City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 1027 It's just an ordinary illusion, how can it be the most handsome?caught by the prin

Chapter 1027 It's just an ordinary illusion, how can it be the most handsome?caught by the princess
By the time!The rewards for the princess will definitely be rich!
Su Chen's heart exploded when he heard the burly bull demon's evaluation of him.

He just followed some cow monsters he saw on the battlefield, and then made up his face casually, which looked very ordinary. If you appreciate it from his point of view, this is a cow thrown into the pile of cows, and he will not take a second look. Cowboy!
How did he become a handsome bull monster in the eyes of these real bull monsters? ? ? ?

Moreover, according to what this burly bull demon said, you want to give him to the princess? ? ? ?
Grass!No way? !

The strong bull demon walked up to Su Chen, looked at him and asked with a smile: "But having said that, I have been patrolling this street for so long every day, how could I not know how beautiful you are, how could I have never seen you Woolen cloth?"

"Hehe, I don't usually go out, and I seldom go out of the house. This is the first time we met, so how did you meet me!?" Su Chen looked at the burly cow demon and asked back.

Then Su Chen said to the Zhuangshuo bull demon: "I still have tasks to perform, so let's go first."

With that said, Su Chen walked towards the outside of the castle.

Ma Dan, escape from here first.

He came here to do something, not to kill some princess in person!
It's just that Su Chen just took a step, and the burly bull demon directly pulled Su Chen and looked at him and said, "Little brother, the bull demon that I Zhuang Er has taken a fancy to can't leave! Moreover, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Meet our princess of the Bull Demon Clan! Just have fun!"

Saying that, the burly bull demon waved his hand, and the small team of bull demons following behind immediately surrounded Su Chen tightly.

Although the strength of these bull monsters is only at the realm of collecting herbs, the strength of the strong bull monsters has reached the fifth stage of the Happy Journey.

Su Chen was sure that he could overturn them and run away.

But in this way, it will cause a sensation and attract the attention of the fire giant ape.

By the time……

The result can be imagined.

Go with this Zhuanger now, and then find a way to leave!

These thoughts quickly flashed through Su Chen's mind, and he walked into the small team behind the cow demon.

As soon as they left, there was the sound of monsters sighing all around.


"What a pity!"

"Such a good young man will be ruined!"

After Su Chen was forcibly dragged into this cow demon team.

"Who is this princess you are talking about?" Su Chen looked at the bull demon next to him suspiciously and asked, he doesn't want to go to the abyss palace now, he just wants to leave this abyss castle as soon as possible!
The other bull demons nearby looked at Su Chen and said, "It's the fifth princess, you don't even know the fifth princess?"

When Su Chen heard the bull demon say this, he thought for a while.

Since she is called the fifth princess by everyone, her status must be very noble.

And from the tone of the bull demon, it seems that the five princesses are quite famous.

It seems that I have to answer carefully, otherwise I will be exposed if I am not careful.

Su Chen thought for a while, looked at the bull demon and said, "Of course I've heard of it, but it's just rare."

"And I rarely go out, so I don't know much."

The cow demon looked at Su Chen and sighed, "Oh, you are also unlucky, you can be selected after all your trips."

"What's the matter?" Su Chen looked at the bull demon looking at himself with pitiful eyes, and asked suspiciously.

Isn't it dedicated to the princess?

When the time comes, just find a chance to run away.

It seems that entering the palace this time is more than auspicious!

The cow demon next to him looked at Su Chen and said, "Actually, we are going in this time to meet the fifth princess. You also know this just now, but things are not as simple as you think."

"Because the fifth princess likes to pick up yang and nourish yin, she will ask the strong man to pick men from various places after a long time, just to pick up yang and nourish yin."

"And we are the chosen ones, so this time we go in and we can't get out again." The bull demon looked at Su Chen and explained.

Hearing the words of the bull demon, Su Chen suddenly felt like crying, but he thought he could escape from the clutches of the devil, but who knew that he was chosen to be sent to the Abyss Palace to pick up yang and replenish yin for the five princesses!

Su Chen looked at the bull monsters in front of him with a sad expression on his face.

Seeing Su Chen's expression, the cow monsters also sighed.

At the same time, Su Chen was very angry!
"Didn't you ever think about resisting? Just let other people know your life like this?" Su Chen looked at them and asked other bull monsters.

Su Chen guessed that these cow monsters must be afraid of the rights of the fifth princess, so they dare not resist.

"Hey, you give up. Although we hope to be able to resist in our hearts, in fact we have no choice. Who made our bloodlines low, so we can only choose to be sent to the palace of the abyss. We are already prepared. "

A cow demon looked at Su Chen and said, as if he was used to this kind of thing.

And the cow demon next to Su Chen also looked at Su Chen and said: "Yes, you really don't have to hope too much, after all, the power of the fifth princess is too great, and we were selected because of our good looks , They also gave our family a generous reward, and they can also allow my parents to spend their old age in peace!"

"Yes, you don't have to think too much, we have already accepted our fate in this life."

"That's right, and we don't dare to resist, for fear of hurting our family." The other cow demons also looked at Su Chen and persuaded.

After Su Chen finished listening, he sighed in his heart: It seems that everyone is afraid of the rights of the fifth princess!
But he is not afraid!
Suddenly, Su Chen's eyes lit up.

In the task given by the system, let him do something sensational in the abyss castle.

Killing the fifth princess is definitely a sensation!
Even if the power of the fifth princess is great, so what, I am a man with a system, and I can definitely defeat her!
Su Chen has already made up his mind, no matter what, he has to find a way to kill the fifth princess!

While Su Chen and others were chatting, Zhuang Er suddenly turned his head to look at them and said, "Okay! Stop chattering, and be careful with your heads."

When Zhuang Er said this, the other monsters immediately silenced and quietly followed into the Abyss Palace.

Su Chen looked around while walking.

The Abyss Palace is very large, all the buildings inside are black, and each stone pillar is carved with lifelike patterns, showing their mighty power.

The buildings in the palace are also extremely luxurious. Each marble column is polished from the top white jade, and there are intricate patterns carved on it, giving people a mysterious and elegant temperament.

Su Chen looked at the layout of the palace, and secretly admired it in his heart.

It seems that the strength of this abyss kingdom is really strong, it can be built so extravagantly, and it can be preserved for such a long time without decay.

(End of this chapter)

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