Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 669 It Was Actually Zhao Linger

Chapter 669 It Was Actually Zhao Linger
"You want to fuck me?" the woman asked.

Huang Yu couldn't help but smile bitterly. Why does this woman think so: "Forget it, forget it, I want to pick you up? You can figure it out, even if I want to pick you up, I still have to see what you look like." Okay."

"That's not necessarily true. Maybe you planned it beforehand and found out about me a long time ago. That's why it's such a coincidence." The woman said.

When Huang Yu heard this, his face was full of black lines. This woman is really narcissistic. She thought she was a fairy descending from the earth, or some kind of big star?Is it necessary for others to do so many things for her?

Huang Yu simply took the jade talisman back, and was about to close his eyes and rest.

"Forget it, since you are so sincere, I will accept this jade talisman." The woman stretched out her hand, ready to take the jade talisman.

Huang Yu shook his head, put away the jade talisman, closed his eyes, and ignored her.

" do you mean?" When the woman saw that the other party put away the jade talisman, she immediately became angry. Well, she came after me, using such jadeite to pick up girls, but now she put it away. Get up, "Are you trying to retreat? I won't give you a chance."

Huang Yu ignored her at all.

The woman is really angry.

Asshole, what a big asshole.

At first, she really thought so, but after a while, she didn't see him open his eyes, as if he was asleep.

And the plane started up, which made her very uncomfortable at this time.

Yes, she was a little airsick.

To her surprise, the breath on that bastard seemed to smell good, and the feeling of dizziness disappeared when he was close to him.

It made her want to get closer to him involuntarily.

"This bastard, why does his body smell so good and comfortable? Could it be... Could it be because of the jade talisman? Is he a master? A legendary master?" The woman couldn't help but think of her grandfather's words. On the Internet, there are some masters, and those masters are all mysterious and unpredictable, with shocking means of weeping ghosts and gods.

Some are even omnipotent, as if they are real gods.

Unknowingly, the woman leaned against Huang Yu's body and gradually fell into a deep sleep.

Huang Yu smiled wryly. This girl originally wanted to wake her up, but after hesitating for a while, she gave up. Seeing that she was a woman, she was fussing with a woman, so forget it. I am not such a stingy person.

Time flies, and we are about to land in the United States in the blink of an eye, and we will arrive at the airport in an hour.

The woman woke up and found that she was still leaning on that hateful man. What made her feel even more ashamed was that the man looked at her with a half-smile.

It's a shame, it's really a shame.

"You...what are you looking at, I...I just fell asleep accidentally, you...don't think too much, I won't be interested in you, and I won't give you any chance." Woman At this time, he accidentally took off his mask and glasses.

Huang Yu looked at her face, but was surprised. This woman actually looked like Zhao Ling'er.

Could it be that she is Zhao Ling'er?I was so lucky that I went to the United States and met Zhao Ling'er on the plane.

"Your name is Zhao Ling'er?" Huang Yu said.

"Ah... you really know my name, my glasses, my mask, you... you did it on purpose? You really know that I'm on this plane, it's too damned, who are you?" Zhao Linger was furious Yes, said.

Huang Yu shook his head helplessly. Zhao Ling'er seemed to have a lot of background and a reputation, so he said, "Why do you say that? I haven't seen you before, and you haven't seen me either."

"I haven't seen you, it doesn't mean you don't know me, you must have done it on purpose, um, your jade talisman is pretty good, if you give it to me, I will barely give you a chance, I can give you my autographed photo." Zhao Linger Turning his eyes, he looked at Huang Yu and said.

She can be sure that Huang Yu is not a simple person, and that jade talisman is also real. I have seen a jade talisman from Grandpa Zhou before, and that jade talisman is very precious to Grandpa Zhou, no one is allowed to touch it.

Grandpa will definitely be happy if he gets this jade talisman.

At the beginning, Grandpa was jealous of Grandpa Zhou's jade talisman.

"Are you famous?" Huang Yu said with a faint smile, "The value of my jade talisman is beyond your imagination. How many hundred million can a signed photo of yours be worth?"

Huang Yu said this on his lips, but he was secretly surprised in his heart, Zhao Linger, could it be that he is a big star, why don't he have an autographed photo?However, no matter how famous he is, it is impossible to exchange a signed photo for his own jade talisman, and even an ordinary talisman cannot be exchanged, let alone a jade talisman.

Huang Yu didn't chase stars at that time, but he knew about some established stars, but he didn't know about those new generation stars.

For Zhao Linger, a new star, I have never heard of it, even though she is very famous.

When Huang Yu was like this, Zhao Linger was immediately angry.

I am a big star after all, well known to everyone, this bastard has never heard of it, how is it possible?
On purpose, absolutely on purpose.

This man, indulged in lust, must have said that on purpose.

Damn it, it's really too hateful, I must teach him a lesson and let him know how powerful I am, Zhao Linger.

"You really don't know me?"

"Why should I know?" Huang Yu asked back.

"That's my misunderstanding. Do you watch TV or surf the Internet?" Zhao Linger asked again.

"I never watch TV, surf the Internet, and rarely."

"God, aren't you joking?" Zhao Ling'er couldn't see that the other party seemed to be lying, and thought to herself, didn't this bumpkin come from the primeval forest?I don't watch TV, I don't surf the Internet, and I don't know anything.

However, judging by his temperament, he doesn't look like he came from deep mountains and old forests.

Suddenly Zhao Linger remembered a question.

Those mysterious people, god-like figures, do all live in deep mountains and old forests.

This man has that kind of jade talisman, belongs to the kind of high-level people who come and go, even if he is not, he is also a high-level apprentice, so he can have such a temperament, and he lives in the deep mountains and old forests, without TV, without the Internet. Not surprising.

Thinking of this, the anger in Zhao Linger's heart also dissipated a lot.

"It's not a joke." Huang Yu shook his head.

"Then how do you know me and know my name?" Zhao Ling'er thought of another thing, if he was the kind of high-level person, how would he know his name?

This is a flaw, and it is also a big doubt.

If there is no way to explain this, then this guy is deliberate and a liar.

"It can be seen that I am a physicist." Huang Yu said.

"Are you really a physicist?" Zhao Linger's eyes lit up, and said, "If you are a physicist, then you must be very good, knowing the past and the future?"

Huang Yu nodded and said, "Generally, it can be calculated."

"Then do the math for me? If it's right? I won't embarrass you. If it's not right, hehe, I'll have someone arrest you." Zhao Linger threatened.

Huang Yu couldn't help being amused, this chick even threatened himself, in this world, there is really no one who can catch him, unless it is in the cultivation world, there are still a few possibilities.

If it were here, it would be absolutely impossible.

"Okay, what if I get it right?" Huang Yu said.

"If you're right, I promise you one condition, but it can't be too much." Zhao Linger said.

Zhao Ling'er originally wanted to say, let you dispose of it, but soon realized that if this guy really has real materials, and then he makes some excessive demands, wouldn't he be miserable?So I reacted all of a sudden and changed my mouth.

"Okay." Huang Yu nodded.

Looking at Zhao Linger, he smiled and said, "Recently, you often have a dream, a mysterious dream. In the dream, you are a woman who knows magic, also called Zhao Linger, right?"

" did you know?" Zhao Linger asked in surprise.

"Besides, you are a descendant of Nuwa inside, and you will become a big white snake." Huang Yu said again.

" an expert, do you really know?" Zhao Linger was startled, she had never told anyone about these things, not even her own grandfather, he... did he know?Could it be... Could it be that he is really an expert?

"Of course I know, look at me carefully, don't you think I'm familiar?" Huang Yu looked at Zhao Ling'er and said.

"Hey, it's really familiar." Huang Yu changed his appearance a little before, but now he has restored his appearance.

Zhao Linger took a closer look and exclaimed, "Huang...Huang Yu."

"Yes, my name is Huang Yu. You shouldn't call me that in your dream, right?" Huang Yu said with a smile.

"You... say, is it you who caused me to have that strange dream?" Zhao Linger was surprised at first, but suddenly changed her face, looked at Huang Yu angrily, and grabbed his waist Room, Road.

Huang Yu was in pain.

What the hell, every time Zhao Linger gets angry, she always pinches the flesh around her waist, pinching a little bit, it hurts to death, even Huang Yu's strength is high, she can't stand it.

Unexpectedly, here, Zhao Linger's move is still perfect.

"I said Linger, can you let me go, it hurts to death, you do this every time." Huang Yu smiled wryly, "Let go of me first, and I will explain to you."

Zhao Linger blushed and let go of her hand.

What's wrong with me, why is this move so proficient, I remember that in my dream, I often did this, every time I got angry, it was a habitual action.

Could it be, could it be true?
"Okay, tell me, you must give me a satisfactory explanation. I'm dreaming. Is it your fault?" Zhao Linger said.

"Of course not, all this is real, not a dream, but something you have experienced." Huang Yu smiled wryly.

"Nonsense, how could I have experienced it, I have lived for 20 years, and I don't have these memories at all, but I remember it clearly." Zhao Linger said.

"This is not a place to talk. After we get off the plane, find a place to talk in detail." Huang Yu saw a graceful stewardess walking by at this time, so he said.

(End of this chapter)

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