Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 86 Senior Sister, I'll Follow You

Chapter 86 Senior Sister, I'll Follow You

You know, the reason why he sent Huang Yu to the Flaming Peak at the beginning was because he mentioned Fang Zhiqing.If Huang Yu was allowed to choose by himself, I'm afraid he would be much more likely to choose to go with Fang Zhiqing in the end.

However, since Fang Zhiqing has said so, if she refuses, then Huang Yu will have opinions in her heart, even if Huang Yu stays with her in the end, there will be lumps in her heart.

In that case, it would be unbeautiful instead. You must know that this is the most taboo thing for cultivators.

"Well, since you said so, let Xiaoyu choose by himself."

Hong Tianchou finally nodded, looked at Huang Yu and said, "Xiaoyu, you can choose for yourself. No matter what, I support your choice, and I won't blame you."

What Hong Tianchou said made Huang Yu a little embarrassed. After all, he brought him up, but Huang Yu was not the kind of hesitant person, and he had already made plans from the beginning.

If it hadn't been for Hong Tianchou who said that Fang Zhiqing, who had the Holy Body of Lei Ling, would not have followed him to the Flame Peak. Since Fang Zhiqing saw her, and she wanted to practice with her, this is an excellent opportunity. Of course I won't refuse.

So Huang Yu thought about it for a while and said to Hong Tian: "Mr. Hong, I'm sorry, I choose to practice with Senior Sister Fang, because the kid is practicing the thunder attribute. As Senior Sister Fang said, if you practice with Senior Sister Fang , it will be of great help to my practice, especially in terms of the thunder attribute."

Although he had already expected such a result, Hong Tianchou was still depressed. He looked at Huang Yu and said, "I know this is good for you, but why don't you think about it again? Even if you don't go to Zhiqing to practice , stay here with me, you still have the opportunity to learn thunder attribute exercises with Zhiqing, this is the same, and you have to know the difference between the Yin-Yang state and the life-death state, I can actually give you more advice."

"Master, you don't need to do this, right? Since Xiao Yu has already made a choice, why do you bother? It's useless to talk too much." Fang Zhiqing hastily interrupted Hong Tianchou's words, she didn't want Huang Yu to change again idea.

"Well, I know you're a little pervert."

Hong Tianchou saw that things had not turned around, he sighed helplessly, then took out a talisman, handed it to Huang Yu, and said, "This is my communication talisman, after all your identity is different, you got the talisman from the patriarch. Inheritance of sword qi, there must be many people who will be against you. I am afraid that the news has already spread. Although I Guiyuanzong is powerful, I have made many enemies. Therefore, they will definitely attack you when they learn about this matter, so , you accept this jade talisman first, and if you encounter something, just crush the jade talisman, and I will arrive quickly."

After a pause, Hong Tianchou said again: "You need a lot of spirit stones for cultivation, here are one thousand mid-grade spirit stones, you take them yourself, and also, there are three small Guiyuan pills in the porcelain bottle, you take them too Girl Zhiqing will tell you the specific usage and effect. In addition, you can come to me to practice at any time. If you don’t understand anything, you can come to me directly. I will do my best to help you. Help you, and this is the token of the disciples of Flame Peak Chuanfeng, with this token, you can enter and exit all places in Flame Peak at any time except for a few special places."

Huang Yu was moved in his heart, this old man was really kind to him, he didn't even agree to worship him as a teacher in Flaming Peak, he never thought he would treat him like this.

"Take it."

Fang Zhiqing on the side said, "Junior Brother, don't look at the many things Hong Lao gave you, but these are not worth mentioning compared to what you will bring to Flame Peak and Gui Yuanzong in the future, and, wait In the future, if you succeed in cultivation, Lao Hong may still need your help in his catastrophe, so don't be polite to Lao Hong. Besides, this thing is a drop in the bucket for him, so don't be embarrassed. "

Huang Yu and Fang Zhiqing left the main hall of Flame Peak and came to a small peak next to Flame Peak.

It is called Lei Chi Peak.

This is where Fang Zhiqing practiced.

The thunder light lingers inside, and the aura is rich, especially the power of thunder and lightning, which can be sensed everywhere.

The most important thing is that there is a small natural thunder pool here.

This little thunder pool was dug from the sky by the ninth Suzerain of Yuanzong.

The biggest advantage of the small thunder pond is that cultivators of the thunder attribute can temper their muscles, bones, and physical bodies here. Of course, the premise is that they can withstand the impact of the terrifying lightning force in the thunder pond. The longer they can last, the better The bigger, even, if you can persist for 49 days, you can wash the marrow of the Yijing, reborn, and achieve the holy body.

"Master, you must get Xiao Lei Chi." After listening to Fang Zhiqing's introduction about Lei Chi, Lulu's voice appeared in Huang Yu's mind.


"This little thunder pool is actually a broken heavenly weapon."

"Hiss... Incomplete Heavenly Artifact, what you said true?" Huang Yu couldn't believe it, Heavenly Artifact, even if it was an incomplete Heavenly Artifact, it was much more terrifying than Earth Artifact, even if It is a top-notch earth weapon, and it is incomparable. The gap between the earth weapon and the sky weapon is like the difference between a child and an adult giant, there is no comparison at all.

Heavenly artifacts are extremely rare, and there is only one heavenly artifact in the entire Zhongyuan Kingdom, and that is the Tianzhen Pagoda of Zhongyuan Kingdom, which was built by Hao Zhongtian, the founding king of Zhongyuan Kingdom. , It took countless manpower and material resources, countless spirit stones, precious ores, and took a full ninety-nine and eighty-one years to refine.

Hao Zhongtian was the number one strongest person at that time, and his cultivation had already reached the late stage of the Shattered Realm, and he was extremely strong. Even for him, it took such a huge amount of money and energy to create such a heavenly weapon. A middle-grade celestial artifact shows its preciousness.

Therefore, a heavenly artifact, even if it is a fragment, is extremely precious.

And if this little thunder pond is really a fragment of a heavenly weapon, or in other words, a broken heavenly weapon, then it would be really terrible.

More importantly, if this Heavenly Artifact can be repaired, then the Heavenly Artifact is infinitely powerful in hand. As long as one has enough spiritual power and true energy, one can even compete against the strong in the Yin-Yang realm.

"Of course it is true. Moreover, this heavenly artifact is not just any ordinary heavenly artifact, it is a high-grade heavenly artifact." Lulu said, "If the master gets this heavenly artifact, he can directly cross the human-infant realm." , Entering the middle stage of Yuanshen Realm, that is, the realm of the fourth level of the great Yuanshen Realm."

Now that my cultivation is at the seventh level of the Human Infant Realm, it will not take a while to cross these hurdles. If I get this little thunder pool and subdue it, then my strength can enter the middle stage of the Yuanshen Realm. Zi broke through eight levels, such a speed is amazing.

However, Huang Yu knows that there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, and he will not have such a good thing for himself.

It's not so easy to get a broken high-grade celestial weapon, and I'm afraid Lulu still has something to say.

"This celestial weapon is divided into four parts, and this is only the smallest part. Of course, the current master's strength is not enough to control it. If the master wants to subdue this little thunder pool, he must obtain its approval. First, the master must Wake it up, and then you can get its recognition, become the recognition of this little thunder pool, and become its master, then it will be much easier for the master to find other fragments." Lulu said.

Things are too simple to think about, let's not talk about it, it is not easy to get this little thunder pool.

Back then, when the suzerain brought the little thunder pool to Lei Chi Peak, in order not to let others get involved in the little thunder pool, he used powerful means to drive the little thunder pool into the spirit veins of Lei Chi peak, and also imposed a strong restriction , even the strong in the life and death realm can't break the seal, so there is no way to take out this little thunder pool.

Therefore, with Huang Yu's current strength, wanting to get Xiao Lei Chi is simply nonsense and impossible.

Huang Yu is not clear about these.

At this time, Fang Zhiqing finished introducing everything about Xiao Lei Chi.

Only then did Huang Yu know that the Little Thunder Pond is solid here. Unless it is done by a strong man with a perfect life and death realm, it will not be able to shake the little thunder pool at all, and even a strong man with a perfect life and death realm will have to pay The price is not small.

For a strong man with perfect life and death, it is impossible for them to pay such a huge price for this little thunder pond, unless they know the true origin of this little thunder pond, know that this little thunder pond is a heavenly weapon, and it is also a top-rank heaven If it's a device, it's still possible.

"We, Lei Chifeng, now have a total of 12 people, including an elder and a deacon, two of whom are inner disciples, and the remaining eight, three of whom are outer disciples, and the rest are handyman disciples." Fang Zhiqing Continue to introduce.

Hearing this, Huang Yu was taken aback. Lei Chifeng's strength was so weak, there were only 12 people in total, and the other eight were outer disciples and handyman disciples.

Huang Yu has heard that there are definitely many disciples in Yifeng. Needless to say, there should be many disciples in the 72 small peaks.

Generally speaking, there should be hundreds of outer disciples and handyman disciples, and although there are few inner disciples, they will not be less than twenty, and there are only two people in Lei Chifeng. Too little, really too little.

However, when you think about it, there are only a dozen inner disciples at the main peak of Flame Peak, and you can understand why Lei Chifeng is like this.

Lei Chi Peak was originally a main peak, but since the original owner of Lei Chi Peak, that is, Fang Zhiqing's master Fang Xiaoyue, died of illness, Lei Chi Peak was downgraded and became a small peak. It was one of the nine main peaks and became 72 small peaks. one of them.

And Fang Zhiqing has been working hard, vowing to take back the position of the main peak of Lei Chi Peak!

(End of this chapter)

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