City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 1007 What?My grandson was killed? !Angry!

Chapter 1007 What?My grandson was killed? !Angry!
Lin Wanxue looked at Su Chen suspiciously, with disbelief in her eyes, she was afraid that Su Chen didn't want to make her worry and deliberately lied to herself by not telling the truth.

"You still don't believe it?" Su Chen was annoyed and funny looking at Lin Wanxue like this.

Su Chen looked at his clothes and said, "I'll take it off now and show you!"

After Su Chen finished speaking, he unbuttoned his clothes directly, and took off all the clothes on his upper body.

Only one pair of pants remained.

When she saw this, Lin Wanxue finally showed a gratified smile on her face. Seeing that Su Chen was really not injured, she was finally relieved. This was what made her happiest.

Lin Wanxue stretched out her little hands to feel around Su Chen.

"Well, it seems that there is really no injury." Lin Wanxue said while looking at Su Chen's chest.

Hearing what Lin Wanxue said, Su Chen nodded with a smile.

Now, Lin Wanxue finally believed that Su Chen was really not injured, otherwise Su Chen would not have done this, so she was completely relaxed.

"I said I wasn't injured, so you don't believe in your husband's strength." Su Chen hugged Lin Wanxue and pinched her face and said teasingly with a smile.

"Why, I believe in my husband's strength!" Lin Wanxue said with a smile.

"Haha, that's about the same." Su Chen said with a smile.

Afterwards, Su Chen put on his clothes, then smiled at Lin Wanxue and said, "Okay, let's stop teasing you, let's go take a shower and change clothes before resting, after all, we've fought a lot just now for sure." There will be some dust and the clothes will need to be washed."

Lin Wanxue nodded.

So, the two went to the bathroom.
In a majestic mountain range in the abyss.

The mountain range soared into the sky, with no top visible, standing like a boulder in the center of the abyss.

The environment here is extremely harsh, full of all kinds of beasts, and even some relatively powerful monsters.

The lord of the mountains sat on a huge throne, and beside the throne stood four monsters.

The mountain lord looked down indifferently, as if he hadn't seen anything.

The mountain lord exuded a terrifying pressure, which made the four monsters tremble.

This is its coercion, the coercion of the Rage God Leopard.


At this moment, a monster came rushing in.

The Rage God Leopard looked at the monster with a frown and said, "Say!"


"Young...young master was killed by a genius of the human race when he went out to practice today!" the monster hurriedly said.

He didn't dare to look at the expression of the wild god leopard at all.

what? !

The Rage God Leopard was extremely angry when he heard the news from the monster.

"Killed by the Tianjiao of the human race?" the wild god leopard asked.

"Yes... yes." The monster below replied tremblingly.

Immediately, the Rage God Leopard roared, shaking the ground and mountains.

The human race is really good at it!
How dare you kill my grandson!
The human race waits for me!Sooner or later, I will let you die!
The monster below stood there tremblingly, fearing that it would stab itself in the next second.

"Do you know who it is?" Rage God Leopard asked sullenly.

"It is said that a genius named Su Chen killed the young master!" The monster replied with a trembling voice.

"Su Chen?" The Wild God Leopard frowned and asked.

"Yes!" replied the monster.

"Damn human race, you dare to kill my grandson of the Rage God Leopard!" Rage God Leopard cursed in a low voice, gnashing its teeth.

Immediately, the Rage God Leopard raised his hand angrily, and the monster who just came to report was killed.

Su Chen!

You dare to hurt my grandson's life, I will make you pay it back double!
The whole body of the Rage God Leopard was in a raging rage. With a sweep of its hand, Su Chen's phantom appeared in the void.

Seeing this phantom, hatred flickered in its eyes.

It didn't expect that its grandson would be killed by the Human Race Tianjiao.

This Su Chen is really daring, dare to play wild on his own head, this matter must be explained to himself!
"Su Chen, you're doomed!" Rage God Leopard sneered.

Afterwards, the Rage God Leopard looked at the Shadow Leopard, Windwalker, Storm Tiger, Wolverine, and Balrog Bear below and said, "If anyone of you five can kill this human named Su Chen, then I will reward him with a piece of gold!" Treasure!"

When the five heavenly kings heard this, they were all overjoyed. You must know that none of the treasures rewarded by the Rage God Leopard was bad, and they all ranked high on the treasure list of the abyss!
They are now at the pinnacle of the Happy Journey, but they are still in the realm of collecting medicine when they get the treasure in their hands, because the treasure is so rare.

If they can get the treasure rewarded by the Wild God Leopard this time, then their combat effectiveness will be raised to another level!Kill more human races on the border battlefield and get points! ! !

Such an opportunity is very rare. (I will let them fight among themselves when the time comes here, there is only one treasure)
The five heavenly kings stood up one after another, and said to the Desolate God Leopard: "We will definitely kill this human named Su Chen, and I will give you an explanation!"

"I will kill that human to avenge the young master!"

"I will also kill that human named Su Chen to avenge the young master!"

"Don't worry, our abyss will hit the ground sooner or later. At that time, we will kill all the human race to vent the hatred of living in this underground abyss for thousands of years."

"That's right! We want the people to know how powerful we are!"

"And we have to avenge the human race's vengeance for the massacre of our Abyss race thousands of years ago!"


"Okay!" Rage God Leopard looked at the five heavenly kings and said.

Hearing the guarantee of the five heavenly kings, the Rage God Leopard was very satisfied, and it waved to signal the five heavenly kings to step back and prepare to find Su Chen.

After seeing the five heavenly kings leave, a cold smile flashed across Huangshenbao's face: "Su Chen, I will make you regret killing my grandson."

Immediately, the wild god leopard's eyes rolled, thinking in his heart how to make Su Chen pay a heavy price.

The Rage God Leopard thought for a while, and then a cruel smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

Su Chen, you are dead! ——
On Su Chen's side, Su Ye knocked on the door with his mobile phone.

"Dong Dong Dong"

Inside the room, Lin Wanxue opened the door, saw Su Ye and said, "Dad, what's the matter?"

After Lin Wanxue finished speaking, she turned sideways to let Su Ye enter the room.

"No, your mother and the others are here on a video call." Su Ye handed the phone to Lin Wanxue and said.

Lin Wanxue took the phone over with a smile, then looked at the screen and said with a smile, "Mom, Ziqing."

Jiang Yuxiu looked at Lin Wanxue from the video and smiled happily and nodded.

Mu Ziqing looked at Lin Wanxue and called out, "Sister Wanxue."

"Wanqing, how are you and Su Chen doing these past few days!" Lin Wanxue asked with concern.

"It's good, the dean took all of us out to practice today." Lin Wanqing said.

(End of this chapter)

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