City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 1001 Su Chen VS The No. 1 Arrogant of the Abyss!

Chapter 1001 Su Chen VS No. [-] Arrogant of the Abyss!

On the Abyss Clan's side, after they saw the Feng Yaomohu enter the field, they all became excited and roared one by one, as if they were very excited about the Feng Yaomohu's battle.

The strength of this Wind Demon Tiger ranks first among their group of arrogance.

Moreover, they are also internal disciples of the ancestors of the sly tigers, and their strength is very strong, so this time the human race must lose their lives.

Even if they didn't lose their lives, they would probably be seriously injured by the wind demon tiger. The monsters became excited when they thought of that scene.

They want to get back the humiliation that Su Chen gave them just now! !

At this time, Su Chen had already arrived in front of Feng Yaomohu.

He looked at the other party and said, "If that's the case, then please take action."

"Roar~" Feng Yaomohu looked at the other party and said, "Human, I know you are very strong, but today I must kill you!
The wind demon tiger roared, and a huge coercion emanated from its body.

"Roar~" Feng Yaomohu let out a long roar, and grabbed Su Chen with a sharp claw.

Looking at the sharp claws that were grabbing towards him, Su Chen sneered, and then held Fang Tianhua's war halberd to block it.


Fang Tian's painted halberd directly blocked Feng Yaomohu's sharp claw, and at this time, Feng Yaomohu's other sharp claw grabbed towards Su Chen again.


Su Chen still blocked it with Fang Tian's painted halberd.

"Whoosh whoosh!!"

The wind demon tiger's sharp claws moved one after another.

Su Chen, on the other hand, made one move after another.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The battle between the two became more and more fierce, and in the end Su Chen directly turned into an afterimage to avoid the attack of the wind demon tiger.


"Bang bang bang!!"

The wind demon tiger's sharp claws are faster and faster every time. Its eyes are fixed on Su Chen, and its mouth is open, revealing its white teeth, as if it is ready to pounce on Su Chen and bite off the other's neck at any time.

Su Chen dodged very fast, and his figure kept changing on the spot.

In an instant, he had avoided fifty or sixty attacks, each time avoiding the opponent's attack.

And there was no trace of fear on his face.

"Okay, it's really strong enough!"

At this moment, Ling Tian and the others on the stands in the distance gasped in amazement.

And the white-patterned flame leopard stared at Su Chen.

It looked at Su Chen and was very surprised.

It didn't expect this young man of the human race to be so powerful, to be able to fight against the wind demon tiger for so long, and at such a fast speed.

This is absolutely incredible.

But the more this is the case, the more this human must be killed!
At this time, Su Chen had already evaded, and then he moved towards Feng Yaomohu, and then swung Fang Tian's painted halberd and slashed towards the opponent fiercely.

Fang Tian's painted halberd emitted a dazzling light.


Two by two collided.

There was a puff of black smoke immediately on the surface of Feng Yao Mohu's skin, but Su Chen was safe and sound.

Seeing this scene, Feng Yaomohu's eyes widened and he was shocked.

Heh, this human kid is so strong.


At this moment, Su Chen stamped his feet on the ground, and a tyrannical energy exploded.

The Wind Demon Tiger was blown away.

At this time, Su Chen's figure flashed, and he came to the front of Feng Yao Mohu, and then Fang Tian thrust out his halberd fiercely, stabbing towards the opponent fiercely with terrifying power.

Feeling the sharp momentum, the Wind Demon Tiger was terrified, and hurriedly dodged to the side, but it was still too late, and it was still stabbed on the top of its right leg.

Bright red blood spurted out.

At this time, its eyes also turned red, the hair on its body stood on end, and a strong demonic aura emanated from its body, then it rushed towards Su Chen, its eyes filled with a violent and fierce light.

"Roar~" Feng Yaomohu roared loudly.

Its sharp claws grabbed Su Chen fiercely.

Su Chen watched the opponent attack, he didn't dodge, but turned to one side of his body, and then threw Fang Tian's painted halberd towards Feng Yaomohu.



With Su Chen's smash, the Feng Yaomohu screamed and flew upside down.

Its body fell heavily to the ground, smashing out a huge pothole.

Su Chen didn't give the Feng Yaomohu a chance to react, and recalled his Fang Tianhua war halberd, ready to give Feng Yaomohu a final blow.

And just after Su Chen was about to stab the Wind Demon Tiger, a powerful energy fluctuation directly took the Wind Demon Tiger away from the place just now, and Su Chen stabbed empty.

Su Chen immediately looked back, and found that the Feng Yao Demon Tiger had already arrived behind the white-striped flame leopard.

Su Chen looked at the white-striped flame leopard, and he knew that it must have been the white-striped flame leopard who rescued the wind demon tiger just now.

The white-striped Flame Leopard also looked at Su Chen.

This human being is really strong.

However, it is absolutely impossible for the Wind Demon Tiger to die here. They have already lost a royal blood this time. If the Wind Demon Tiger dies again, it will not be able to explain it.

Moreover, such a powerful human race must die today!

The white cracked flame leopard stared at Su Chen, and then it rushed towards Su Chen in the next second.

The speed of the white cracked flame leopard is very fast.

Its speed was more than twice as fast as that of Feng Yaomohu.

In the blink of an eye, it had already rushed in front of Su Chen, and its pair of sharp claws ruthlessly attacked Su Chen.

However, it didn't touch Su Chen.

Ling Tian had been staring at the white-striped flame leopard just now, so when the white-striped cracked flame leopard made a move, he also rushed towards Su Chen, directly blocking the white-striped flame leopard's claws with energy.

After the white-striped flame leopard collided with Ling Tian, ​​both of them bounced off.

"Aren't you abyssal clans a little too despicable?" Ling Tian said lightly, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

"Hmph!!" The white-patterned flame leopard snorted coldly, but did not speak.

It directly attacked Su Chen again, and Ling Tian immediately stepped forward to fight the white cracked flame leopard.

Ling Tian knew that the white cracked flame leopard was completely murderous towards Su Chen.

He will never let it hurt Su Chen!

So, Ling Tian dealt with the white cracked flames, and said to Su Chen through voice transmission: "Su Chen, you take the others back to the castle first, you leave first! I will have a way to get out at that time."

Su Chen frowned slightly when he heard this.

Although he didn't want to leave, he also knew that this place was not suitable for staying for a long time.

Moreover, Jiang Lijin and Jiang Jingjie, who were injured just now, also need to go back for timely treatment.

But there must be someone to escort you on the way back!

He just nodded and replied: "Okay!"

He looked at Ling Tian and said, "You have to be careful!"

Ling Tian nodded.

Afterwards, Su Chen led a group of Tianjiao people to leave here quickly.

On the side of the Abyss Clan, a desert coyote watched Su Chen and the others lead the Human Race Tianjiao away.

(End of this chapter)

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