Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 555 Capture the Sword

Chapter 555 Capture the Sword
"What a powerful body, actually blocked my sword energy. I don't believe it. You can block me several times." The sword demon was completely enraged. After reaching the transformation state, even the physical body of a junior has not been broken, how can he not be angry.

One after another, the sword qi was shot out, densely packed, which looked frightening. Moreover, the densely packed sword qi attacked the same position.

The sword demon has already shot with all his strength, and the terrifying coercion made everyone present feel depressed and even unable to breathe. You must know that these sword qi are aimed at Duanlang, not himself and others. With such pressure, it is conceivable that Duanlang, who is fighting head-on, is facing terrible pressure.

This menacing attack made Huang Yu also feel the pressure. This attack was very terrifying, and it was not much weaker than the original Juggernaut Sword 23.

Huang Yu didn't dare to resist, the sword energy condensed, Wan Jian Guizong's strongest blow, the terrifying sword intent condensed together, formed the power of law, mobilized the vitality of heaven and earth, formed a terrifying giant sword, struck and go.


Two powerful sword qi collided together.

The sword energy that Huang Yu shot out was weaker, but it was blessed with the vitality of heaven and earth. It collided with the sword energy of the sword demon, and it was on par for a while. The terrifying energy caused the surrounding ground to be shattered As soon as it opened, stones splashed up one after another, and many people were injured.

After the dust cleared, Huang Yu and the Sword Demon stood facing each other. Huang Yu sneered and said, "Sword Demon, you are not qualified enough to take my blood."

If it was before, Huang Yu really didn't have the confidence to resist the sword demon. However, after going to the ancestral mausoleum of Wushuang City, it was different. There, Huang Yu's cultivation base made a huge breakthrough, and now he has reached the human infant state At the peak, although he has not entered the Yuanshen Realm, his physical body can almost compete with the Yuanshen Realm. In addition, Wan Jian Guizong has the supreme sword intent, and his strength is enough to kill the early Yuanshen Realm. Sword Demon is strong, but not strong enough that level.

"You... didn't expect it, I was wrong." The sword demon looked a little sad.

"However, this sword still needs to be sacrificed." Huang Yu said, "There is no way to carry out the sword sacrifice, so the peerless sword cannot be born, and I still need this peerless sword."

As he said that, Huang Yu ejected a drop of blood, and this drop of blood fell into the sword pool. Suddenly, the entire sword pool was filled with light, and surging sword energy scattered from the sword pool. The terrifying temperature put the entire sword pool in a state of turmoil. In this kind of high temperature, it makes people feel like they are grilling in an oven.

"Such powerful blood?"

"His blood is more terrifying than the blood of Bu Jingyun and Jian Tan combined. I feel that there is supreme power in that drop of blood."

Everyone present was horrified. They felt incomparably shocked by the drop of blood that Duanlang forced out. This small drop of blood actually contained such a huge amount of energy. This drop of blood, compared to Many people present are stronger, which means that many people can't even match a drop of his blood.

Sword Demon was also shocked.

This Duanlang is too mysterious and terrifying. A drop of blood is just a drop of blood. He is so terrifying. Then, how strong is his physical body? It's scary, could it be, is this the reincarnation of some old monster, or is it a sequester?

"The peerless sword is born, Sword Demon, you must help Tian'er get the peerless sword." At this time, Mrs. Ao appeared next to the Sword Demon.

"Madam Ao, that Duanlang is too powerful and mysterious, and I'm not sure about it." The Sword Demon smiled wryly. If it was before, he still had great confidence, but now, the Sword Demon has no confidence at all. Lang Du threatened that he was determined to win the peerless sword, so if he made a move, none of the people present could fight against him. Who would be able to take the peerless sword from him?

"The peerless sword must never fall into the hands of outsiders. This peerless sword is my hope for the rise of the Sword Villa. I must grab it." Mrs. Ao said, "Sword Demon, no matter what, you have to help Aotian, if you can help Aotian win the peerless sword, then I will marry you."

Mrs. Ao knew that the Sword Demon had always coveted her beauty, and she had no affection for the Sword Demon, but there was nothing she could do about it. The Sword Worship Villa was no longer the Sword Worship Villa it used to be. Sword Worship Villa needs a strong man to guard it. Now that the peerless sword is born, it gives Sword Worship Villa a chance to rise. It must not let the peerless sword fall into the hands of others, otherwise Sword Worship Villa will lose its chance to rise.

Another reason is Aotian, her son Aotian, she knows best, without relying on the peerless sword, it is impossible for Aotian to have any great achievements.

"Okay, that's great. With these words, even if I die, I, the sword demon, will definitely win the peerless sword." Hearing Mrs. Ao's words, the sword demon couldn't help but smile. For so many years, the villa is for Mrs. Ao. If there is no Mrs. Ao, the sword demon would have left long ago.

"The peerless sword is mine." At this moment, Bu Jingyun moved, jumped up, and rushed to the sword pool.


That terrifying flame stopped Bu Jingyun from moving forward.

"The peerless sword, only I can get it, I am the owner of the sword villa, the peerless sword, I worship the sword villa, who dares to snatch it?" When Aotian saw it, he flew out and rushed towards the sword pool, but was also blocked by the horrible temperature.

"The peerless sword is in the sword pool. Whoever can get the peerless sword can become the master of the peerless sword. It's a pity that the temperature of the sword pool is too high and no one can take it. Everyone wants to get the peerless sword. But, who is willing to give up their lives for a peerless sword?"

"Aotian, hurry up and get the peerless sword?" Mrs. Ao said from the side.

"No, mother, believe me, without a peerless sword, I will definitely be famous in the world by worshiping the sword villa." Aotian said.

"Nonsense, a peerless sword is the foundation of Sword Worship Villa. If there is no peerless sword, how can Sword Worship Villa stand in the world? How can it dominate the world?" Mrs. Ao scolded angrily.

"But, mother, I don't want to die. With such a high temperature, if I enter the sword pool, I will surely die. I don't want to die." Aotian said, "Mother, you have to believe in me, my child, even if I don't have a peerless sword, I will definitely die." It is possible to carry forward the Sword Worship Villa, not to mention, the temperature is so high, no one can take out a peerless sword."

"I must take the sword." At this moment, Bu Jingyun stood up and jumped into the pool of swords. The unicorn arm punched out, and the sword energy immediately surged, and the sword soul of the peerless sword flew up.

"Good guy." Huang Yu squinted his eyes. He didn't expect the plot to be the same as before. This Bu Jingyun has a sword, and he is desperate for the peerless sword. It seems that Bu Jingyun has gone to Houling Yes, but the Geshishi was not opened.

However, now that I have myself, the peerless sword is destined not to fall into the hands of Bu Jingyun. This Bu Jingyun has established contact with Tianmen, and has also practiced the Blood Yuan Jue. Although he is not yet possessed, he is already contaminated with evil nature , if it continues, it will inevitably go mad and fall into the devil's way.

"The sword soul of the peerless sword has been scattered among these countless swords. Whoever can find the peerless sword first will get the peerless sword." Zhong Mei said.

"I was born in a sword-making family and know countless swords. I will definitely find a peerless sword first and become its master." Aotian laughed wildly when he heard this, and then picked up a black sword. He said: "Zhong Mei, looking for Tian'er like this is like looking for a needle in a haystack. You are a swordsmith, so you must know the characteristics of a peerless sword?"

Zhong Mei said: "In the world there is Bole and then there is a thousand-mile horse. A thousand-mile horse often exists but Bole does not always have one. A peerless sword is like a thousand-mile horse. After a hundred years of tempering, Bole has been waiting for it. Mrs. Ao, can the young master get the sword?" , everything depends on God’s will.”

On the other side, Aotian looked at the black sword in his hand, and said loudly: "This sword is extremely sharp and sparkling, it must be a peerless sword, I found it, I found a peerless sword."

Huang Yu narrowed his eyes at this time, shook his head and said: "That is also considered a peerless sword? A joke, a peerless sword is a sword with spirituality. How can you get a sword like an idiot like you? On, with my blood, who else is eligible to get it except me?"

After Huang Yu finished speaking, he waved his hand, urging the power of the law of the sword, and the peerless sword, feeling the power of the law, came flying every now and then, and was caught by Huang Yu in his hand.

"The peerless sword is really a good sword. It's better than the Huolin sword." Huang Yu looked at the black sword in his hand, not surprised. Forged by the Iron Institute, and added with his own blood sacrificial refinement, it would be strange if it could not compare to the Fire Lin Sword.

"It's great, the light is dazzling, the magic soldier has waited for a hundred years, and finally met Bole." Zhong Mei was very happy when he saw the peerless sword in Huang Yu's hand, and shouted loudly.

"Sword Demon, a peerless sword, must not fall into the hands of outsiders, go and get it back quickly," Mrs. Ao said.

"Yes, Mrs. Ao."

The sword demon rushed towards Huang Yu.

Aotian over there has already rushed towards Huang Yu, Bu Jingyun also recovered at this time, looking at the peerless sword in Huang Yu's hand, he also pulled out the bloody long sword.

"We must not let that kid win the peerless sword." Yuan Juexin also said, "Pojun, go kill Duanlang and grab the peerless sword."

"It's not that easy for you people to seize the peerless sword." Huang Yu narrowed his eyes.

"Brother Duan." Yu Chuchu stayed by Huang Yu's side, and also sacrificed his weapon.

Jian Chen also stood aside.

"You back off and want to deal with me, these people are not qualified enough." Huang Yu laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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