Chapter 1054 Call Su Wanxue
Su Chen looked at it, confirmed it was correct, and then said to Zhuang Er: "That's fine, then you go back and wait for my news, I have something to do here and I have to go to work."

"Your...Young master, you don't want to run back to beat someone again, right?" Zhuanger looked at Su Chen and said worriedly.

Su Chen lowered his head and smiled, looked at Zhuang Er and said, "Don't worry, I don't have that kind of energy, but I still have other things to do, so you go back and wait for me first, and I'll come back after I'm done." Come to find you."

"Okay then, young master, please pay attention to your own safety." Zhuang Er said, and left immediately.

"Well, I will." Su Chen waved his hand and said.

After Su Chen watched Zhuang Er leave, he turned around and walked towards the gate of Abyss Castle.

He still has to go out quickly and find a place to inform Xueer and the others, but don't worry them.

When Su Chen walked to the gate of the city, he directly took out the token given to him by the fifth princess and handed it to the guard at the gate.

When the guard saw the token of the five princesses in Su Chen's hand, his eyes widened in surprise.

Although the guard didn't know what the token of the five princesses represented, he knew that the token represented the five princesses.

Therefore, the very sensible guard immediately said respectfully to Su Chen: "I have seen you, son!"

"Hurry up and open the city gate, I have to go out to do some business." Su Chen looked at the guard and asked.

Hearing this, the guard immediately agreed, and then cast a glance at the soldier next to him.

The guard's movements were very quick, and the city gate opened in almost no time, allowing Su Chen to go directly out of Abyss City.

"Thank you, my lord, that subordinate will leave!"

Su Chen nodded when he heard the words, and waved his hand to signal the guard to leave.

Seeing this, the guard left and went straight to duty.

After Su Chen walked out of the city gate, his figure disappeared into the night, and he didn't know where he went.

Su Chen ran all the way, and soon left Abyss City and came to the wilderness.

He directly found a tree and sat down, then took out the mobile phone from his arms, and found that the mobile phone had already received a signal at this time, so he immediately called Lin Wanxue.

When Lin Wanxue saw Su Chen's phone call, she was overjoyed and immediately said, "Husband? Is it you?!"

Lin Wanxue's tone was full of excitement.

When Su Chen heard Lin Wanxue's voice, a smile appeared on his face: "Xue'er, it's me!"

"Honey, what are you doing these days? Why don't you call me? I'm really worried to death. I'm afraid that something will happen to you." Lin Wanxue complained on the other end of the phone.

"Hahaha, Xue'er, I'm fine." Su Chen said with a smile: "Okay, I'm fine now, don't worry about me."

"En!" Lin Wanxue responded, and then asked: "Where are you now, why did you suddenly go to the Abyss Clan?"

"It's a long story. In short, you don't have to worry about me. I'm safe here. Just take care of yourself and Dad these few days. I have to deal with some things these days, and I may go back after a while Already!" Su Chen explained.

"Okay!" Lin Wanxue nodded after listening to Su Chen's explanation.

Immediately, Lin Wanxue told Su Chen again: "Hubby, don't rush in. If you encounter danger, you must not be brave. You know, you are not alone now!"

"Don't worry!" Hearing the words, Su Chen slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and said with a smile, "I know! I'll go back after finishing my work, and you wait there obediently for me to go back."

"Understood." Lin Wanxue nodded.

Lin Wanxue chatted with Su Chen for a few words, and then they hung up the phone.

"Honey, I'm waiting for you, you must come back quickly!" Lin Wanxue put down the phone, then sighed softly, and muttered to herself.

She knew that it would not be easy for Su Chen to go to the Abyss Clan, and she wondered if he was in danger now.

But Su Chen had already hung up the phone, then raised his head to look at the dark sky, hum, some things should be settled earlier before he can go back to see Xueer and the others.

He took a deep breath, then found Ling Tian's phone and called again. This time, Ling Tian didn't make him wait too long, he just dialed, and Ling Tian got through.

Ling Tian's voice came anxiously from the phone: "Hey, Su Chen, why did it take you so long to call me? I heard that you went to the Abyss Clan. Are you okay?"

Ling Tian asked several questions in a row, Su Chen couldn't help showing a trace of warmth when he heard Ling Tian's concerned words, and he said: "I'm fine, Dean Ling, it's a long story .”

"Well, since this is the case, where are you now, I will lead someone to rescue you right now, don't be afraid, we will definitely help you." Ling Tian said immediately.

"No need, Dean Ling, I won't go back for the time being. I still have some things to do here in the Abyss Castle." Su Chen said lightly.

After hearing Su Chen's words, Ling Tian frowned instantly into a Sichuan shape. He pondered for a moment, and then said: "Su Chen, this abyssal clan is not a kind person. It's too dangerous for you to be there alone. Well, what else do you need."

After hearing Ling Tian's words, Su Chen thought to himself: What's the matter?That must have taken these monsters by surprise.

Su Chen thought so, he still told Ling Tian what he was planning.

After hearing Su Chen's words, Ling Tian was silent for a while, and then said: "Su Chen, since this is the case, then you should pay attention to your own safety, and if you have anything to do, just tell me, as long as I can help, I will definitely try my best to help you." Help you. After all, you went to the Abyss Clan this time to protect us. I believe you are not an impulsive person, so I hope you can think carefully and don't act recklessly, otherwise none of us will be able to explain it when the time comes."

"Hehe, okay, thank you Dean Ling for your relationship, I understand, Dean Ling, you must also be careful." Su Chen said.

Ling Tian said to Su Chen: "However... Su Chen, I think your idea is indeed very good, but if you do this, you will be exposed directly, which is not very safe."

"It's okay, Dean Ling, I have my own secret method, so I won't expose it, so it's fine." Su Chen said.

At this moment, Ling Tian thought of the male lead who had turned into a five-year-old boy in the secret realm before. If that was the case, then Su Chen would not be exposed.

"Okay, if that's the case, then you should be more careful, and I won't bother you." After hearing Su Chen's words, Ling Tian pondered for a while, finally said nothing, and then hung up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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