City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 1024 Rescue Little Calabash

Chapter 1024 Rescue Little Calabash

After Su Chen finished speaking, he turned and left.

Duan Feng, Shi Ning and the others sighed as they watched Su Chen leave.

After Su Chen turned and left, he heard the sound of the system.

"Ding dong, congratulations to the host for obtaining the four ultimate moves of the Suzaku treasure technique."

As soon as the system's voice fell, Su Chen felt that martial arts skills entered his mind.

After waiting for the four ultimate moves of Suzaku Treasure Technique to enter his mind, Su Chen immediately sensed the breath of the little gourd again with his mental power.

Sure enough, the breath of the little gourd was getting farther and farther away, and Su Chen's face suddenly became very ugly.

Su Chen directly used his magical powers, and quickly searched for the breath following the little gourd.

Along the way, Su Chen observed the surrounding environment, sensing while searching.

Su Chen found that the more he walked to this side, the more desolate this side became, and the surrounding trees became less and less, and the surrounding monsters became more and more powerful, and even a monster in the late stage of collecting herbs appeared. Beast, this monster is covered with scales, holding a long spear in its hand, aiming at Su Chen.

When the monster saw Su Chen, it roared angrily.

When Su Chen saw this monster, he knew that this monster must be an idiot with low IQ.

"Boy, you dare to block the old man's way, don't you want to live!"

After saying this, he rushed towards Su Chen.

Su Chen looked at the monster rushing over, he was worried about the safety of the little gourd, so Su Chen didn't want to get too entangled with it.

"Hmph, if this is the case, I will fulfill you and let you die in my hands!"

After saying this, Su Chen's speed suddenly increased, and he rushed directly towards the monster beast. The speed was extremely fast, and he rushed to the front of the monster beast in the blink of an eye, and kicked the monster beast.

At this time, the monster was still in a daze, and it didn't react at all. It was kicked into the air by Su Chen's kick, and fell heavily to the ground.

After Su Chen kicked the monster away, he didn't even look at the monster, and then activated the magic foot power again and rushed towards the little gourd.


Su Chen sensed the breath of the little gourd with his mental power, and he found that it was very close to the breath of the little gourd. He directly began to communicate with the little gourd with his mental power: "Little gourd, can you hear me?"

After a while, there was a sound of surprise from the little gourd.


"How did you come here?!"

Xiao Hulu asked in surprise, he didn't expect Su Chen to come to save him suddenly, so he looked very surprised.

"If I don't come here again, your master, I'm afraid that you, the little gourd, will have to take the life of this little gourd here."

"I sensed that your breath was not good, so I came here directly." Su Chen said with a smile.

Su Chen speeded up while talking, and soon Su Chen sensed the position of the little gourd.

The little gourd replied weakly to Su Chen: "Woooooh, master! Come here quickly, it's because I was too careless just now, I already defeated the blood python branch, just as I was about to hurry up When it swallowed the blood python branch, it actually called a helper, and that despicable fire giant ape was just able to restrain me! I'm so angry!"

"Okay, I'll be there soon, you hold on first, little gourd." Su Chen said to little gourd.

"En." The little gourd responded.

While running, Su Chen used his mental power to investigate the surrounding situation, and he used his spiritual sense to investigate the surrounding situation while walking.

Finally, he finally came to the side of the little gourd and rescued it from the side of the fire giant ape.

Seeing Su Chen coming, the little gourd immediately looked at Su Chen and said pitifully: "Master! You are finally here, that villain bullied me, hurry up and beat him up!"

Su Chen glanced at Little Gourd and said, "It seems that you are still very strong."

After Su Chen finished speaking, Little Gourd immediately looked at Su Chen weakly and shook his head and said, "No, he is very weak."

Su Chen smiled.

And the fire giant ape on the opposite side stared at Su Chen, the little gourd was about to be burned to death by himself just now, but he didn't expect to be rescued by this human arrogance!

But isn't this human being's arrogance too bold to break into their abyss clan alone!

The blood python branch next to him was also surprised to see Su Chen's arrival, and at the same time very happy, it looked at Su Chen and said with a smile: "Do you know what this place is, and you just broke in alone like this! "

Su Chen looked at the blood python and snorted coldly.

"Whether we know where this place is is none of your business, you just need to know that our master is here now." Little Gourd looked at the blood python branch and said lightly.

Hearing this, the blood python branch snorted coldly, and looked at Su Chen with disdain: "Only because of you, I will let the two of you die here together today."

This human being really knows how to live or die!

Even the territory of the Abyss Race dares to break in at will!
This time I must let him die here to avenge my brothers who died today!
The fire giant ape looked at Su Chen and said: "Hey, human boy, you are unlucky today, if you meet me, then you will only die."

The fire giant ape has sensed Su Chen's realm just now, and it turned out to be a leisurely tour for a while, so if he dares to come to our Abyss Clan like this, that is also commendable courage!

After Su Chen heard this sentence, he smiled lightly: "Oh? Really, then you have to see if you have the ability."

"Hmph, you really don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, and you actually say such things. I want to see what kind of abilities you have."

After the fire giant ape finished speaking, he was ready to attack Su Chen directly.

Su Chen saw the fire giant ape rushing towards him, and Su Chen also punched him.


When the two fists collided together, Su Chen's arm was numb from the shock.

At this time, the little gourd reminded Su Chen through sound transmission beside him: "Master, be careful when you fight with the fire giant ape, it is very despicable, and it has reached the seventh stage of the Happy Tour, master, please come on, if We really can't beat us and we can run directly to the Olympics."

Su Chen analyzed the strength of the fire giant ape.

Now he is indeed not the opponent of the fire giant ape, and when he came here, he didn't fight with the fire giant ape, he just took the little gourd and left.

The fire giant ape looked at Su Chen and said: "Hahaha, boy, stop struggling, you will not be my opponent, I advise you to admit defeat obediently now, I can spare you from dying."

"But before I die, I will make you suffer so much, and then I will send you to heaven!"

After Su Chen heard what the fire giant ape said, he said with a faint smile: "Oh? What you mean by this is that you want to kill me yourself, so don't hold back your hand, don't let yourself regret it! "

(End of this chapter)

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