Chapter 571 A Battle

"Nie Feng, block him for me." Over there, Bu Jingyun was forced back by Nie Feng's knife, Jue Wushen was overjoyed, and hurriedly shouted at Nie Feng, trying to get Nie Feng to block Huang Yu.

Huang Yu sneered endlessly. Nie Feng has become a demon. Although he is powerful, extremely brave, and fearless of life and death, Huang Yu has now completed his mission and mastered the power of the world's laws. After Nie Feng has become a demon, it is easy to solve this problem. What's more, even if there is no way to solve this problem, Huang Yu can easily restrain Nie Feng.

Huang Yu looked at Nie Feng who was rushing towards him, a look of contempt flashed in his eyes, and he punched out with the power of law wrapped in the force of the fist.

The domineering punch knocked Nie Feng away, and then Huang Yu snapped out a finger, and a wave of thought power rushed into Nie Feng's mind, refining the demonic nature in Nie Feng's mind.

Nie Feng, who had been refined into demonic nature, quickly recovered his original consciousness and became sober.

"Lang, you saved me?"

"Nie Feng, this is absolutely godless. You and Bu Jingyun can practice, and the others will be left to me." Huang Yu looked at Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun and said.

Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun, one of them has cultivated Fengshen legs, the other has cultivated cloud-dispelling palm, plus the strength of their physique, combined, they can burst out a powerful force, that is, Maha Wuliang.

Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun looked at each other and nodded.

"Okay, Lang, let us deal with Jue Wushen." After Nie Feng finished speaking, he and Bu Jingyun rushed towards Jue Wushen.

Hearing Huang Yu's words, Jue Wushen was overjoyed. If he faced Huang Yu, he would not be sure at all, but when dealing with Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun, Jue Wushen would not take it seriously at all. Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng Although the strength of the two is good, they can't break through their own defenses at all, so Jue Wushen doesn't care at all. As long as Duan Lang doesn't make a move, it's a good thing. Duan Lang is what he fears the most.

"Six tactics of Aohan."

"Cloud Dispelling Palm."

"The Immortal Golden Body!"

The three of them huddled together.

Over there, Po Jun's expression changed drastically, and Jue Xin had already left, and there was only one person who was fearless and full of confidence in Jue Wushen, and that was Jue Tian.

"You are Duanlang. I heard that you are very powerful, much stronger than Nie Fengbu Jingyun. Xiongba was killed by you. Today, I will kill you to let the world know that I am a real young genius." No.1 in a generation." Jue Tian Changjian pointed at Huang Yu, speaking loudly and confidently.

"What a stupid boy who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth." Huang Yu didn't care. Seeing Juetian rushing up, he waved his hand casually, and a powerful force hit Juetian's body. The powerful force rushed out and hit a big tree heavily. With a click, the big tree broke, and Jue Tian spat out blood, his eyes became dizzy, and he fell into a coma.

Seeing that her son had passed out, Yan Ying ran up quickly, yelling: "Tian'er, Tian'er, are you okay, don't scare mother."

On the other side, seeing that the situation was not good, Po Jun pulled Yan Ying up and was about to go out.

Huang Yu snorted coldly and said, "Pojun, if you dare to leave, I will kill you."

Hearing Huang Yu's words, Po Jun, who originally wanted to leave, seemed to have roots under his feet, unable to move a step at all.

"Duanlang, don't bully people too much. I, Po Jun, are not easy to provoke." Po Jun looked at Huang Yu and said, "At worst, I will die with you. I just want to be with Yan Ying, and I don't want to interfere with your affairs."

"Fish die, net break, do you have the qualifications?" Huang Yu sneered endlessly. This Pojun is very average in strength, far inferior to Jue Wushen and the others. Now even Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun are no match, and for the sake of power, For the sake of martial arts, even the woman he loves can be sacrificed, she is like rubbish among rubbish, scum among scum.

"You cut off your own arm, and then get out of here, remember, get out of here." Huang Yu's eyes were sharp, full of killing intent.


"Why, if you don't want to, if you don't want to, then die." Huang Yu doesn't care about this kind of person at all, and doesn't bother to kill him himself. Moreover, Huang Yu is also very clear that this Pojun cherishes him very much. How could he dare to fight with his own life?
Po Jun looked at Huang Yu, then at Yan Ying, gritted his teeth, cut off his arm, and started rolling.

After rolling out of the city gate for more than ten meters, Po Jun looked at Yan Ying and said, "Yan Ying, let's go."

But Yan Ying stood there, not looking at Po Jun, nor caring about Jue Wushen, she even forgot about her son Jue Tian's injury, but stared fixedly at Huang Yu.

"This man is so domineering and powerful. Even Jue Wushen is no match for him. I dare not fight him. Po Jun is in front of him, and I can't even lift my head. Let him go, just go. He is too domineering. More importantly, , this man is still young, so young, so powerful, so handsome, with extraordinary temperament, like a god in the sky, if he can become his woman, then he will definitely become the most enviable and most enviable woman in the world. Envious woman." Yan Ying looked at Huang Yu and thought in her heart.

Huang Yu didn't know that he had been targeted by Yan Ying and Nie Feng's mother, but Huang Yu didn't like her.

Over there, the battle between Nie Fengbu Jingyun and Jue Wushen has reached a fever pitch.

Both sides played tricks.

"Imperishable golden body, get up." Jue Wushen roared, his whole body was like a Vajra Demon God, while Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun looked at each other and displayed their unique skills at the same time.

"The combination of wind and cloud, Maha Wuliang."

Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun soared into the air, forming a huge whirlwind. The whirlwind contained terrifying power, as if it was a tornado, and its momentum was terrifying.

Jue Wushen did not expect that the strength of the two teamed up would be so terrifying. This strength has surpassed the limit, beyond the limit that the Immortal Golden Body can bear.

Although the Immortal Golden Body is extremely powerful, once the opponent's attack power exceeds the limit, it will destroy the defense of the Indestructible Golden Body. Once the defense is broken, then your biggest reliance will be gone, then Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun's attacks can hurt him, and this will be a great disadvantage to him.

Absolutely Wushen, at this moment, has already moved the idea of ​​avoiding, this move must not be accepted by force.

Therefore, Jue Wushen gave a soft drink, and at the same time when the Immortal Golden Body was cast, he turned to the side and left quickly, trying to dodge this terrifying blow.

However, if he wanted to dodge, how could he possibly be able to dodge?
Under the terrifying power of Maha Wuliang, Jue Wushen had no chance to dodge at all, and the powerful force immediately hit Jue Wushen.

On the ground, stones and bricks were rolled up by the terrifying power, and they kept choosing outfits, but they were absolutely indifferent. Standing in the center of the impact of the power, they cast the heavy pendant and the indestructible golden body, completely motionless, but, The expression on Jue Wushen's face is getting worse and worse, as if it has reached the limit of endurance, as if it is full of blood.

"Damn it." Jue Wushen was furious, "You two little bastards, I will kill you today."

Jue Wushen let out a roar, and the aura of his whole body actually rose again, and he punched hard.

"Killing fist, killing."

Jue Wushen condensed all the strength of his whole body on his fists, and unleashed the most powerful punch of the Killing Fist, which was Killing Jue. This punch was so powerful that it seemed to pierce the entire world. When the fist was punched, it actually pierced through the Maha Wuliang that Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun jointly exerted.

Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun were broken by the combination of wind and cloud, they were blown away by a powerful force, and both vomited blood. It turned out that the two had cast Maha Boundless and had great power, but they were broken up halfway, causing the two to suffer a backlash And injured, and the injury is not light.

"You guys, die for me."

Jue Wushen was in control, seeing that Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun were injured, he quickly attacked them, intending to blast them to death.

Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun, at this time, had no power to fight back at all, and when Huang Yu was about to make a move, they appeared in front of Jue Wushen.

The majestic sword energy blocked Juewushen's path.

This person is none other than Wuming, and the skill he displayed is also a peerless sword technique.

"Wu Ming, you are defeated, I will kill you today." Absolutely Wushen was also very angry when he saw Wu Ming. This Wu Ming was designed by himself, abolished his cultivation, and was arrested in the prison of Wushen Jue Palace. But he didn't expect that this guy actually learned how to return to the sect with ten thousand swords, so why wouldn't he be angry.

Seeing Wuming again now made him furious. If it wasn't for Wuming, things wouldn't be so troublesome.

"Juewushen, I advise you to give up and go back to Dongpu. The martial arts in the Central Plains is not something you can afford to provoke." Wuming sighed and said.

"Damn Wuming, you really think of yourself as the savior." Jue Wushen's eyes flickered coldly, "Central Plains Wulin, I won't get involved now, but I still want to kill you."

Jue Wushen knew very well in his heart that with the existence of a terrifying guy like Duanlang, it was absolutely impossible for him to rule the Central Plains martial arts. Unless he killed Duanlang, it was impossible at all. opponent.

However, Wuming is a thorn in his heart, to kill him, he must be killed.

"Killing Heart, Killing God, Killing Jue."

Jue Wushen used his killing fist again, blocked Wuming's sword energy with his immortal golden body, and then used his killing fist to fiercely bombard Wuming.

In fact, Wuming's strength is very powerful, even stronger than Juggernaut, especially after learning the wisdom of Wan Jian Guizong, but it's a pity, Wuming is kind, and, before being abolished, he still He has not fully healed, so in the face of Jue Wushen's strong attacks, he can only retreat again and again, and cannot head-on.

But in Huang Yu's eyes, he was very surprised. Wuming's comprehension of kendo has improved to a higher level. In time, Wuming's strength will catch up with Di Shitian. However, if he wants to be truly stronger than Di Shitian, Wuming is still not qualified, unless he can truly comprehend the field of kendo.

(End of this chapter)

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