City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 1068 Health Master 9 Stages of Strength!

Chapter 1068 Health Master Nine Strengths!
This scene made a disdainful smile appear on Bai Yongfeng's face!

Looking at Luo Gang, the corner of Bai Yongfeng's mouth twitched slightly: "Hmph, do you want to hide? I'll see how long you can hide."

After finishing speaking, the long sword in Bai Yongfeng's hand stabbed directly at Luo Gang's body.


The long sword stabbed fiercely into Luo Gang's body!
"Ah!!!" Luo Gang cried out in pain.

Na Luo Gang's body struggled violently, trying to break away from Bai Yongfeng's sword.

However, its body was firmly pressed to the ground by Bai Yongfeng, and it couldn't move at all!

In the end, Bai Yongfeng directly gave it the last sword, and then Na Luogang directly swallowed his breath.

As for the fifth princess, Heiqing Mad Bull and Fire Giant Ape, their eyes were full of anger when they saw this Mu!

They didn't expect that Luo Gang would die in the hands of this Bai Yongfeng!

Seeing this, Bai Yongfeng sneered and pulled out the long sword in his hand.

"Hmph, since you are dead, rest in peace." Bai Yongfeng looked at Luo Gang and snorted coldly.

Seeing this scene, Heiqing Mad Bull and the others also came over one after another. They came to Luo Gang's body, and glared at Bai Yongfeng angrily!
On the side of the ghost-faced horse, the ninth-dan health master in the family, the top master of the half-step immortal realm, the Iron Armored Horse, couldn't bear the arrogance of this human race on this territory!
I saw it waved its hand, and an incomparably powerful force erupted from its body, directly bombarding Bai Yongfeng!
Seeing the movement of the armored horse, Bai Yongfeng frowned, and immediately took out a dagger to block in front of him.

The dagger and the armored horse's fist collided, and both took two steps back at the same time.

Seeing this scene, there was a hint of disdain and sarcasm in the eyes of the armored horse.

It cast a cold glance at Bai Yongfeng, then waved its fists again and rushed towards Bai Yongfeng.

Looking at the murderous armored horse, Bai Yongfeng didn't dare to neglect in the slightest, and swung the long sword in his hand directly.

Jingle Jingle!

When the swords and swords intersected, Bai Yongfeng quickly stepped back a few steps!
Seeing Bai Yongfeng's reaction, a look of disdain flashed in the armored horse's eyes, and it said while attacking: "It seems that your human race is arrogant and domineering, and you dare to be so presumptuous here!"

While speaking, an incomparably violent force erupted from the iron armored horse's hand, and its body slammed towards Bai Yongfeng!

Seeing this scene, Bai Yongfeng groaned inwardly, she hurriedly took a few steps back!
Immediately, the armored horse came directly in front of Bai Yongfeng, and then punched him!
Seeing this scene, Bai Yongfeng hastily raised his sword to block.

The long sword in Bai Yongfeng's hand was blown away by the armored horse's fist.

But even so, Bai Yongfeng's right hand was injured by the armored horse.

Looking at Bai Yongfeng's hand, a ferocious smile appeared on the iron armored horse's face.

"Hahahaha, let's see how arrogant you are!" While speaking, the armored horse rushed towards Bai Yongfeng again, ready to hit Bai Yongfeng again!
Seeing this scene, the fifth princess and the ghost-faced horse showed a little smile on their faces!
You can't let this human being oppress you all the time!

But Ling Tian and Su Chen looked at Bai Yongfeng worriedly.

From the battle situation just now, it can be seen that Bai Yongfeng has always been at a disadvantage compared to that armored horse!

Can't go on like this!

But at this moment, Bai Yongfeng gritted her teeth fiercely, and two cold lights burst out in her eyes. She recalled her long sword and slashed fiercely at the armored horse.

"Hmph, you dare to play tricks in front of the old man!" The armored horse snorted coldly, then directly raised his left hand to block his chest.

Bai Yongfeng's long sword slashed directly on the palm of the armored horse.

However, when Bai Yongfeng's sword slashed on the palm of the armored horse, it seemed to be slashing on the steel plate, and there was no way to penetrate half an inch!

This scene made Bai Yongfeng's complexion suddenly darken!

Bai Yongfeng cursed inwardly, and violently squeezed her palm!


There was a crisp sound, and the long sword in Bai Yongfeng's hand broke into two pieces!
At the same time, the hammer in the armored horse's hand also hit Bai Yongfeng's head!
Seeing this scene, Bai Yongfeng's pupils suddenly shrank, he knew that he would never be able to stop this extremely ferocious hammer blow!

At this moment, suddenly, a strong wind blew!
A white shadow quickly passed over!

Immediately afterwards, Bai Yongfeng was taken away from the place just now.

Bai Yongfeng turned his head to look, and it turned out to be Su Chen!

Because Su Chen had been paying attention to this side just now, when the armored horse attacked, he immediately went towards Bai Yongfeng.

Moreover, at the moment when the armored horse's hammer fell, Su Chen directly took Bai Yongfeng away, avoiding the danger of being hit by the hammer!
"Brother Su Chen, thank you very much!" Looking at Su Chen, Bai Yongfeng said gratefully.

If Su Chen hadn't saved him just now, he probably would have died at the hands of that armored horse.

In this kind of battle with the health masters, the little people around can't enter the battle center at all. As soon as they get close, they will be torn apart by the stellar energy emitted by the strong. Fortunately, Su Chen has a fast magic foot skill, which can reduce damage.

This game was made by him.

He certainly didn't want to see the strong Bai Yongfeng on the human side die here.

"Su Chen! Bai Yongfeng! Be careful!"

Just as Su Chen was about to open his mouth to say something, Ling Tian shouted from afar.

Hearing Ling Tian's voice, Su Chen and Bai Yongfeng turned their heads to look, only to see the hammer in the armored horse's hand smashed towards Su Chen and Bai Yongfeng again!

Seeing this scene, Su Chen's complexion changed, he quickly backed away, and then distanced himself from Bai Yongfeng again!

Seeing that his attack was evaded, the iron armored horse was furious once again!

"Bastard!" The armored horse roared, and then, it hit Su Chen and Bai Yongfeng again with a hammer!

Seeing this scene, Su Chen and Bai Yongfeng's expressions changed drastically.

not good!

Seeing the actions of the armored horse, Su Chen's face changed, and he directly pushed Bai Yongfeng behind him!
And he took a few steps back again, avoiding the hammer!
Seeing this scene, a ferocious smile suddenly appeared on the face of the armored horse!

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for facing a choice."

"Choose one, run away, and reward the host with an intermediate escaping technique."

"Option 10, take action immediately, and reward the host with the ability to temporarily obtain the ninth-level health master's ability, which lasts for three to [-] minutes."

Listen to these two options in your head.

Su Chen chose option two without hesitation.

This game was done by him, and now that the human race and the abyss race are fighting in dire straits, it is impossible for him to be a deserter.

Otherwise, not only will the system's rewards fail to be completed, but the human race will also lose to the abyssal race.

(End of this chapter)

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