Chapter 1063 Find Su Chen!
"Hmph! Let's wait and see!" said the ghost-faced horse with a cold snort.

"Then let's wait and see!" Lei Yunbao also said with a sneer.

Hearing what they said, the blood python branch said with a sneer: "Everyone, don't talk too much, it's not certain who will get the flowers of the gourd vine now, besides, our Tengzhi clan is bound to get the gourd vine, and I He was the first to discover the calabash vine."

"You vine branch clan are determined to get that gourd vine, don't we want to?" Fire Giant Ape said with a sneer.


"Then let's each rely on our own abilities, it's not certain who will win!" Heiqing Mad Bull also said sinisterly.

"Hehe, since that's the case, let's wait and see!" Lei Yunbao also said with a smile.

The fifth princess heard them arguing here, frowned and said: "Stop arguing! It's more important for us to find Su Chen first! If you keep arguing like this in the afternoon, what will you do when I see someone running away!"

At this moment, the fifth princess just wanted to find Su Chen quickly and snatch the gourd vine from his hand!

Fire Giant Ape and Heiqing Mad Bull immediately stopped talking when they heard Fifth Princess's words.

They also know that what the fifth princess said is right. Although they belong to the relationship of snatching, but now is not the time to quarrel, and they haven't found Su Chen yet. If they let him run away, it won't be worth it .

The black-faced horse nodded at this time and said: "Okay, let's go in and discuss it first. After all, this is related to the interests of our respective families. No matter what, this time we finally found out that Su Chen footprints, so we must find this Su Chen, no matter what method we use."

"That's right!" Lei Yunbao also said, "We must seize this opportunity!"

"Okay, stop arguing, let's act quickly!" Listening to their conversation, the fifth princess also felt a little dizzy, she looked at them and said.

"Then what should we do now?" Ghost-faced horse looked at the fifth princess and asked them.

Lei Yunbao also said, "Yes, do you have any good plans?"

The fifth princess thought for a moment when she heard the words, and said: "We have surrounded the entire forest now, and then we will search for his traces in it. If he has been hiding in it, I think we will definitely be able to find him, so I It is suggested that we act in batches, and then each batch will send monsters to search around here, and at the same time, be careful not to be escaped by him."

The fifth princess had a calculation in her heart.

She thought that Yang Xin would naturally see Su Chen, so she would contact Yang Xin directly and let Yang Xin take her to find him when she dispersed.

In this way, she will be the first to find Su Chen before other families, and then the gourd vine must belong to their cow monster clan!
Therefore, the fifth princess also wanted to go directly to Su Chen after she reunited with Yang Xin.

"That's right!" The fire giant ape nodded: "Such an arrangement is very reasonable, so let's do it!"

Heiqing Mad Bull also nodded in agreement.

"Then do you have any comments?" The fifth princess looked at the crowd and asked.

"No more!" Lei Yunbao shook his head.

"Alright then, since we have no objections, let's act now!" said the fifth princess.

"En!" The black-faced horse and the fire giant ape also responded one after another.

The fifth princess looked at the crowd and said: "Okay, let's start acting now, we all act separately, we must find that Su Chen as soon as possible, otherwise, he will run away!"

After finishing speaking, the fifth princess left here with her family's monsters.

The rest of the monsters also dispersed after watching them leave.

After the fifth princess separated, she immediately took out her mobile phone to contact Yangxin.

Soon Yangxin was also connected.

"Hey! Yang Xin, I have come to this Maosen forest, where are you now?" The fifth princess said hastily.

"I'm in the northeast of Maosen Forest." On the other side of the phone, Su Chen replied slowly while sitting on a tree.

The fifth princess heard the words and said immediately: "Yang Xin, don't move yet, I will take the monsters to search for you in the forest, and I will come to you right away."

"Yes." Su Chen replied.

After hanging up the phone, the fifth princess also summoned her monsters and led them towards the northeast of Maosen Forest.

At this time, Su Chen was sitting on the top of the tree with a sneer on his face.

It's time to wait and see.

Soon, the fifth princess found Su Chen, and Su Chen came down from the tree.

The fifth princess looked at Su Chen and asked, "Yang Xin! Tell me where is Su Chen?"

Su Chen looked into the distance, and casually said to the fifth princess, "It's to the south."

He also wanted to buy more time for Ling Tian and the others to make adequate preparations.

The fifth princess' face sank when she heard the words, she looked into the distance, and said, "It looks like we're going to take a detour!"

"It's okay, let's follow the plan just now!" Su Chen nodded and said.

"Okay, let's go!" The fifth princess also nodded.

Then the two continued to rush to the destination, and arrived at the destination after about ten minutes.

The fifth princess looked at the forest in front of her and said to Su Chen next to her, "Yang Xin, where is this Su Chen? It's so dense, how do we find it?"

Su Chen smiled lightly when he heard the words, and said, "Don't worry too much about this, I naturally have a solution."

Then, Su Chen stood in front, closed his eyes and started chanting some incantations.

And the five princesses didn't dare to go up to disturb Su Chen in this situation, so they just stood there quietly behind Su Chen.

Soon, Su Chen stopped chanting the spell, then opened his eyes, and said to the fifth princess, "Princess, come with me."

After Su Chen finished speaking, he stepped forward, and the fifth princess and several other monsters also followed Su Chen when they saw this.

Then, after Su Chen walked forward with them for about a few hundred meters, he stood still and turned to look at the fifth princess and said, "It's here, Su Chen is right below."

The fifth princess stepped forward suspiciously, and looked at the place Su Chen said, and she really saw a big hole behind Su Chen, she immediately turned her head and looked at Su Chen in surprise!

Yang Xin really found it!

"Are you sure that Su Chen is here!?" The fifth princess looked at Su Chen excitedly and asked.

"I'm sure!" Su Chen nodded heavily, and said seriously.

"Great!" The fifth princess shouted happily.

Su Chen looked at the Fifth Princess with cold eyes.

In fact, this hole was made by Su Chen just now, in order to convince the five princesses.

Now the fifth princess also believes, so she can only wait quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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