Chapter 73 Hunting Plan
And Huang Yu also wanted to practice. If he went to the town, the city, he would definitely attract the attention of the Zhongyuan Sword Sect disciples, so it was the most suitable place to practice.

Although Huang Yu has practiced the Sword Power Fragment, he has only learned it and has not used it proficiently. As for the Fufeng Sword Art, he has not had time to practice at all.

A small house was built to accommodate two people.

Originally, the little loli Gongsun Lan was unwilling to live in the same room with Huang Yu, but after Huang Yu beat her pp several times, he stopped refusing.

Every time, after Huang Yu finished his practice, he would put his arms around little Lolita.

Over time, I got used to it.

On this day, Huang Yu sat cross-legged by the stream.

"Sword potential, what is sword potential, and what is potential?"

A swordsman is a soldier.

Those who are in power are powerful.

The power of the sword, the might of the sword.

Like a mountain sword.

The majesty like a mountain can crush everything, unshakable, unshakable.

Suddenly, Huang Yu opened his eyes.

The long sword in his hand trembled constantly.

The long sword was unsheathed, and the terrifying power crushed out, like a thousand-jun mountain, crushing everything.

There was a dead silence all around.

Wherever the sword strikes, life is wiped out.

Trees and rocks creaked, and after a few breaths, they shattered to the ground.

Birds, fish and insects, within the range of the sword, all lost their vitality and lost their lives.

Looking at Huang Yu's little lolita Gongsun Lan from a distance, she was horrified.

"What a terrifying sword move."

Although this kind of sword power can't be compared with real sword power and a real strong man with sword power, it is already terrifying to the extreme.

The sword's momentum is unstoppable.

All obstacles are swept away and crushed.

"Such a talent, I am afraid that no one in the entire Zhongyuan Sword Sect can match it. If he can join the Zhongyuan Sword Sect and become a disciple of Fengyuan, then Fengyuan will really rise." Little Lolita After Gongsun Lan's thought popped up, she couldn't restrain it like a wild weed.

"Pull him into the Zhongyuan Sword Sect, let him join the Fengyuan, and become a disciple of the Fengyuan. Yes, that's it." Xiao Luoli made up her mind, and looked at Huang Yu with extremely hot eyes.

At this time, Huang Yu didn't know that he was already missed by the little lolita Gongsun Lan.

Huang Yu was obsessed with comprehending the momentum of the sword like a mountain.

"Is this the real power of the Mountainous Sword Power?" Huang Yu muttered to himself, stroking the long sword lightly.

This sword move has completely surpassed the limit of the Human Infant Realm, and there are even very few people in the Primordial Spirit Realm who can achieve such an attack.

If after reaching the primordial spirit state, and then displaying this mountainous sword power, then under the thunder calamity state, he is absolutely invincible.

The sword is like a mountain, and the sword is like a mountain.

This sword is so terrifying, I don't know whose handwriting, what kind of person, can create such a shocking secret method of sword moves.

The sword power has been achieved, and I have another hole card.

He has already comprehended the sword force like a mountain, but Huang Yu still has no clue about the sword force of the angry wave. For a few days, he couldn't find it at all.

Helpless, Huang Yu had no choice but to give up, and when he had time in the future, he went to see the sea and the raging waves, maybe he could understand it.

It has only its shape, but not its meaning, and there is no way to exert its power at all, just like Yan Wanli. If he had truly comprehended the power of the mountain sword, then it is really uncertain who will win and who will lose.

For this, Huang Yu was very thankful, thankful that Yan Wanli did not really comprehend this mountainous sword power.

"I'm hungry."

Seeing Huang Yu stop practicing, little loli Gongsun Lan cried out in her stomach, her face was slightly hot, she looked at Huang Yu and said eagerly.

"I'm hungry, well, I'm going to catch some fish."

"No, I don't eat fish."

"What do you want to eat?" Huang Yu also intends to take out some kendo cultivation techniques from the little lolita's mouth, so it is still necessary to please her. Huang Yu is almost responsive to the little lolita's request. Of course, if If he asked him to let Gongsun Lan go, or some other request that made Huang Yu embarrassed, Huang Yu would not foolishly agree.

"Anything else, don't eat fish." Little Lolita said.

"Okay then, I'll catch some wild game and come back. Don't run around. There are powerful mysterious beasts nearby." The environment here is good, the scenery is also good, and the spiritual energy is also abundant. The beasts are all very powerful. Once before, Huang Yu encountered a third-order peak profound beast with terrifying strength. Huang Yu had no way to deal with it, so he had to retreat.

The beast even chased Huang Yu for a few miles, making Huang Yu extremely aggrieved.

However, if he met now, Huang Yu wouldn't be so embarrassed, and he could just try the Mountainous Sword Power that he had just successfully cultivated.

The meat of the mysterious beast is extremely delicious, because the meat of the mysterious beast contains a lot of aura. For the cultivator, this aura is of great help, it can replenish qi and blood, and make the body stronger.

The higher the level of the profound beast, the better the effect of its meat quality.

Ever since eating the meat of high-level mysterious beasts, Huang Yu himself has become more and more picky about food.

About two miles away from the valley, Huang Yu was surprised to find a special mysterious beast.

A piebald horned horse.

Piebald horned horses usually live in grasslands, how could they appear here?

Huang Yu was very puzzled.

He frowned slightly. There must be a reason for this piebald horned horse to come here.

Would not go here for no reason.

It is more than 300 miles away from the nearest plain, Pingcang Prairie.

Three hundred miles away, how could the piebald horned horse come here.

In such a situation, the only possibility is to run for your life, encounter some terrible threat, or be driven here on purpose.

These two situations, no matter which one, are not what Huang Yu wants to see.

When the piebald horned horse saw Huang Yu, it panicked immediately, roared, spread its limbs, and fled frantically to the side.

This situation made Huang Yu frown.

The piebald horned horse was so frightened when he saw him, and ran away desperately, which meant that when he saw himself, he was seriously frightened.

In other words, 90.00% of the reason why this piebald horned horse appeared here was because someone was chasing it.

Huang Yu knew very well that from Zhongyuan Jianzong to here, he had to pass through the Pingcang prairie, and this piebald horned horse was almost sure to come from the Pingcang prairie.

Then it is very likely that the guy from Zhongyuan Jianzong is here.

Did Gongsun Lan's little Lolita's father send someone here?

Or was it Liu Sanbian who sent someone from the Life and Death Realm powerhouse who gave him the Tarsus Maggots secret technique?
Either way, you're in trouble.

In this case, you must be prepared.

It would be much more convenient if I was alone, but now, I still carry an oil bottle, Gongsun Lan little loli, that would be a lot of trouble, and Huang Yu is not very clear, will Gongsun Lan little loli betray yourself?
If yes, it's more troublesome.

How to do?
Huang Yu frowned, he had to think of a comprehensive plan.

Of course, before that, I still need to figure out the strength of the opponent. Who are the people who came?

What is its strength?How many people?

This requires a thorough plan.

The so-called knowing yourself, knowing the enemy, and winning every battle, you need to figure it out.

Anyway, these people are here to deal with me, so, if that's the case, I don't have to be polite. It just happened recently that I don't have enough experience points to upgrade.

Come here, didn't you send yourself experience?

Huang Yu's mouth curled into a sneer.

This time, how many people came?
It seems that there are many strong people?

I don't know if there are any fighters from the Thunder Tribulation Realm?If there is, then it is really worthy of oneself.

Huang Yu didn't intend to go out to investigate like this, but needed to make arrangements. There were a lot of people coming, so he needed to make a good arrangement. This cat-and-mouse game is interesting enough, isn't it?

"Let's eat, after eating, there are activities."

After returning to the valley, Huang Yu prepared something to eat.

"What activity?" Little Lolita Gongsun Lan looked at Huang Yu with a puzzled expression.

"The Zhongyuan Sword Sect has come."

"Ah... Did my father send someone to pick me up?" Little Lolita stopped eating, looked at Huang Yu and asked.

"I don't know, but I guess they came to deal with me." Huang Yu said while eating, not caring, "Why, are you going to leave? If you want to leave, I won't stop you."

"No, I mean, you... can you go to the Zhongyuan Sword School with me?" Little Lolita looked at Huang Yu and said timidly.

"Well, what do you mean? Let me go to Zhongyuan Jianzong with you? Is it to persuade you to surrender? In Huang Yu's dictionary, there is no word 'surrender'. Although Zhongyuan Jianzong is powerful, I am not a vegetarian. Although my current strength is not enough to compete with the Zhongyuan Sword Sect, but before long, the entire Zhongyuan Sword Sect will definitely be trampled by me." Huang Yu showed his domineering aura, and his confidence was extremely high.

Relying on his own omnipotent immortal cultivation system, this golden finger surpasses the realm of life and death. It will only be a matter of time. At that time, won't it be easy for him to deal with Zhongyuan Sword Sect?

"Huang Yu? You are Huang Yu, that... the Huang Yu who broke the thousand-year record in Lingyun Pagoda and became No. 1 in Qishui City?"

Hearing Huang Yu's words, the little loli Gongsun Lan suddenly opened her eyes wide.

"Am I that famous?" Huang Yu was very proud when he heard this.

"That's right, I'm Huang Yu. Do you think I need to be afraid of the Zhongyuan Sword Sect? With my aptitude, it's only a matter of time before I reach the realm of life and death. Even if I want to break through the realm of life and death and reach the realm of brokenness, that's nothing." impossible things."

"No, you're not him. Huang Yu doesn't look like this. I've seen Huang Yu's portrait, and my father specially asked me to pay attention to Huang Yu. If I see Huang Yu, I must make friends with him and pull him into the Zhongyuan Jianzong couldn't be better, and said, also said, if... if possible, let me grab Huang Yu's heart and become his woman." Little Loli said with a blushing face.

"Do you like Huang Yu?"

(End of this chapter)

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