City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 1033 Give Su Chen eye drops

Chapter 1033 Give Su Chen eye drops
"You kid, don't offend the princess!"

"Let me tell you first, this princess has a bad temper!"

Su Chen listened to what Zhuang Er said, but he didn't take it to heart, so what if he told the princess.

He was also thinking about how to deal with the princess, but now this talisman gave him an excuse.

"Okay, let me arrange a separate yard for you to live in. After all, you are now favored by the princess." Zhuang Er said while looking at Su Chen with a smile.

Now I have to have a good relationship with this cow monster.

It believed that the bull demon would definitely be able to squeeze the talisman bamboo, and then win the favor of the princess.

So at this time, he naturally had to help the bull demon.

Su Chen nodded with a smile, and did not refuse, after all, he really needed a chance to observe how to leave here.

It is much more convenient to live alone.

So, Su Chen followed the Zhuang Er to the yard it arranged for him.

Although this place is a little rough, it is very quiet.

This place is not too far away from the Princess Mansion.

It's quite suitable for Su Chen to live here.

"Okay, you can stay here first, sometimes I will come to you when things happen." Zhuanger looked at Su Chen and said.

Su Chen nodded, picked up the teapot on the table, poured a cup of tea and handed it to Zhuang Er, looked at Zhuang Er and said with a smile: "You have worked hard, let's have a cup of tea."

Seeing Su Chen's actions, Zhuang Er was also very happy in his heart, and quickly took the teacup.

Seeing Zhuang Er like this, Su Chen smiled inwardly.

Then he said to Zhuang Er calmly: "In this princess mansion, isn't the princess's level the highest?"

When Zhuang Er heard Su Chen's question, he nodded: "That's right, the princess's realm is indeed the first in the entire Princess Mansion, and the princess's realm has already reached the ninth stage of the Xiaoyaoyou realm."

When Su Chen heard this, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Happy Journey Jiuduan is indeed not low.

But as I guessed well, the fifth princess has indeed reached the ninth stage of the Happy Journey Realm.

"But why did you suddenly ask this question?" Zhuang Er asked after taking a sip of tea and looking at Su Chen.

"It's nothing, just asking casually." Su Chen said, and then looked at Zhuang Er and said: "When I fought with that bull monster just now, I found that its ability is already good, so I think the princess must be very powerful."

When Zhuang Er heard Su Chen mentioning Fu Zhu, he snorted coldly and said, "Hmph, it's just a bitch who bullies others. He thinks that he will be lawless because of the princess's favor. I want to see how long it can laugh!"

When Su Chen heard what Zhuang Er said, he nodded.

But he didn't intend to go any further.


After the fifth princess had finished chatting with the fire giant ape, she called the housekeeper.

"Princess, what do you want me for?" The butler came to the fifth princess and said respectfully, looking at her.

The fifth princess looked at the butler and said: "Recently, some people's arrogance has sneaked into our Abyss Clan. You should check our mansion carefully and don't let the people come in. Once you find out, you will deal with it seriously!"

When the butler heard what the fifth princess said, he nodded.

"Yes! I'll go down immediately to make arrangements! We must strictly investigate."

Afterwards, the housekeeper turned and left.

The butler came to the door, looked around, and then waved to a guard to come over.

"Butler, did you call me?" The guard came over and looked at the butler and asked.

"Well, there are human beings who have infiltrated the Abyssal Clan. To prevent humans from infiltrating the Princess Mansion, go and search for me. If you find it, you must catch it!" the butler sternly ordered to the guard.

"Yes, butler!" The guard nodded.

Afterwards, the butler left with the other guards.

On the fifth princess' side, she turned around and entered the house after giving orders to the housekeeper.

After she entered the room, she looked around for a week and did not find Su Chen's figure, so she frowned.

That cow demon is simply too bold!
To leave without my permission!

"Where was that guy just now?" she asked.

At this time, a maid appeared, and she replied respectfully: "I don't know, we didn't pay attention!"

The fifth princess frowned even more when she heard the maid's words.

"Hmph, it's getting more and more unruly! Come on, send someone to bring back that bull demon to my princess!" She said to the maid.

"Yes!" The maid nodded.

Just as the maid was about to leave, Fu Zhu ran in crying.

"Princess~" Fu Zhu ran to the side of the fifth princess crying and looked at the fifth princess charmingly.

Seeing this, the fifth princess looked at Fu Zhu and asked, "What's wrong with you? Why are you crying here?"

Fu Zhu looked at the fifth princess, tears streaming down her face, she looked at the fifth princess and said: "Princess, it's that Yang Xin, he dared to hit me! He beat me to the ground!"

Fu Zhu had a grievance on his face.

When the fifth princess heard this, her eyes narrowed slightly.

Fu Zhu is the favored face of the fifth princess, and the fifth princess loves him very much.

However, being bullied now, the fifth princess is naturally very angry.

No wonder that Yang Xin left without waiting for him to come back, it was simply too arrogant!
No, I have to punish this bastard, Yang Xin.

"What's going on?" The fifth princess asked Fu Zhu.

Fu Zhu wiped away the tears from his face, then sobbed and told what happened.

In the end, Fu Zhu added embellishment and said: "Princess, you have to make the decision for me! That Yang Xin is simply deceiving me too much. He not only beat me, but also insulted me! It is simply unreasonable!"

When the fifth princess heard Fu Zhu's words, a trace of anger appeared on her face, and then she pondered for a moment.

Then Fu Zhu watched Princess Wu lift up his sleeves and stretched out in front of her, saying pitifully: "Princess, look quickly, look at the bruise on my arm, it was that Yang Xin who beat him, he still Hurt my face woo woo woo."

"If my face in the future..." Fu Zhu covered his face, tears were shining in his eyes, as if he would cry in the next second, he continued: "Princess, if my face becomes ugly in the future... , you don’t want me anymore!”

The fifth princess usually dotes on Fu Zhu very much, now seeing Fu Zhu crying so pitifully, she couldn't bear it, so she patted Fu Zhu's hand and said: "Don't worry, I will definitely He who seeks justice for you must make him pay a heavy price."

When Fu Zhu heard this, he nodded quickly, and then said to the fifth princess, "Really? Princess."

At this time, Fu Zhu secretly rejoiced in his heart.

I knew the princess still dotes on me. As long as I pretend to be casual, the princess will love me. After all, I am the most beloved face of the fifth princess.

(End of this chapter)

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