Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 574 Another mission

Chapter 574 Another mission
the next day.

Early in the morning, Huang Yu was practicing in the courtyard.

Sword light filled the sky, very domineering.

Seeing this scene, Li Xiaoyao was shocked to the extreme.

"This person, could it be that he is an immortal? He is so powerful. Wouldn't it be great if I could learn one and a half strokes from a master?" Li Xiaoyao thought, and when Huang Yu put his sword back and stood up, he jumped out immediately, looking Huang Yu said, "Immortal, Immortal, please accept me as an apprentice."

In fact, Huang Yu did it on purpose. This time, Huang Yu was going to see Ling'er, but when he thought about taking his chance, he had to give him some compensation.

"You want to apprentice?"

"Yes, Master." Li Xiaoyao said, "If Master doesn't agree, then I won't get up."

Huang Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, this guy was really thick-skinned, he actually knelt down on the ground, and his clothes were so shameless.

"Okay, your aptitude is not bad, so I will reluctantly accept you as a disciple." Huang Yu waved his hand, and a volume of exercises fell into Li Xiaoyao's hands, "This is some basic exercises for the teacher. , practice hard by yourself, and if you can cultivate to the extreme, I will give you more advanced exercises as a teacher."

This exercise is the Sacred Heart Art created by Di Shitian, but it has been improved by Huang Yu. In this world, it can be regarded as the top exercise. It is estimated that only in Shushan, such a great sect, can use it. With such a top-notch kung fu, of course, there is also a set of swordsmanship. This swordsmanship is the return of ten thousand swords. Although Li Xiaoyao has cultivated some superficial kung fu skills, they are almost negligible after being abolished, so It is not difficult for Li Xiaoyao to practice again.

"Great, thank you master."

"You have practiced some superficial martial arts, which are of no great use, but will lead to mixed martial arts. Therefore, I will remove your cultivation base, so that you can practice well." Huang Yu waved his hand, and sent out a burst of energy, breaking his original cultivation. His cultivation techniques were dissolved. Of course, those cultivation bases still remained in his body, but they were transformed into pure energy.

What Huang Yu did made Mingyue and the girls a little puzzled: "Although this kid has good aptitude, it's not worth the effort of Brother Huang, right?"

"Hehe, this guy has great luck. In this world, he will definitely achieve something." Huang Yu said with a slight smile, "I won't stay in this world for long. It is also a kind of fate that this kid met me. Give him If you have a chance, why not?"

"Okay, it's getting late, we should leave and go somewhere." Huang Yu said.


"Fairy Island."

"Fairy Island, is that the island where fairies live that those boys said?" Upon hearing this, the four girls became excited, "I haven't seen a real fairy yet, hurry up, let's go quickly .”

"There are no real fairies living on Fairy Island, but she is a descendant of Nuwa who has the blood of Nuwa. She is a very nice girl." Huang Yu said.

When the girls heard this, their faces were ugly, and they were a little jealous.

Yu Chuchu, in particular, was so angry that she pursed her lips, put one hand on Huang Yu's waist, pinched it fiercely, and said, "Brother Huang, you...isn't it enough for you to have us?"

Lulu in Huang Yu's mind was very happy: "Hmph, Master, I made you lustful and always miss pretty girls, isn't this bad luck?"

Huang Yu was in pain, and he didn't dare to use his true energy, he just smiled wryly: "Let me show you, and you will know."

Speaking, Huang Yu took out the story of Legend of Sword and Fairy, threw it to the four girls, and said, "Actually, this is the future development of this world, and that's why I want to see Ling'er."

"Ling'er is so pitiful."

"Caiyi is so pitiful, too pitiful."

"Brother Huang, I was wrong, let's go see sister Linger quickly, and then we will go to sister Caiyi." Yu Chuchu said.

Huang Yu couldn't help sighing when he saw the women changing so quickly, women, this sympathy, this change of mood, it's really called a fast, just like the weather in spring, it looks different every time, cloudy or sunny.

The five of Huang Yu summoned a small boat and rushed towards the Fairy Island.

Huang Yu's strength is extraordinary, the storm outside the fairy island is not dangerous enough, Huang Yu easily breaks through and enters the fairy island.

The various organs and miasma on the fairy island are naturally not a problem.

Soon, Huang Yu and the four women came to a pond, which was full of lotus flowers, surrounded by immortals, very beautiful.

"What a beautiful place." Mingyue said, "It would be great if we could stay here permanently."

"Well, yes, it really deserves to be called Fairy Island." Luo Xian also nodded in agreement.

Huang Yu looked forward, and there was a figure in the depths of the lotus.

Huang Yu's eyes widened involuntarily, and he thought to himself, no way, he is so lucky, this chick Ling'er is actually taking a bath?

Sure enough, after taking a closer look, there is a woman in the water. That woman's skin is as white as jade, crystal clear, better than the four women.

"What a spirited woman."

"Brother Huang, don't look."

Seeing Huang Yu like this, Yu Chuchu and Mingyue immediately stood in front of him, blocking his sight, and shouted loudly.

"Who is it?" Ling'er was shocked when she heard the voice, covered her body, turned around, saw Huang Yu and others, and her face changed drastically.

"Sister Linger, don't be afraid, we are not bad people." Hearing Linger's words, Second Meng hurriedly explained, "Hurry up and put on your clothes."

Huang Yu could only sigh secretly, originally he could watch the beauty come out of the bath, but he didn't expect that there would be no chance, if he had known earlier, he should have come alone, in that case, wouldn't it be possible to enjoy the wonderful scenery, although Huang Yu now As for emotional matters, matters between men and women, they are very restrained, but it is also good to look at such a beautiful scenery.

After a while, Ling'er got dressed, and after getting dressed, Ling'er cast lightning spells one after another.

All of a sudden, the girls were in a hurry. The four girls practiced martial arts, not spells. In the face of this lightning spell, they were naturally in a hurry. Fortunately, Linger's cultivation is very shallow, and the girls can still handle it. .

Huang Yu looked at the appearance of the four girls, smiled, waved his hand, put away Linger's spells, looked at Linger and said: "Linger, stop making trouble, we have no malicious intentions, we are here to find You, and your grandma's."

"Brother Yu, is it you?" Seeing Huang Yu, Ling'er stopped immediately, ecstatically surprised, and quickly ran towards Huang Yu.As soon as the fourth daughter heard this, she immediately turned her head to look at Huang Yu. Even Huang Yu himself was a little dazed. Since when did this chick know her? You know, she has just entered the fairy sword world, so how could she know her?
However, I suddenly came back to my senses and remembered one thing. In the original book, Li Xiaoyao also returned to ten years ago. It seems that this is probably the reason why Linger knows himself, but , the original Li Xiaoyao was replaced by himself.

"Brother Yu, that's great. After ten years, I finally waited for Brother Yu's arrival." Ling'er was overjoyed, holding Huang Yu's arm, with a very sweet smile on her face.

As for the daughters of Mingyue, their complexions were not very good. Although they sympathized with Ling'er at first, when they saw Huang Yu and Ling'er being so close, they were inevitably jealous.

"Ahem, you guys forgot, I just showed it to you, ten years ago." Seeing that the eyes of the girls were not very good, and Yu Chuchu's finger stretched towards his waist again, Huang Yu quickly explained .

"Brother Yu, who are these older sisters?" Ling'er was very happy at first, and almost forgot about the girls around Huang Yu, but now she realized that she was not very happy when she saw the four girls of Mingyue and Chuchu. Her mouth also pouted, she hugged Huang Yu's arm tightly, and said to the fourth daughter.

Seeing the current situation, Huang Yu really had a headache and said, "These four sisters are also my good friends. Her name is Mingyue, and her name is Yu Chuchu..."

After introducing one by one.

Say hello to each other.

"You guys have to get along well."

At this time, Huang Yu suddenly heard the system's prompt sound.

"Ding, whether the player accepts the S-level mission, defeats the Lord of the Moon Worship, succeeds in the mission, obtains ten crystals of rules, fails the mission, and drops one level of cultivation base."

"Ding, whether the player accepts the SS mission and kills the Emperor Fuxi, if the mission is successful, he will get ten Crystals of Law. If the mission fails, his cultivation base will drop by five levels."

Task, there is a task?Huang Yu frowned slightly. There was such a mission, and there were also the Crystal of Rules and the Crystal of Laws as mission rewards. These Crystals of Rules and Crystals of Law should be the crystallization of the power of rules and the power of laws, and it The power of rules and laws in one world is of great help to him.

However, the punishment of the task gave Huang Yu some headaches. The loss of cultivation was not only in this plane, but also in reality. Falling, wouldn't that be very depressing?
But if you don't accept it, it would be too wasteful. You must know that before in the world of wind and cloud, I only obtained a few wisps of power of rules. As for the power of laws, I didn't get it at all.

How much rule power can a piece of rule crystal have, its quantity must be far beyond the harvest in Fengyun World.

"Accept." After a little hesitation, Huang Yu chose to accept. The Crystal of Rules and the Crystal of Laws are both extremely needed things. They are scarce and cannot be exchanged in the system. Therefore, there are tasks , You have to accept it, not to mention, just kill the Lord of Worshiping the Moon and the Emperor Fuxi, and you can perform the destructive move yourself. It shouldn't be too difficult to do, and there is no time limit, so there is no need to worry about it, just wait for your own Strength, to improve one's cultivation base, beheading the leader of worshiping the moon, beheading the emperor Fuxi, that is not an easy task.

(End of this chapter)

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