City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 1072 Kill the 9th segment of the health care master!

Chapter 1072 Killing the Ninth Stage Health Master!
The two refused to give in to each other and kept attacking each other, but Su Chen was gradually at a disadvantage!
He found that although he could fight the iron armored horse inextricably, but he couldn't gain the upper hand, because the iron armored horse's strength was too great, and every punch of it contained extremely terrifying power.

But there is only a strand of true energy in his body, so he can't compete with that iron armored horse at all.

No, I absolutely cannot lose!
Thinking of this, Su Chen didn't care so much, he directly activated the spiritual power in his body, and frantically attacked the armored horse.

And the armored horse also felt Su Chen's change. Its body froze suddenly, as if it was frightened by Su Chen's actions. It didn't expect Su Chen to come over so quickly, and then began to dodge Su Chen's attack. .

However, the armored horse was still a step slower, and its body was still hit hard by Su Chen.


Accompanied by a shrill scream, the body of the iron armored horse flew upside down, landed heavily in the distance, and smashed many trees.

And at this moment, the armored horse finally came back to its senses, it roared angrily, and then rushed towards Su Chen again!

"Hmph!" Seeing the iron armored horse rushing over again, Su Chen snorted coldly, then directly waved the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand, and attacked the iron armored horse.

The two fought together again, Su Chen's speed was faster than the armored horse, and the iron armored horse could only keep dodging.

Moreover, Su Chen still had a spiritual weapon in his hand, so the situation of the two fighting was quickly reversed.

In less than a moment, the iron armored horse was suppressed by Su Chen, and Su Chen took the opportunity to crush the iron armored horse with strength and strength, wanting to end the battle as soon as possible and kill it!


The armored horse let out a shrill howl, and there were bursts of wailing from its mouth, and then a pair of blood-red eyes stared at Su Chen closely, as if to eat Su Chen.

"Boy, you dare to bully my Iron Armored Horse! Today you are dead! Just wait, I will tear you to pieces!!" Iron Armored Horse shouted ferociously.

"Hehe! Do you want to tear me into pieces? Are you worthy?" Su Chen sneered, and stabbed the iron armored horse fiercely with Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand!
Su Chen's sword was not simple, the veins on his arm jumped violently, his wrist trembled slightly, and that extremely fierce sword glow pierced fiercely into the chest of the armored horse!

Only a crisp sound was heard, and the Fang Tian painted halberd instantly sank into the iron armored horse's chest, and then deeply stuck in the iron armored horse's flesh until it lost its handle.

When Su Chen pulled out the Fang Tian painting halberd in Su Chen's hand, a drop of blood slid down the blade and fell on the ground, and then fell to the ground with a ticking sound.


Seeing this scene, Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

This time it finally worked!
His shot just now stabbed straight at the armored horse's body, directly piercing through the iron armored horse!

And that armored horse, although it looks very imposing, but its reaction ability is not very good compared with Su Chen, so Su Chen's shot directly pierced its chest!
The armored horse looked down at the Fang Tian painted halberd on its chest, its eyes widened, its head tilted, and it fell down straight, unable to stand up again!

Seeing this scene, Su Chen put away the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand, and then looked at the armored horse that fell to the ground and lost its vitality.

Seeing this situation, the monsters around Su Chen and the Tianjiao of the human race all showed shock.

No one thought that Su Chen would be so powerful, and he even killed the armored horse.

This is really scary!

With this kind of strength, even those monster beasts are not Su Chen's opponent.

After Su Chen dealt with the armored horse, he turned to look at the blood python branch. After all, he was still worried about the gourd vine.

On the side of the blood python branch, it is fighting against the human Tianjiao Wang Hei.

This Wang Hei has already reached the eighth stage of the Xiaoyaoyou realm, but he is comparable to the blood python branch.

The two fought for a long time but couldn't tell the winner, and the blood python branch didn't want to waste time with Wang Hei, so it rushed towards Wang Hei directly.

Seeing this, Wang Hei was horrified, and hurriedly retreated to avoid the attack of the blood python branch.

When the blood python branch saw Wang Hei's movements, it snorted coldly, then opened its mouth and sprayed out a ball of green liquid, and went straight to Wang Hei.

Seeing this green liquid, Wang Hei's expression changed suddenly, and he quickly avoided while hiding his body.


The green liquid fell to the ground in an instant, splashing dust and stone chips all over the sky.

Looking at the devastated scene on the ground, Wang Hei's face suddenly became extremely ugly!
He has seen the power of this green liquid with his own eyes, if he is contaminated with even a little bit, then he must be doomed too!

He looked at the blood python branch with a sinister look on his face: "Damn it, let's see how I will torture you!"

While speaking, his figure flickered, and he rushed towards the blood python branch again.


Wang Hei's body turned into an afterimage, and attacked towards the blood python branch, and then flipped his palm, and there was a black long spear in his hand.

Holding a long spear, Wang Hei stabbed fiercely at the blood python branch, trying to smash the blood python branch into pieces!
However, to Wang Hei's surprise, his spear did not penetrate the body of the blood python.

Because when his spear was only an inch away from the blood python branch, the body of the blood python branch instantly disappeared in place!
Then he saw that the branches of the blood python branch swept over from behind him!

His reaction was quick, the moment the blood python branch swept over him, he moved sideways for a few feet!

And just when Wang Hei was fighting with Blood Python Zhi like this, Gourd Vine quietly came to a close distance between the two of them and began to ambush.

It wanted to go out and devour the blood python branch when the right opportunity came.

As long as the blood python branch is devoured, its cultivation can also be improved by a bit.

Therefore, it must take advantage of the current opportunity of the blood python branch to devour that blood python branch!

"Swipe! Swipe! Swipe!."

The branches of the blood python branch, like long whips, waved quickly in the air, making bursts of piercing sounds.

These branches were like raindrops, constantly sweeping towards Wang Hei.

When Wang Hei saw this, he snorted coldly, held a long spear, and stabbed at the blood python branch!


There was a loud noise, and the spear in Wang Hei's hand directly picked up those spreading branches and flew away!

However, before those branches fell to the ground, those branches quickly condensed together, and then turned into a thick branch, and struck towards Wang Hei's body again.

(End of this chapter)

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