Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 552 Plane Teleportation Array

Chapter 552 Plane Teleportation Array
"This is a space teleportation array." Huang Yu looked at the things in front of him, and was extremely surprised. This teleportation array is not an ordinary teleportation array, but a plane space teleportation array among the space teleportation arrays, that is to say, This teleportation array can be teleported to other space planes, leaving the plane of Fengyun.

Huang Yu was not shocked by this point. This Fengyun plane is an extremely special plane, and it is a mission plane of his own. Now, there is a space plane teleportation array here. How can Huang Yu not be surprised? Feel shocked.

Where is the destination of this spatial plane teleportation array?What secrets are hidden inside?
In any case, what is certain is that the space plane linked by the teleportation array is much more advanced than the Fengyun plane, at least it is the Immortal Martial Continent, no, it should be at the same level as the original world, and The original world is at the same level, so compared to this world of wind and cloud, it is more than just one level stronger.

You know, in this world of wind and clouds, the most powerful ones are Di Shitian and his group. Of course, there is also Shenlong. The mainland, in the original world, would be like scum and ants, vulnerable to a single blow.

"What is that, such a beautiful gem."

Looking at the fairy stone on the teleportation array, Mingyue and Yu Chuchu's eyes were wide open, the light was shining brightly, and they were about to rush forward.

Huang Yu grabbed the two of them and said, "Don't move."

The two women glanced at each other, a little embarrassed, and knew that they were reckless. There was such a weird place here, so naturally they couldn't move around casually. If one is not good, it may fall into a desperate situation, and it will be over. up.

"Brother Huang, then...that...what is that, the pattern is so weird, and this gemstone is so beautiful, can't it be dug out?" Mingyue looked at Huang Yu and said.

"Yes, those gems, can you dig them out and give them to me?" Yu Chuchu held Huang Yu's arm, shaking it constantly, and said coquettishly.

Huang Yu knows that this fairy stone is a shiny thing, and it looks more beautiful, just like a real diamond. Moreover, this fairy stone is much more beautiful than those so-called diamonds, and it also has seven colors. Among the fairy stones, there are seven-color ones. These seven-color fairy stones are top-grade fairy stones, and they have all attributes. Even in the original world, seven-color fairy stones are rare items, and they contain the purest original aura. Refining and absorbing is very remarkable.

These beautiful things are fatally attractive to women, whether they are modern or ancient women, or even fairies and goddesses.

For this beautiful fairy stone, it would be strange if neither of the two women showed any love for this beautiful fairy stone.

"This gemstone is a fairy stone, which contains a huge amount of energy and can be used for cultivation. However, ordinary people don't need it at all. Even the level of Sword Master and Xiongba can't bear the terrifying energy in this fairy stone. , is the spirit of the fairy, if you want to absorb and refine the spirit of the fairy, only the fairy can do it." Huang Yu explained, "What we see now, this pattern composed of these fairy stones, In fact, it is a special formation, this formation is called a teleportation formation, a plane space transmission formation, once this transmission formation is activated, it will be teleported into other plane worlds."

"Immortal stone, can only immortals use it?"

"Plane space teleportation array?"

"This... Brother Huang, are there really immortals in this world? Is this teleportation formation leading to the fairy world?" Mingyue and Yu Chuchu were even more shocked, looking at Huang Yu and asking.

"Immortals, hehe, in fact, immortals are nothing more than some powerful people, who are also cultivated by ordinary people." Huang Yudao, "It's just that there are no such things in this space plane, but in other spaces On the other hand, there are, just like in the eyes of ordinary people, martial arts people are high above, extremely powerful, and cannot be climbed. , as long as there is a chance, you can also become immortals."

"Brother Huang, could it be, could it be that you are the fairy descended from the legend?" Mingyue exclaimed.

Yu Chuchu also looked at Huang Yu with admiration.

"If you want to say that, it's okay. If I'm in my peak state, I'm much stronger than those so-called immortals, but I can't do it now. My strength is far from enough. As for, behind this teleportation array, after all I am not sure what kind of world it is, and I can't enter it rashly. If I enter it and can't come back, then things will be troublesome. Xiongba's words are not a good thing for me." Although Huang Yu really wanted to enter this teleportation formation to see what kind of plane it was connected to, Huang Yu still held back Now, thinking of the huge punishment for mission failure, that is unacceptable.

"Then...then let's get out of here quickly." The two women didn't want the attractive seven-colored gemstones when they heard this, and they both took Huang Yu's hand and walked out.

"En." Huang Yu nodded. Right now, it's not the time to go here to find out. Of course, you can also wait for Lulu to wake up and ask about where the teleportation array enters. After that, try again, that would be safer.

The three exited the space.

The Wushuang sword fell into the hands of Huang Yu and Mingyue again. It turned out that the Wushuang sword was the key to open this special space. However, to open this special space, not everyone can do it, and it requires the power of a fairy. In this world, there is probably no one else who has the power of a fairy except himself.

Even the strongest Di Shitian can't do it. At most, Di Shitian is only at the peak of Yuanshen Realm. If he wants to have the power of a fairy, he must survive the thunder disaster. It must also be the Thunder Tribulation Realm, and even the Thunder Tribulation Realm may not be able to open it.

Huang Yu narrowed his eyes and sighed, this world of wind and clouds is really getting more and more mysterious.

Just when Huang Yu was about to take Mingyue and Yu Chuchu out of Zuling, a terrifying roar appeared in the ears of the three.

This terrifying roar is very terrifying, and the sound waves shake people's minds.

"It's a terrifying sound, what the hell is this?" Huang Yu output two strands of true energy to protect Mingyue and Yu Chuchu, and looked towards the place where the sound came from.

When he saw that thing, his face changed.

In this ancestral mausoleum, Huang Yu could accept that there were zombies or something, but he didn't expect that it was a giant beast. This giant beast was extremely terrifying, with an incomparably huge body.

"The appearance of this thing seems a little familiar." Huang Yu looked at this huge guy, but he was a little familiar, but he couldn't remember what kind of beast this thing was, and he couldn't remember the name of this big guy. name.

"Master, this is a water monster." At this moment, a voice came from deep in Huang Yu's mind.

"Water monster?" Huang Yu asked curiously when he heard it, "You said it was a water monster? Which water monster?"

"Master, this water monster is the water monster in Legend of Sword and Fairy. It contains a trace of the power of the water spirit orb. This is the power of the sky-repairing stone left by Nuwa, which is the origin of the water attribute. power." Lulu explained, "And this water monster should just be a descendant of the water monster in Legend of Sword and Fairy."

Huang Yu swallowed his saliva and said: "Lulu, you have finally woken up. Did you say that this water monster came out of the world of Legend of Sword and Fairy? Could it be that the space plane teleportation array before was actually Is it the teleportation array leading to the plane world of Legend of Sword and Fairy?"

Lulu nodded: "Yes, this teleportation array is the teleportation array leading to the world of Legend of Sword and Fairy. These two worlds are actually worlds created by Saint Nuwa."

Hearing this, Huang Yu took a deep breath, and things became more and more complicated.

"Is this world connected to other planes besides the one in Legend of Sword and Fairy?" Huang Yu asked after thinking about it.

"This is possible, but I don't know if it's true, and what kind of world it's connected to." Lulu said, "However, this possibility is very high."

"The world of Legend of Sword and Fairy, if I enter it through this teleportation array, will it affect my mission in this world? Or, what is the time ratio between this world and the world of Legend of Sword and Fairy?" Huang Yu wanted to clarify this question. The world of Paladin is obviously more advanced than here, and the spirit is rich in it, which will be of great help to his cultivation. If he can enter the world of Paladin to cultivate If you have some time, it will be a breeze to come back and complete the task.

"No way." Lulu shook her head and said, "The passage of time over there is very slow, that is to say, it is much slower than here, that is to say, a year has passed here, but only one day has passed over there. The so-called one day in the sky and one year in the earth is actually the same principle.”

Huang Yu opened his mouth, the depression in his heart can be imagined, he did not expect such a result, if it was the other way around, wouldn't it be wonderful, he practiced for a few years in the world of Paladin, and then came back to finish The task is much easier.

"I think, if the master completes the task of this world, then he can travel freely between the two planes, and even, when the time comes, the master can also integrate these two worlds with the master's big world to enhance Its own strength." Lulu said again.

"This, I'll talk about it later. Right now, I'd better finish this Fengyun mission first. By the way, Lulu, do you know where Xiongba's real body is now, and how strong is it?" Huang Yu thought of Xiongba, this guy, a stand-in Beheaded by himself, the real body does not know where it is hidden.

(End of this chapter)

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