Chapter 96 Crazy Upgrade (2)

After Huang Yu exchanged an invisibility talisman, he did not leave immediately, but waited for a while, because Huang Yu knew that at this time, senior sister Fang Zhiqing would definitely monitor him closely, even if he could use the invisibility talisman to leave here, he would There will be a way to find herself quickly, so she must wait for her to relax her vigilance.

This feeling made Huang Yu very strange, as if he was going to escape from prison.

Three days later, Huang Yu finally found an opportunity.

Fang Zhiqing went into seclusion, and it would take at least three days.

In these three days, it was enough to enter the Xuan Beast Valley by himself.

Huang Yu came to the gate of the Great Hall Mountain alone. Huang Yu knew that someone would stop him here, so when he got close to here, Huang Yu had already activated the invisibility talisman.

"I can't see myself, I really can't see myself." Huang Yu was very happy, it seems that the effect of this invisibility talisman is really not covered.

After leaving the mountain gate of Lei Chi Peak, Huang Yu ran all the way, along the road, towards Xuanshou Valley.

Xuan Beast Valley is still guarded by layers of guards, and it is not so easy to get in. However, I have an invisibility talisman, which can pass through all eyes.

Of course, the only troublesome thing is that if you are not careful, you can easily touch the restriction.

On the way from Xuanshou Valley to Guiyuanzong, there are quite a few checkpoints. In order to prevent the attack of Xuanshou, restrictions are set here, especially when Xuanshou bursts out, this restriction plays an extremely important role. key role.

It is said that this time is when the mysterious beasts are at their most rampant, so the restrictions along the way should all be opened.

When he came to the outskirts of Xuanshou Valley, Huang Yu saw many people, all of whom were disciples of Gui Yuanzong.

Huang Yu thought for a while, is he invisible?Or follow them?
After hesitating for a while, Huang Yu still decided that it would be better to go alone. He does not have a disguise mask now, which is not a good thing. Now he is definitely a famous person in Guiyuanzong, so almost everyone knows him , Moreover, the vast majority of people are hostile to themselves.

The devil knows, will they secretly plot against him?
Although I have Lulu's help, I am not too worried, but that is troublesome, isn't it?

Huang Yu didn't have a disguise mask, but he also made an iron mask casually to cover half of his face. In this way, he wouldn't be recognized. After all, although he said he was "famous", but a person who really knows what he looks like, There are not many, and even if they know it, they are not familiar with it. Therefore, people who can recognize themselves by wearing such an iron mask are definitely rare.

"Stop, that masked boy."

Huang Yu had only walked a few steps when he heard a voice. It was the guy who was arguing with others in front of him. He looked a little embarrassed and was obviously cleaned up.

Want to find a sense of accomplishment from yourself?To vent your emotions?
Huang Yu's eyes turned cold.

I'm making trouble for myself, I'm afraid I chose the wrong partner.

Huang Yu ignored it and continued to move forward. If he is sensible and doesn't bother himself anymore, then that's fine, but if he continues to trouble himself, then I'm sorry, and let you know why the flowers are so popular.

"Boy wearing a mask, didn't you hear me when I asked you to stop? Are you deaf or something?" Seeing Huang Yu ignoring him, Mo Xiaolang became angry, angry, Sima Yan was fine, he was Kaiyuan The inner sect disciple at the core of the sect has been promoted to the middle stage of Yuanshen Realm, but now an unknown little character, probably not even an inner sect disciple, dares to ignore him, which makes Mo Xiaolang feel very embarrassed.

This kid must die.

"Are you calling me?" Huang Yu turned his head and looked at him coldly.

"Boy, you are very arrogant, don't you know who I am?" Mo Xiaolang looked at Huang Yu with a distorted expression.

"I'm not interested in knowing." Huang Yu left after speaking, he didn't want to repeat too much, his time was precious, so there was no need to waste it on this clown.


Seeing that Huang Yu didn't take himself seriously at all, the anger in Mo Xiaolang's heart had accumulated to a limit, and it erupted completely, like a mountain torrent.

"I kill you."

The long sword in Mo Xiaolang's hand came out of his body instantly, and a sword light flashed out, stabbing Huang Yu's back. This sword was Mo Xiaolang's anger, and he shot with all his strength.

Mo Xiaolang's strength is not weak, but he is in the early stage of Yuanshen Realm.

This sword is no small matter.

"Danger, little brother, watch your back." A voice shouted.

Although Huang Yu was walking, he kept paying attention to Mo Xiaolang's movements. He could tell at a glance that Mo Xiaolang was not a good guy. He ignored him and attacked him from behind. Huang Yu was also angry. This kid is really looking for death , I didn't expect that when I came to Xuanshou Valley, the first one to kill was not a Xuanshou, but such a despicable villain.

Sword power.

The angry waves and swords are moving, and the turbulent waves hit the shore.

Looking back, a terrifying sword force suddenly burst out.

It was like a stormy sea, turbulent and surging, hitting the coast.

Terrible, absolutely terrifying.

"No, the sword is actually a sword, how is it possible." Mo Xiaolang was terrified, he didn't expect that he kicked the iron plate, and this masked man was so terrifying, it was a terrifying existence who understood the sword.

"Forgive... spare my life..."

Before he could shout out, Huang Yu's long sword moved.

Nu Lang's sword showed no mercy, the long sword blocked Mo Xiaolang's sword, and then cut his throat.

A blood splashed out.

Mo Xiaolang is dead.

One move is fatal.

What kind of cultivation is this.

All the people present were stunned. This fight happened in the blink of an eye, and the speed was astonishing. Unexpectedly, Mo Xiaolang died like this, and he didn't even have a chance to dodge.

"Who is that person? Which main peak? It's so terrifying, Mo Xiaolang has no chance to resist."

"Terrible, the cultivation of that masked man is really terrifying."

"I'm afraid this already has the strength of a Chuanfeng disciple?"

"Mo Xiaolang died unjustly."

"That kind of person deserves to die, and he likes to bully honest people."

"Yes, you deserve to die."

Huang Yu doesn't care about these people's comments. This also proves that his mask is still useful. Although he can't hide it from people he is familiar with, he can still easily hide it from people who are not familiar with him. This is exactly the effect I need.

However, now that he has killed Mo Xiaolang, he must have attracted attention, and he must leave immediately, otherwise it will be troublesome if his identity is exposed.

Before leaving, Huang Yu felt that the voice of the person who reminded him before seemed a little familiar.

Looking up, the man was actually Sima Yan.

Unexpectedly, I met Sima Yan here.

And Sima Yan also noticed Huang Yu, looked at Huang Yu, and frowned slightly. This person's strength was terrifying. At first he felt a little familiar, but he never thought that this person would be Huang Yu. After all, he left Liulin Town At that time, Huang Yu's cultivation was only in the Xiantian realm, but the masked man in front of him had terrifying strength. He killed Mo Xiaolang in the early Yuanshen realm with one move, and his strength was astonishing. He didn't think Huang Yu's cultivation had improved It's that scary.

"Thank you, brother." In order not to make Sima Yan suspicious, Huang Yu deliberately concealed his voice and nodded at him.

"You're welcome."

After Huang Yu nodded slightly, he walked forward quickly.


Is this the Xuan Beast Valley?
Huang Yu looked at the tall stone tablet in front of him.

Entering here is equivalent to entering the valley of mysterious beasts. Through the golden ancient pupil technique, Huang Yu can see clearly that many mysterious beasts are active inside. There are a lot of them.

These are all experience points and life energy.

Although it is only a first-order profound beast, if he kills it all the way, it will be a fortune.

"and many more."

When Huang Yu was about to cross the boundary and enter the Xuanshou Valley, Lulu's voice appeared in Huang Yu's ear again.

"what's wrong?"

Lulu floated out and sat on Huang Yu's shoulder.

"Master, if you go in like this, it will not be easy to come out." Lulu said.

"What do you mean?"

"This is a special formation, only allowed in and not out."

"Only in and not out? Is it such a trap?"

"It's not all. If you want to come out, you must leave a spiritual imprint before you go in, otherwise you won't be able to get out." Lulu said, "This formation was created by Gui Yuanzong to prevent the mysterious beasts inside from rushing out. The one below can withstand the full-force impact of a sixth-order profound beast for an hour. Therefore, if there is no spiritual power left before entering, the master has no possibility of coming out."

Huang Yu broke into a cold sweat upon hearing this.

It was almost a cup.

Once that means that I am inside, I don't know how long I will stay there. Although there are food inside and countless mysterious beasts for me to fight monsters and upgrade, it is unbearable to stay like that for a long time.



Golden-haired short mink, a third-order mysterious beast.


Huang Yu kept waving his long sword.

Keep killing mysterious beasts.




One day passed, and Huang Yu didn't know how many mysterious beasts he had killed, most of them were first-order mysterious beasts. The experience points gained by killing a mysterious beast were not many, but if added up, the number was extremely high. Considerable.

Adding it all up, I have gained more than 9000 experience points.

Countless first-tier profound beasts were killed, and quite a few second-tier profound beasts, but there were only three third-tier profound beasts.

There is only one Tier [-] profound beast to be upgraded.

However, this place seemed to be getting quieter and quieter, and Huang Yu instantly became vigilant.

Here, something seems wrong.

It is absolutely impossible for the territory of the third-order profound beast to be so quiet.

Could it be, could it be that there are fourth-order profound beasts appearing here?
Huang Yu swallowed his saliva, he might be in trouble.

The fourth-order profound beast is equivalent to a warrior in the Thunder Tribulation Realm. If it is just an ordinary fourth-order mysterious beast in the early stage, then it is nothing, you can give it a try, but if it is in the middle stage or above, then... then it can be What a hassle.

(End of this chapter)

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