Chapter 79
The Fang Yuyin seal was of no help to him, but it was his ancestral property. When Huang Yu mentioned it, although he didn't want it in his heart, he still nodded for his own life and survival.

"it is good."

After all, Sima Xie took out the jade seal, although he was very curious, how did Huang Yu know that he had a jade seal, and what was he going to do?But he didn't dare to ask too much. Sometimes talking too much would make him unhappy. If that was the case, it would be bad.

"That's right, it's this jade seal." Lulu was overjoyed in Huang Yu's mind, "The soul seal of General Sima Wuhui is still intact and has not been used once. What a waste of money."

"I'm afraid it's because they don't know how to use it." Huang Yu rolled his eyes. If they knew the usefulness of this thing, I'm afraid this soul seal would not have fallen into his hands.

"My lord, what do you want me to do?" Sima Xie looked at Huang Yu, saw that he had accepted the jade seal with a rather happy expression on his face, and he was relieved immediately.

This life is saved, I don't know what he wants to do by himself?
But will he accept himself?
Sima Xie was a little moved.

The young man in front of him is definitely a genius, and his strength is terrifying. If he follows such a genius, his chances of revenge will be much greater.

Sima Xie was planning in his heart.

"If my guess is correct, you should be a descendant of Sima Wuhui, the great general, right?" Huang Yu looked at him and said calmly.

Although the words were soft, they set off a huge wave in Sima Xie's heart.

" did you know?" Sima Xie stared at Huang Yu closely, feeling extremely nervous.

"Don't be nervous. I told you that if I don't kill you, I won't kill you." Huang Yu couldn't help laughing when he saw Sima Xie was so nervous and looked like he was facing a big enemy. what?
He couldn't beat himself, and it was easy for him to kill him, so his actions didn't make any sense.

"You...who are you? How do you know so much? Could it be...Could it are also from the Sima family?" Sima Xie was relieved when he heard Huang Yu's words, but he didn't understand why Huang Yu would know His identity?

By the way, it must be that jade seal.

The jade seal is the ancestral heirloom of the Sima family. Since the decline of the Sima family, all the valuables in the family have been robbed by the enemy, and the family has also been wiped out, leaving only myself under the desperate protection of the guards. , just escaped.

At that time, I was only seven years old, and now it has been 20 years, and the only thing I have left is that map and this jade seal, and now both things have fallen into the hands of the person in front of me.

Is this person also a member of the Sima family?Are you of the same race as yourself?

Did he activate the blood power?
If this is the case, then it is not surprising that he has such terrifying combat power and can leapfrog the challenge.

My ancestor, General Sima Wuhui, didn't actually die of illness, nor did he die from being wounded, but because he broke through the shackles and passed away through the air.

According to records, once breaking through the realm of life and death and entering the realm of fragmentation, a bloodline inheritance will be left behind. The bloodline contains powerful power. As long as you can stimulate the power of this bloodline, then you will make rapid progress in cultivation and leapfrog challenges. That is The most common thing.

Huang Yu was taken aback by Sima Xie's words, and then he smiled and said: "You think too much, I am not from your Sima clan, nor am I a descendant of the great general Sima Wuhui. As for how I know your identity, You don't have to ask too much.

To tell you the truth, this map and this jade seal are not safe on your body, and may even pose a threat to your life. If you give it to me, it will not do you any harm. "

After taking a deep breath, Sima Xie slowly calmed down.

Although I don't know what happened, it doesn't matter anymore.

After a long time, he raised his head, looked at Huang Yu and said, "My lord, I...I want to follow you and become your entourage."

"Become my follower?" Huang Yu was taken aback for a moment. Could it be that this guy wants to take back the map and the soul seal?

No matter what, this soul seal is already in his hands, and it is absolutely impossible to return it. As for his own desire to take it back, it is simply a dream.

"Yes, my lord, I am willing to be your entourage, and go through fire and water for your lord." Sima Xie said seriously.

"You want to take back the jade seal and the map from me?"

Huang Yu looked at him and said, "If this is the case, then I advise you to give up, you will never have a chance, and I will not give you a chance."

", my lord misunderstood, I won't ask for the jade seal and the map again, my lord is right, these two things are not of much use to me, although this is a map of the ancestral cemetery, but I don't have the strength to take it either.

Such a person as the ancestor, whose strength is not in the Yin-Yang realm, cannot enter the main hall at all, and this map is the location map of the main hall, and there are many traps inside. "

Sima Xie paused for a moment, then continued, "As for the jade seal, it is an ancestral item, and there is nothing special about it. The reason why it is kept is because it is the symbol of the Sima clan. Now I am the only one left in the Sima clan. It is okay to keep it." It's pointless, now I just want revenge!"

Having said that, Sima Xie gritted his teeth, the hatred in his eyes was endless like the fire of hell.

"The hatred of destroying the family, the hatred of exterminating the clan, how unforgettable is this, how can I forget it? But I know that the enemy is too powerful, and I may not have the opportunity to take revenge in my whole life, but the appearance of you, son, gave me hope. "

Sima Xie looked at Huang Yu's eyes and became extremely hot, "Young master is the best and most outstanding genius I have ever seen. If you are willing to help me, then I can definitely avenge my hatred. As long as you agree Help me avenge, my humble life belongs to the young master."

"Master, promise him."

Huang Yu was still hesitating, but Lulu spoke in his mind.

"Okay, I promise you." Since Lulu said this, she naturally has her reasons, and if she wants to go to the general's tomb to reap benefits, she has to rely on him. However, loyalty is a problem, and Huang Yu didn't expect to let Man betrayed.

"Master doesn't have to worry about loyalty, it's very simple, as long as he signs a contract with the master." Lulu guessed Huang Yu's thoughts, and expressed Huang Yu's scruples before Huang Yu opened his mouth.

"Contract?" Huang Yu was taken aback when he heard the words, "What is a contract? Is it reliable?"

"Soul blood contract, let him sacrifice a ray of soul, and then sign the soul blood contract with the master, in this case, he will absolutely not be able to violate the master's will.

In other words, the master is equivalent to controlling his life and death. As long as the master wants to, he can kill him at any time through the bond of soul blood bond. Moreover, once the master dies, he has no way to survive. "Lulu explained.

"Is there such a good thing?" Huang Yu was overjoyed. If there is a soul blood contract, many things don't need to be done by himself. Thinking about it, it will be of great benefit to my future development.

"Of course there is. The soul blood contract is an ancient contract, which was researched by a demon genius at that time."

"Demon Race?" Huang Yu's heart was surging, this world is not so simple, is there such a thing as Demon Race?Huang Yuqi was surprised.

"Ah...that, master, I was wrong, it's a demon cultivator, um, it's a demon cultivator, that is, a demon cultivator." Lulu said with a haha.

Lu Lu was vague, and Huang Yu didn't ask, the most important thing now is to practice hard, and then to practice, so that he can grow up quickly.

Thinking of this, Huang Yu raised his head, looked at Sima Xie and said, "You really want me to help you, if you become my entourage or servant, I can help you avenge you, but you have to sign a soul blood contract."

Although I don't know what the Soul Blood Pact is, but from the name, I know it's not a good thing.

However, Sima Xie nodded without any hesitation and agreed, "I agree."

After signing the soul blood contract, Huang Yu felt that he had a slight connection with Sima Xie. As long as he wanted to, he could perceive his soul, and he could easily destroy it with a single thought.

"What a powerful blood contract!" Huang Yu was surprised by the power of the blood contract.

"Okay, since you have signed the soul blood oath, you are also your own. I will keep the map for these two things. As for this jade seal, it is from your ancestors, and I will give it to you. When the time comes, I will tell you. The real origin of your jade seal."

Huang Yu returned the jade seal to him. Since he had already signed the soul blood contract, Huang Yu was not worried about his betrayal, and the soul seal could only exert its greatest power in his hands.

"Thank you son, thank you son." Sima Xie was very excited. He didn't expect Huang Yu to return the jade seal to him, and from Huang Yu's tone, it seemed that this jade seal was not that simple. secret.

"You don't need to thank me. As for what I want you to do, it's very simple. It's the general's tomb, your ancestors' affairs. However, there is no rush now."

Huang Yu looked at him and said, "What you have to do now is to practice hard, and we'll talk about it after you raise your strength to the Yuanshen realm."

As Huang Yu spoke, he took out some spirit stones. These spirit stones were obtained by killing Fang Jie and the others, not many, but not too little, more than 100 middle-grade spirit stones, plus more than 3000 low-grade spirit stones.

"Young Master, I...I..." Sima Xie looked at the Lingshi that Huang Yu handed over, and was immediately overwhelmed with excitement. He felt that following this master and making this choice was the most correct choice in his life.

"Don't talk too much, practice hard, these spirit stones should be enough for you to cultivate to the primordial spirit state, and then I will arrange tasks for you."

Huang Yu patted him on the shoulder and said, "As for revenge, I will make you stronger and have enough strength to take revenge by yourself."

"Thank you son, thank you son." Sima Xie was so excited that he didn't know how to thank Huang Yu, and couldn't stop saying.

After seeing off Sima Xie, Huang Yu also got up and left.

This time the record is brilliant, but his face needs to be changed again.

Although, this time, I won a big victory and took advantage of it, but what about the next time?That's not necessarily the case.

This time, all the fighters in the Thunder Tribulation Realm were taken care of by him, so who knows if he will send more powerful people next time?
If he sent a few more guys from the Thunder Tribulation Realm, he would be no match, not to mention, there were also warriors from the Yin Yang Realm.

Huang Yu, who had changed his face, walked slowly on the road.

Leaving the valley, Huang Yu came to a small town.

This place is not far from Guiyuanzong. It can be said that it is already the area of ​​Guiyuanzong. Therefore, when he gets here, Huang Yu is not worried that the people of Zhongyuan Jianzong will do anything again.

This small town is very prosperous, and there is an endless stream of people coming and going, but it reminds Huang Yu of Liulin Town, which is more prosperous and lively than Liulin Town.

The sound of yelling is endless.

The name of this small town is Yinxian Town.

According to legend, a fairy once lived in seclusion here and got its name.

Therefore, there are many warriors here, and their strength is not weak. Compared with Qishui City, the average strength is obviously higher.

At least, among the people Huang Yu saw, most of them were fighters in the Human Infant Realm, and there were even quite a few fighters in the Thunder Tribulation Realm.

Huang Yu slowed down.

Everything here made Huang Yu very interested.

Fangshi, can you find some good things?
Or betting on stones?
After gambling in Qishui City, there was no chance, but this time he came to a strange place, which made Huang Yu a little excited.

Huang Yu was about to find someone to inquire about the stone betting market, when suddenly shouts came from his ears.

"Da da da... da da da..."

"Get out of the way, don't get in the way."

"Be careful."

When Huang Yu looked at it, he saw a little girl who was about to die tragically under the horse's hoof...

(End of this chapter)

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