Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 60 Let go of my junior sister!

Chapter 60 Let go of my junior sister!
Huang Yu felt unbelievable that this thousand-year-old jade heart had actually integrated into his dantian and became a part of his dantian, causing earth-shaking changes in his dantian, "Lulu, you are really amazing."

"That's natural, and it doesn't matter who I am, Lulu?" Lulu raised her head and said.

The dantian is constantly changing, constantly absorbing the power of thunder calamity, transforming the dantian, and constantly tempering the four thunder dragons.

"Ding, congratulations to the player who has improved his cultivation and reached the fourth level (consummation) of the Human Infant Realm."

"Ding, congratulations player, Thunder Dragon Jue has been promoted and has become an earth-level skill."

"Ding, congratulations to the player who has improved his cultivation and reached the fifth floor of the Human Infant Realm."

On the fifth floor of the Human Infant Realm, Huang Yu was overjoyed, Lei Jie disappeared, and his own cultivation had reached the fifth floor of the Human Infant Realm, and he had been promoted to two levels at once. It is still the promotion of Thunder Dragon Jue and Ziji Sword.

The Thunder Dragon Art has been transformed into an earth-level technique, and the Ziji Sword has also been transformed into an earth weapon. This is the biggest gain, and it is worthwhile for this adventure.

Slowly fell to the ground, looking at Gu Tian who was still in a coma, Huang Yu walked over, carried him on his back, and walked outside. At this time, this small courtyard had already been turned into ruins. The moment he was broken by himself, heaven and earth sent down pure energy, most of which entered Gu Tian's body, but Huang Yu also got a small part.

This small amount of energy actually allowed Huang Yu to improve his cultivation base again. Although there was no breakthrough, it allowed Huang Yu to reach the peak of perfection from the early stage of the fifth floor of the Human Infant Realm. Originally, he needed to use spirit stones to exchange his cultivation base, but now his own spirit stones After the consumption is over, I don't know how long it will take to reach peak perfection, but I didn't expect that there would be a surprise.

Moreover, because of that pure energy, Huang Yu felt that he would be able to break through again in a short time.

What is a genius and what is an evildoer, I am afraid that he is talking about himself, Huang Yu thought in his heart, it took him less than half a year to enter the human baby realm from the realm of Qi training, at such a speed, it must be shocking .

Seeing Huang Yu walking out with Gu Tian behind his back, Gu Xin hurried up to meet him.

"Huang Yu, how is my father?"

"It's okay, the catastrophe has passed successfully. Uncle Gu is now in a coma because he is still in a weak state after going through the catastrophe. It won't take long for him to recover. Moreover, Uncle Gu's cultivation will improve greatly by then. To become a real powerhouse in the realm of life and death, that is one side's powerhouse." Huang Yu put Gu Tian down and said with a smile.

"Great, this is really great, Huang Yu, thank you, really thank you." Gu Xin was relieved when she heard Huang Yu's words, and looked into Huang Yu's eyes, full of gratitude and affection.

"Do you still need to thank me? If it wasn't for Uncle Gu, I might have been killed by Liu Guangming long ago. How can I still have a leisurely life now." Huang Yu said with a faint smile on his face.

Indeed, in retrospect, I was really impulsive at the time. My cultivation base at that time was only in the Xiantian realm, which was too far from the Yuanshen realm. Moreover, Liu Guangming was not weak, he was in the late stage of the Yuanshen realm, and he might even It was the peak of Yuanshen Realm, and once he made a move, he would not even have the possibility of escaping.


"Cough cough..."

Hearing the sound of coughing, the two hurriedly turned their heads, knowing that Gu Tian had woken up.

"Father, are you awake? How do you feel?" Seeing Gu Tian waking up, the joy on Gu Xin's face was self-evident.

"I... Am I not dead?" Gu Tian only remembered that he lost his strength and fell into a coma at that time. He never thought that he could survive. After all, Tian Jie would not show mercy because of his coma.

"Father, you're fine, it was Huang Yu who saved you."

"Nephew, saved me?" Hearing Gu Xin's words, Gu Tian was shocked. Before hearing that Huang Yu was going to carry the sky thunder for him, Gu Tian never believed it. Unexpectedly, what he said It's true, he saved his life and blocked the catastrophe for himself. You know, it was six or nine catastrophes, and the power of the last catastrophe was terrifying. Can't help it, but Huang Yu can resist it with his cultivation base of human infant?Gu Tian really had the urge to dissect Huang Yu. You must know that in such a situation, even with a heavenly weapon, it would be impossible. "I'm sorry, nephew, I...I...I shouldn't doubt you."

In any case, I have successfully survived the catastrophe, and here, besides Huang Yu, who else can help me survive the catastrophe?Therefore, as soon as he said that, Gu Tian immediately retracted it.

"Uncle Gu, don't worry, after all, no one would believe such a thing."

Huang Yu smiled and didn't care, "I'm just opportunistic. If I do it again, I can't do it again. Uncle Gu should see how his cultivation has changed?"

"Yes, yes, yes, I won't say much about thanking you, Uncle Gu, I will keep it in my heart." When Gu Tian heard this, he couldn't help nodding, and he couldn't wait to check his situation, whether it was true or not. broke through.

"Okay, Uncle Gu practice hard and consolidate, and my nephew won't bother Uncle Gu." After speaking, Huang Yu pulled Gu Xin and walked out of the room.

Three days later.

Huang Yu also completely consolidated his own cultivation base, and his combat power has increased by more than three times compared to before.

With a punch, the rocks shattered and smoke and dust flew up.

Huang Yu could have done this before, but it was definitely not so easy.

During these three days, countless people from Shenshi Pavilion came and went, all of them came to curry favor with Gu Tian. Everyone knew that Gu Tian's cultivation base was extremely terrifying, and he actually survived six or nine days of calamity and broke through the realm of life and death.

You must know that the strong in the life and death realm, that one is not superior, but a strong one, who can create a sect and become the overlord of a party, even in the entire Zhongyuan Kingdom, there are not many.

And those who once had enemies with Gu Tian fled away one after another, not daring to come back, for fear that Gu Tian would seek revenge on them. A strong man in the life and death realm was definitely not something they could resist.

After Huang Yu finished his work, a person walked by the door, with a graceful figure, it was none other than Gu Xin.

"Huang Yu, why are you hiding here." Seeing Huang Yu, Gu Xin paid off her efforts and walked over quickly, pouted her mouth, and was a little bit worried about Huang Yu's avoidance of the banquet.

"Sorry, I don't like it very much."

Huang Yu's cold tone made Gu Xin a little aggrieved, she looked at Huang Yu and said, "I...I...Am I annoying?"

Seeing Gu Xin's tone, Huang Yu had a headache. Gu Xin is definitely a great beauty, but there is a figure in his heart, and he can't forget her no matter what.

"I didn't mean that, you are beautiful, beautiful, but I..."

Before Huang Yu finished speaking, Gu Xin interrupted him, staring at Huang Yu closely with her big beautiful eyes, and said, "Do you think I'm not gentle enough? If that's the case, I'll change it for You, I can change anything."

"No... no, you are very nice and beautiful, it's not because of you, if you change, then it's not you, not the Gu Xin I know." Huang Yu shook his head.

"Junior Sister, Junior Sister."

A voice came from afar.

Gu Xin's face changed when she heard the words, she was very disgusted: "This hateful bastard, idiot, is here again."

Before Huang Yu had time to react, Gu Xin hugged his tiger's waist and pressed against his body tightly.

When the man broke in, he saw Gu Xin hugging Huang Yu and leaning against him, his face turned livid, and the fire of jealousy in his eyes was blazing.

His eyes were like sharp knives. If eyes could kill, Huang Yu would have died countless times by now.

Huang Yu smiled wryly when he saw this, and again, he was used as a shield again.

"Junior Sister, who is he?"

"Who is your junior sister, Wang Jing, don't make any mistakes, our ancient family has nothing to do with your Shen Yuzong, don't call me junior sister, and, please leave, this is the site of our Shenshi Pavilion, here is not Welcome." Gu Xin didn't give him a good face, and hated him to the extreme.

"Boy, you'd better let go of my junior sister, or you can't provoke my anger. Who is my junior sister? Jin Zhi Yu Ye, you are a poor boy, a trash whose cultivation level is not as good as a human baby, how dare you hit me?" My junior sister's idea, I think you are impatient." Wang Jing did not answer Gu Xin's words, but looked at Huang Yu with cold eyes and strong killing intent, threatening.

Huang Yu was speechless when he heard the words, he could meet such people everywhere.

"Get out." Huang Yu spit out two words coldly without any extra words. Although this guy has reached the middle stage of Yuanshen Realm, Huang Yu still doesn't take it seriously, especially after helping Gu Tian through the catastrophe , his cultivation base soared, coupled with the improvement of Ziji Sword and Thunder Dragon Art, Huang Yu was full of confidence.

Unless he also has a ground device, this guy is really not good enough.

You must know that your Thunder Dragon Art has now reached the fourth level, and if you use the Thunder Dragon Fury with the Ziji Sword, you can definitely compete with the late stage of the Yuanshen Realm. Even if you meet Liu Guangming again, Huang Yu will no longer Fear is no worse than worrying about being beheaded by him. What's more, the guy in front of him is only in the middle stage of Yuanshen Realm.

"Wang Jing, get out of here, or I'll kill you." Seeing that Wang Jing was shameless and dared to threaten Huang Yu, Gu Xin was extremely angry, looked at him, and cursed angrily.

"Junior Sister, Junior Uncle will return to Shenyuzong after all, and you are the princess of our Shenyuzong. He is just a mere mortal with a low status. How can he be worthy of you? Besides, you can protect him For a while, but it can't protect him for the rest of his life."

Hearing Gu Xin's words, Wang Jing's jealousy kept rising, but it was because of Gu Tian's face.

Today's Gu Tian is not what it used to be, he has broken through the realm of life and death, and has a detached position. His father Wang Zhongshan has repeatedly told him not to make any trouble. If he offends Gu Tian, ​​he can't afford to go around.

"Have you finished talking? You can get out when you're done talking." Gu Xin cursed angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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