Even Xiongba would not dare to resist his terrifying sword energy, but Duanlang was not damaged at all. This... how terrifying is this physical body? , even Dongpu's absolutely godless golden body is not so strong.

"Dugu Fang, I really want to thank you. If it weren't for you, my physical body would not have broken through." Huang Yu squinted his eyes, and his immortal body really broke through. Now his physical body is as powerful as it is. In the human baby state, that is to say, now I can easily kill Dugu Fang by relying on the strength of my physical body alone.

"Duanlang, you must be at the end of your strength, don't pretend."

"Is it?"

Huang Yu said softly, and approached Dugu's side step by step.

Dugu's side felt tremendous pressure. The move just now cost a huge amount of real energy. At this time, Dugu's side has no strength at all.

Huang Yu punched out violently.

The sound of piercing the sky came out, and the terrifying vigor tore through the air, rolled up the leaves and dust on the ground, formed a giant dragon, and swept towards Dugu's side.

"Do not."

Dugu Fang widened his eyes and shouted loudly.


Dugu Fang was hit by this punch, a big hole was punched out in his chest, and then the blood spurted out like a fountain.

"You... are so powerful."

Dugu Fang fell down, dying with regret.

"Just die like this, Lang, are too powerful." Looking at this scene, Nie Feng was dumbfounded. He didn't expect Duanlang to be so powerful, far beyond his imagination, even if his master Xiongba came , I'm afraid he doesn't have such strength, and what's more, Duanlang uses pure physical strength. Without the use of true energy, it is already so terrifying. His physical body is simply indestructible and indestructible. With the cooperation of Yuanli, I am afraid that at this time, he can already become the number one in the world, even if he is not, it will not be much worse.

"You... Duanlang, did you really kill the city lord?" Mingyue never thought that Huang Yu would be so powerful that he really killed Dugu Fang.

"If you kill it, then kill it." Huang Yu sighed. Originally, this Dugu side should be handed over to Nie Feng, but he didn't expect that after he broke through, the power of his physical body would be so terrifying and powerful. The realm, although it is only the peak of the Yuandan realm and has not reached the human infant realm, but the physical body has reached it. The power of the physical body is so terrifying that it can kill a strong human infant realm with one punch.

"Nie Feng, Dugu Fang's body will be handed over to you. Remember, you killed him." Huang Yu looked at Nie Feng and said, "This time you go back to the Tianxiahui, and you will know whether things are so I said it."

"Lang, won't you follow me to the Tianxiahui?" Nie Feng said, "With your current strength, Master will definitely use you again."

"No, there's no need." Huang Yu said, "Besides, you think things too simply. If I go back to Tianxiahui with you, then Xiongba will probably have trouble sleeping and eating."

Huang Yu couldn't understand Xiongba very well. What kind of character is Xiongba? He will only regard himself as the enemy of life and death. In order not to let himself threaten him, he will do everything possible to deal with himself and kill himself.

Of course, perhaps, the first one will use a beauty trap. Huang Yu is very clear about this. Although he loves his daughter very much, if he needs to use her daughter to consolidate his power, he will definitely do it.

Seeing what Huang Yu said, Nie Feng also sighed lightly, and said, "Then take care, I'll go back to Tianxiahui first."

"Take care too, remember what I said." Huang Yu said.

After watching Nie Feng leave, Huang Yu said to Mingyue: "Now that Dugu is dead, it's a good time for you to take over Wushuang City. If you want the people of Wushuang City to live well, you must come to Wushuang City." Be the mayor."

"No way, how can I be the city lord of Wushuang City?" Mingyue shook her head again and again when she heard this, "Even if the city lord is dead, there are still young city lords."

"Duguming, it's just a pustule. If he dares to be disobedient, I'll kill him." Huang Yu said coldly, Duguming is a waste, Huang Yu doesn't pay attention to it at all, but it is still useful to keep Duguming In the past, the Juggernaut was called out by Duanlang to deal with Xiongba. Now that he has become Duanlang, he will naturally not look down so much to find the Juggernaut. In this way, Duguming is the best candidate.

"But... But, Dugu Ming will go to find the Juggernaut, and you will be very dangerous at that time, you should leave here quickly." Mingyue suddenly looked at Huang Yu and said, "I don't want to see you in trouble, the strength of the Juggernaut is very terrifying , although you can kill the city lord, but the strength of the city lord is too far behind the senior sword master, you are not his opponent."

"It's okay." Huang Yu smiled and said, "Now the Juggernaut doesn't know that I killed Dugu Fang, and you won't tell him, will you?"

"No." Mingyue shook her head and said, "But..."

Mingyue still wanted to say something, but Huang Yu interrupted her and said: "There is nothing to worry about. When the time comes, there will be news that Dugu's party was killed by Nie Feng. Nie Feng activated the crazy blood of the Nie family and went crazy." , the strength surged, killing Dugu Fang."


"At that time, Dugu Ming will definitely go to the Juggernaut, and even if the Juggernaut meets me, he won't fight me, thinking that he has no lifespan, and he has to deal with Xiongba, so it is impossible for him to use his true energy with me. , Therefore, the Juggernaut will not shoot at me, and even if he shoots at me, he may not be able to keep me." Huang Yu looked at Mingyue and said, "Therefore, you don't need to worry about all this, I don't There will be anything. All you need to do now is to control the power of the entire Wushuang City. Of course, I will help you. I will kill anyone who dares not to obey. Today's Wushuang City, except for the Juggernaut, I No one is afraid."

"Of course, if you don't want to be the lord of the city, then the people of Wushuang City will definitely have a bad end. You must know that the Dugu party is dead, the tyrants are watching, and Wushuang City has no leader. The entire Wushuang City will be a mess. At that time, Not only the Tianxiahui, I am afraid that other forces will also come to share a piece of the pie, and you should be able to imagine what the consequences of Wushuang City will be at that time."

"Well then, I will be the city lord of Wushuang City, but Duanlang, you must help me." Finally Mingyue nodded, she was too kind and did not want to watch the people of Wushuang City suffer.

"Of course, didn't I tell you that I will help you." Huang Yu smiled, that's right.

The reason why Huang Yu did this and helped Mingyue so much was because Huang Yu had a vague feeling that Wushuang City was not that simple. Fengyun Huang Yu only watched the first part, and the second part was just a little bit. I know, but I have a vague feeling that this Wushuang city is not that simple, not only the Wushuang sword, it seems that there are other secrets hidden, and this secret, if you want to find out, it seems that you need a specific timing, at least, at the moment, you There is no way to find out, so, need to wait.

And making Mingyue the lord of Wushuang City is to make it easier for him to come to Wushuang City in the future and discover that secret.

"By the way, Mingyue, how about showing me the Wushuang Yin Sword?" Huang Yu had already obtained the Wushuang Yang Sword, but he did not get the Wushuang Yin Sword.

As for the Wushuang sword, it's just the Wushuang Yang sword, it doesn't respond at all, it's just an ordinary, relatively sharp sword, there's nothing surprising about it, so you need the Wushuang Yin sword to see if it can inspire the Wushuang sword, and it can Explore the mystery of the alluring love.

Huang Yu doesn't believe that the alluring love of Wushuangjian can only be inspired by two people who love each other.

"Well, here you are." Mingyue, without any hesitation, threw the Wushuang Yinjian to Huang Yu, trusting him very much.

After Huang Yu obtained the Wushuang Yin Sword, he felt a mysterious power. There was a mysterious connection between the Wushuang Yin Sword and the Wushuang Yang Sword.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for obtaining the time fragment, is it refined?"


Huang Yu was secretly happy. The Wushuang Sword was indeed a fragment of time. However, there are still some troubles right now. The Sword of Wushuang is a fragment of time. But if he collects it now, wouldn't the Sword of Wushuang disappear?It's a bit difficult to explain, so can you think of a way to allow yourself to collect time fragments without letting Wushuangjian disappear?

As usual, Huang Yu summoned Lulu.

After a long time of no reply, Huang Yu smiled wryly and said, Lulu is still sleeping.

Only to find out.

Click on the system and look at the panel. Many things in the system are now restricted, and many of them are gray.

"No, there is no way to open the exchange system."

Huang Yu smiled wryly. It seems that this Wushuang sword cannot be refined for the time being.

After exiting the system panel, Huang Yu looked at Mingyue, handed the Wushuang Yin Sword to Mingyue and said, "This Wushuang Yin Sword is really a good sword, and the Wushuang Yin Sword and Wushuang Yang Sword contain huge power. Even Xiongba can be hit hard."

"Of course, the Wushuang sword contains the supreme sword intent of the ancestors of the Dugu family and my Ming family. As long as you have a lover, you can rely on it to cultivate the unrivaled sword moves and love in the city." Mingyue said, very proud.

(End of this chapter)

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