Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 559 A More Mysterious Existence

Chapter 559 A More Mysterious Existence

"The Mud Bodhisattva is more terrifying than Di Shitian?" Huang Yu narrowed his eyes when he heard this. Although he expected that the Mud Bodhisattva might be very powerful, he didn't expect it to be so powerful. Di Shitian wanted to deal with the Mud Bodhisattva. , and even had an arm cut off, it can be seen that the mud bodhisattva is absolutely powerful.

"It's hard to tell. As I said, Di Shitian may not be able to exert his full strength. Maybe the Ni Bodhisattva used some special method, but the Mud Bodhisattva is indeed very powerful. If you want to fight the Mud Bodhisattva If you have an idea, I advise you to give it up." Luo Xian looked at Huang Yu and sighed, "You are no match for the Clay Bodhisattva, far from it, and the Clay Bodhisattva is good at calculation, which is even more dangerous."

"It's okay, I'm going to meet the Clay Bodhisattva for a while, do you have any information about the Clay Bodhisattva?" If there is information about the Clay Bodhisattva, that would be great.

"I don't have any news about the Clay Bodhisattva, but there must be one person who will know." Luo Xian said.

"who is it?"


"Supreme? You mean the emperor?" Huang Yu knew that in the midst of the situation, the meaning of supreme is actually equivalent to the emperor. This supreme may not be the most powerful in martial arts, but must be highly respected.

"No, it's not that supreme being, but Tianwen Supreme."

"Heaven asks the Supreme?" Huang Yu became more and more confused. In the original Fengyun novel, there seemed to be no such a number one character, but now he actually appeared. The world of Fengyun is becoming more and more difficult to control. The Ni Bodhisattva is not dead, Di Shitian and Xiongba are powerful Incomparably, there are also strange and powerful characters that have never appeared before.

"That's right, Tianwen Zhizun, known as Tianwen, knows a lot of things in the world, but this day, Tianwen Zhizun has a very weird temper and will not meet people easily. Tianwen Zhizun owns the world's largest intelligence organization, called Tianwen Building, Tianwen The Wenlou is mysterious and huge, and Tianwen Zhizun himself is a very powerful mechanism master. Even Xiongba and Di Shitian dare not break into the mechanism beasts and traps he created. The Tianwen Tower is the most mysterious, floating on the Tianwen Peak, it is very mysterious."

"So powerful?" Huang Yu thought to himself, the so-called Tianwen Zhizun is a powerful intelligence leader and a powerful scientist, which is very interesting.

"How is his own strength?" Huang Yu said again, although he couldn't open the Eye of Heaven's Punishment, but with Lulu's help, it would not be difficult to break through the level.

"I don't know. No one has ever seen him make a move. Even if Di Shitian and Xiong Ba join forces, it may not be able to force him to make a move. Therefore, Tianwen Zhizun is the most mysterious and strange, and he is also the least willing in the martial arts world." The person you are going to provoke is too mysterious and powerful, and once you provoke him and incur his anger, the end will be very miserable, very miserable." Luo Xian explained, "That guy is moody, so if you go to him, Be very careful too.”

"You said that, which completely aroused my interest. Since I asked the supreme being so powerful today, then he must know where Xiongba is. In this way, there is no need to look for the mud bodhisattva, it's the same." Huang Yu finished speaking. Said, "You are going to cooperate with me. I am very satisfied with what you said, so I will also give you some benefits."

With a wave of Huang Yu's hand, several pills and talismans fell into his hands, and he handed them to Luo Xiandao: "Although these talismans cannot deal with Di Shitian, they are no problem against other people. , can save your life, there is no doubt about it.”

"Brother Duan, you?"

Such a precious elixir was given to Godmother Luoxian, and Yu Chuchu felt a little distressed when she saw it.

"What a powerful pill, what a mysterious talisman." Looking at these pills, Luo Xian was extremely shocked. Even Di Shitian couldn't refine pills of this level. In this world, people who know how to make alchemy There are very few people, and there is not a single person who makes talismans. Therefore, these things can play a huge role at critical moments. How can Luo Xian not be shocked that Duanlang actually has such a thing?
"Are you really giving these things to me?" Luo Xian looked at Huang Yu and asked in a tone of disbelief.

"Of course it's for you." Huang Yu nodded and said, "It's nothing special, I made it myself, if you have enough materials, I can also make it for you, after all, we have become friends now But, if these things appear in Di Shitian's hands, you will know the consequences." When Huang Yu said this, there was a warning look in his eyes.

"You refined it yourself, could it be... Could it be that you have obtained the inheritance from an ancient alchemist?"

"Inheritance from the ancient times, it counts." Huang Yu nodded and said, "These are nothing, even, if you pay enough, I can give you a suitable cultivation method, so that you can make rapid progress and surpass Di Shitian , and even becoming an immortal and attaining the Tao, and immortality, that is not impossible."

Originally, these miraculous medicines had shocked Luo Xian enough, but Huang Yu threw out another even bigger temptation, which made Luo Xian calm down. Inheritance from ancient times, immortality, immortality, such a temptation, Who can resist it?

"If I want to get what you said, what price will I have to pay? Could it be your woman?" Luo Xian stared straight at Huang Yu, even though she was still wearing a veil, she could feel the fiery passion look.

"No." Before Huang Yu could speak, Yu Chuchu shouted, "Brother Duan, you can't want this vixen, I won't agree."

Huang Yudao: "Being my woman, hehe, you think it's beautiful, but it's not impossible, the premise is that you can impress me, haha, but it's impossible right now, I can tell you very clearly, I will stay in this world for another year. Of course, it may be shorter. At that time, I will break through the void and leave this world. Of course, if I have enough strength, maybe I can choose someone for this world. Let her be the master of this world."

"Become the master of this world?"

"Brother Duan, want to leave here, leave this world?" Yu Chuchu was startled when she heard this, and hurriedly grabbed Huang Yu's arm and said, "What will you do if you leave me, what will sister Mingyue do?"

This time, Yu Chuchu was no longer jealous, and only worried.

"Brother Duan, don't leave, okay? I won't be angry anymore. I won't be angry anymore if you want to take this vixen. Sister Mingyue and I won't be jealous anymore. No matter how many women you find, as long as you don't leave We'll be fine, Brother Duan?" Yu Chuchu looked at Huang Yu anxiously.


Huang Yu sighed, "I always want to leave here, but when the time comes, I can still come back."

Huang Yu pondered for a while, this world is very special, connected to several other planes, the planes related to Nuwa, I am afraid, that world of Journey to the West, that plane also has a wonderful connection with this place.

Huang Yu faintly sensed that there are special laws here. These special laws, no, should be said to be the power of rules. These special powers of rules seem to be related to that world, that universe, and the earth.

Perhaps, after I figure out these things, I can really return to the earth again, that's also possible.


"Of course it's true."

"Duanlang, you... are you really an immortal?" Luo Xian was also stunned, looking at Duanlang, "Or, are you the reincarnation of an immortal?"

"You can think so." Huang Yu waved his hand, and a void shadow appeared in front of his eyes. This void shadow reflected a world, which is the Xianwu Continent.

"This is one of the worlds, which is much more advanced than this world." Huang Yu pointed to the giant dragon flying in the sky and the sword repairmen flying with swords in the picture, and said, "See, They are so powerful, they can move mountains and seas, they are what you call immortals, Di Shitian is far behind them."

"So powerful."

"too horrible."

"Is that a fairy? It's really amazing."

Luo Xian and Yu Chuchu were both shocked, they didn't expect it to be true, it was true, so terrifying, both Luo Xian and Yu Chuchu knew that this was not an illusion, but real.

At this moment, Luo Xian has been completely convinced, and there will be no more dissatisfaction. He is a fairy, a real fairy, how can a mortal fight with a fairy, even if this fairy has not recovered his cultivation, and is not as good as Di Shitian for the time being. Powerful, but surpassing Di Shitian, that is a matter of time.

Right now, what Luo Xian is thinking about is how to truly obtain the method of cultivating immortals, gain his approval, or become his woman.

If you talk about anger, Luo Xian still has some disdain for being a woman who breaks the waves, but now, she definitely doesn't have such thoughts, some just look up to him, some just think that she is not worthy of him, he is a fairy, I am just a mortal, a fairy, will I lack women?

And yes, that is also a fairy in the sky, who is much stronger than herself.

And if he can become his woman, then he will definitely benefit him a lot, and he can even ascend to the sky in one step and become a fairy directly.

Isn't it the story of a man who attained enlightenment and ascended to heaven?
All in all, I have to hold on to this man and try my best.

"Luo Xian, I have also explained the matter to you. As long as you sincerely cooperate with me, there will be benefits. However, if you dare to betray me, then you have to think about the consequences yourself." Huang Yu said After finishing, he pulled Yu Chuchu up and walked out of the ancient temple.

As soon as he got out of the ancient temple, he found that there were several people around the ancient temple. The strength of these people was not weak, and the strongest one had reached the level of primordial spirit.

Huang Yu secretly sighed in his heart, when did the strong in the Yuanshen realm become so worthless, unexpectedly met another one all of a sudden, a total of six people, one in the Yuanshen realm, and the other five were in the human infant realm. In the situation, they can all be regarded as first-class powerhouses.

(End of this chapter)

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