Chapter 564
"Imitation, even if it's an imitation, it's not bad." Although you can't get the real dragon vein, it's not bad to get an imitation. No matter how you say it, you can improve your cultivation, but the current situation The problem is, it is not easy to get this dragon vein.

"Lulu, is there any way to seize that dragon vein?" Huang Yu looked at Lulu and asked, if he forced his way, of course he could get it, but he would definitely get hurt, minor injuries are inevitable, this is not the last The important question, the important question is that I have to be on guard against the fire unicorn. If the fire unicorn comes out when I go to get the dragon's vein, then things will be troublesome. This is not what Huang Yu wants to see.

"Is the master worried about the fire unicorn?"

"Yeah, wouldn't it be troublesome if the fire unicorn came out at a critical moment?" Huang Yu said, "Worrying about the agency while also worrying about being attacked by the fire unicorn, that's not a good thing."

"Actually, the master doesn't need to worry. The fire unicorn will not appear for the time being, because I already feel that the fire unicorn has already left the Lingyun Cave." Lulu said.

"Out of Lingyun Cave?" Huang Yu was very surprised. Lingyun Cave extends in all directions, but Huo Qilin has almost never been out of Lingyun Cave before, and every time he leaves Lingyun Cave, it means that there will be a huge disaster in the mainland of China. .

However, it was my chance that the beast came out of Lingyun Cave. If I could find that beast and kill it, there would be many benefits.


"It's a good opportunity. Then, I will quickly seize the dragon's veins, and then go find the fire unicorn. If I kill the fire unicorn, my strength will be greatly improved." Huang Yu said, "In that case, to deal with Xiongba, It's easier."

Xiongba, there must still be a lot of slain guards around him, it won't be that simple, so if you want to kill Xiongba, you still have to be foolproof. Of course, the most important thing is to find that guy.

Huang Yu looked at the form, analyzed it, jumped up and entered the passage.

"Whoosh whoosh."

Just stepped into it, countless arrows shot towards Huang Yu densely like rain.

The long knife in Huang Yu's hand kept flipping, forming a protective zone around him, cutting off all the arrows.

Step by step, there are many crises.

Sometimes it's arrows, sometimes it's flames, sometimes it's poisonous stingers, and so on.

It took a quarter of an hour before Huang Yu passed through this passage and came to Longmai.

"Dragon veins, this dragon vein contains majestic dragon aura." Huang Yu himself had practiced Chaos True Dragon Art, so he naturally had majestic dragon aura in his body, but he didn't release it.

Stretching out his hand and grasping the dragon vein, Huang Yu felt that a wave of dragon energy entered his body, activating the vibrating dragon energy in his body.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for obtaining the pseudo-dragon vein, is it refined?"

Hearing the voice of the system, Huang Yu's choice was of course not refining. Who knows, will this thing help him in the future?
Moreover, right now, the real dragon's aura in his body was activated, and Huang Yu had a faint feeling that this real dragon's aura and the fire unicorn seemed very close.

"Master, if my guess is correct, then the fire unicorn is actually transformed by the dragon veins of Shenzhou. He lost his own body and turned into a fire unicorn, but his strength was still weak and he was suppressed, so he could only stay in the Lingyun Grotto and could not go out. But this time, the arrival of the master aroused the fire in the seal of the great Buddha. The demon leader, thus loosening the seal, so this time, the Fire Qilin can go out again."

"The fire unicorn is the dragon vein, which is really unexpected. So, if you get the fire unicorn, you can get the dragon vein of the entire Shenzhou?" Huang Yu thought carefully, what Lulu said was basically correct, and Right now, the fire unicorn has left Lingyun Cave, which is actually equivalent to a dragon entering the sea. The growth speed of this fire unicorn may be faster, and the previous suppression is gone. With the blessing of Shenzhou dragon power, its strength is even more terrifying. I'm afraid it is definitely not an opponent. Even if Di Shitian and Xiongba join forces, they will not be able to defeat Huo Qilin. However, I am different, destroying one style is infinitely powerful, and it is the easiest to kill the enemy by leapfrogging.

"Lulu, can you feel the position of the fire unicorn now?" Huang Yu asked again.

"No, the aura of the fire unicorn has been covered up, there is no way to find it." Lulu said.

"Can't feel it?" Huang Yu was slightly disappointed when he heard it. However, this is also expected. After all, the fire unicorn is a fire unicorn. If it is so easy to be tracked, it is too easy. After all, it is also a condensed body The Shenzhou Dragon Vein is the condensed dragon energy essence of the entire land of Shenzhou, how could it be so simple, so he asked, "Is there any other way?"

"Master may be able to use the dragon veins in his hand. If my guess is correct, this dragon vein did not have such a pure dragon energy. This pure dragon energy is because the fire unicorn has been here for a long time, which made this spine dyed. The purest dragon energy has turned this spine into another dragon vein, and this is probably the way for the fire unicorn to escape." Lulu said to Huang Yu, "This dragon vein and the fire unicorn should have a special connection. You can use this special connection to find the location of the Fire Qilin."

"How to do it?" Huang Yu looked at the dragon vein in his hand and asked.

"Master first recognizes the master by dripping blood." Lulu said, "This dragon vein is actually the same as a weapon. Master drops blood on it to make it recognize the master."

Hearing this, Huang Yu immediately followed what Lulu said, cut open his finger, and forced out a drop of blood, which fell on the dragon vein.

The blood dripped on the dragon vein and was immediately absorbed by the spine. Huang Yu felt that he had established a special connection with that dragon vein.

What's more, his cultivation base is also constantly improving, and the dragon energy in the dragon veins pours into his body.


Finally, my cultivation reached the limit, with a muffled sound, I broke through the shackles, my cultivation broke through, and I broke through from the peak of the Human Infant Realm to the Primordial Spirit Realm.

"My cultivation level has broken through, the primordial spirit realm. I didn't expect to recognize the master with a drop of blood. I thought it would take at least one or two time shards to refine it." If time shards are used to improve cultivation, then It's just too wasteful, and this dragon vein recognizes the master, which can also make a breakthrough in cultivation, which is the best.

With a breakthrough in cultivation, the dragon vein established a connection, and Huang Yu could faintly feel that the fire unicorn was not far from here at this time.

"Huo Qilin, this little beast, seems to be very alert, as if he knows that he is going to kill it." Huang Yu sighed, at this moment, the Huo Qilin was advancing very fast.

Its direction is exactly the direction of the East China Sea.

Huang Yu narrowed his eyes, Donghai, isn't that the direction where the so-called Shenlong is?
Could it be that this fire unicorn intends to join forces with that flood dragon, or is it planning to devour the flood dragon to elevate itself?
The fire unicorn is formed by the condensed dragon energy of the land of China, while the dragon of the East China Sea is actually a flood dragon that has been cultivated for thousands of years.

It's really hard to say which one is stronger and which is weaker, but the fire unicorn's blood is pure, but the fire unicorn belongs to fire, while the flood dragon belongs to water. On the East China Sea, the fire unicorn has no advantage at all.

What the hell is Fire Qilin doing there?
"Come on, let's hurry up and stop the Fire Qilin when it enters the East China Sea."

Huang Yu rushed out of Lingyun Grotto like a strong wind, the purpose was to stop the Huo Qilin, although he didn't know why the Huo Qilin went there, but Huang Yu knew that once the Huo Qilin entered the East China Sea, then It is not easy to kill him.

Although his own strength has reached Yuanshen Realm, but above the sea, his display of strength has been affected. Moreover, in the sea, is there any powerful monster?
A flood dragon is probably not the most powerful existence in the sea, there may be stronger and bigger ones, that is also possible.

Moreover, although the fire unicorn belongs to fire, it is a dragon after all. Huang Yu can't say clearly what will happen when a dragon enters the sea.

"Master, that fire unicorn is probably for one thing." Lulu thought for a while and said.


"Dragon Ball, although the Fire Qilin is the dragon vein of the land of China, incarnated as a Qilin beast, but in fact, the Huo Qilin's physical body is not complete. It has not survived the thunder disaster, so it cannot be regarded as a real physical body. However, once a Dragon Ball is captured, or For the inner alchemy of other powerful monsters, if you refine it and survive the catastrophe, you can truly transform into a unicorn or a dragon." Lulu said, "So, I guess, the fire unicorn going to the East China Sea must be In order to truly materialize the physical body, it is necessary to obtain powerful energy to survive the thunder disaster, and the Dragon Ball, no, even if it is not a Dragon Ball, it is similar to something with huge energy."

Huang Yu's speed is astonishing, but Huo Qilin's speed is not slow either.

Chase and flee.

Running wildly, fortunately, it was also in the deep mountains and old forests, but it was a busy city and village, otherwise, I don't know what big sensation it would cause.

However, even so, some strong ideas were aroused along the way.

Of course, although the weaker people found out, they didn't dare to investigate, after all, the aura was too terrifying.

It is by no means ordinary people who can be low-level. Therefore, those who discover Huo Qilin and Huang Yu and dare to investigate are all above the Yuanshen Realm. If they do not have the Yuanshen Realm, they can find it. It is just an accident. After discovering it, they cannot catch up. In the world, no one ventures except for a few powerful old monsters.

Among these strong men, there is one named the Second Sword Emperor, and this man is the most powerful among them all.

(End of this chapter)

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