City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 1082 Great Victory in the No. 8 Realm Battlefield!cheer!

Chapter 1082 Great Victory in the No. 8 Realm Battlefield!cheer!

On Su Chen's side, he continued to kill monsters, as if he had been dazed.

His speed is very fast, and he can accurately find the location of a monster every time, and then directly launch a fatal blow, killing one monster with one blow, and then use another move to kill the other monster. kill.

In just one minute, nearly a hundred monsters lay down here, all of which were killed by Su Chen.

After these monsters died, their bodies were scattered on the ground, and a pool of blood flowed out, which looked very shocking.

Looking at the corpses of these monsters, Su Chen's eyes became redder.

He rushed towards the monster's body again, ready to continue slaughtering the monster.

And the faces of the fifth princess and the group of monsters also changed after seeing this scene.

The fifth princess and the monster retreated again and again until they reached the gate of the Abyss Castle.

When Su Chen wanted to continue to rush forward, he was stopped by waves of thunder.

The thunder was very loud, as if it exploded in Su Chen's ears.

Su Chen stopped, looked up at the thunder in the sky, the anger in his eyes became more intense, and the expression on his face became cold.

At this time, a very majestic voice came from the Abyss Clan: "Young generation, don't move forward!"

Hearing this voice, the Monster Beast Clan immediately rejoiced, this is the Elder You Ming of their Monster Clan who has reached the realm of Feather Transformation Immortal!

And this elder You Ming has a very high status among the monster clan.He can be ranked first among the monster clan, and his strength is also very terrifying.

Such a strong man is the top existence among the monster clan.

Ling Tian and the others frowned when they heard the voice, then looked at Su Chen.

And at this time, the voice of Nether came out again: "This competition is over, we Abyss people are willing to withdraw from the No. !"

The voice carried infinite majesty, and everyone was so suppressed that they couldn't breathe. There was even a natural urge to surrender and kneel down.

The fifth princess and the others were very happy to hear this. In this way, their losses will be minimized, and they will not be killed by Su Chen again!
However, at this moment, Su Chen's eyes are red, will he listen to Patriarch You Ming?

All of them were worried.

After all, Su Chen at this time is really meeting gods and killing gods, meeting demons and killing demons, it's too scary!

Those monsters that ran slower have all been killed!

At this time, in front of the Abyss Castle, there were corpses of monsters everywhere.

When the voice of the netherworld sounded, a voice piercing the sky came from the human castle. It was the voice of Baimei, a strong human immortal.


Hearing this, Fifth Princess and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, a ghostly aura enveloped the entire abyss castle, and then, a gap was torn in the space of the boundary battlefield.

The entire abyss castle rose from the ground, and left quickly from the torn hole!
The gap in the space is closed, and only the human race is present in the entire No. 8 battlefield!

Seeing this, the warriors on the human side cheered!
"Hahaha, it's so cool!"

"Finally suppressed the Abyss Clan!"

"Although they were only closed for 8 years on the No. 1 battlefield, this is also a great achievement in the battle between the human race and the abyss race! It is of epoch-making significance!"

"Su Chen is awesome!"

"If it wasn't for him, how could the abyssal clan surrender automatically!"

"Haha, it's so cool!"

On the Human Race Castle side, Lin Wanxue has already woken up.

She opened her eyes, and found that she was lying on the bed, and standing beside her was Bai Luo with a worried face.

Why am I in bed?
She immediately wanted to sit up, but Bai Luo saw that Lin Wanxue was about to get up, so she quickly held Lin Wanxue down.

"Xue'er, don't move around!" Bai Luo looked at Lin Wanxue and said.

Lin Wanxue looked at Bai Luo's concerned expression, her cheeks flushed slightly, and she immediately said, "Master, what's wrong with me?"

Bai Luo glanced at Lin Wanxue, and then reprimanded, "You still ask me what's wrong with you? I still want to ask you? You fainted suddenly, if it wasn't for our hands to catch you."

"Oh!" Lin Wanxue nodded, thinking to herself, "Could it be because of Su Chen?"

Could it be that he fainted because he was too worried about Su Chen?
"I'm fine!" Lin Wanxue thought for a while, then looked at Bai Luo and said with a smile.

"Is it okay?" Bai Luo looked at Lin Wanxue suspiciously and said, "It's okay, can you faint?"

"Hehe, maybe I've been too tired during this period, so I'm a little tired. I'll be fine after a few days of rest." Lin Wanxue said with a dry smile.

"real or fake?"

Bai Luo looked at Lin Wanxue suspiciously, obviously not believing it.

Lin Wanxue quickly changed the subject and said, "Master, how is my husband doing now? Have they come back?"

Hearing these words, Bai Luo showed a helpless expression on his face.

Knowing that Lin Wanxue fainted must be because she was too worried about Su Chen.

But since that's the case, she won't say much.

"No news yet." Bai Luo sighed and said to Lin Wanxue.

"What? Haven't come back yet?"

Hearing this news, Lin Wanxue's expression changed slightly, and she hurriedly said: "Master, I want to go outside the castle to have a look!"

"No!" Bai Luo directly refused: "There are many dangers outside the castle, your current cultivation level is not enough at all, going there will only hinder Su Chen, so I advise you to stay in the castle obediently to recuperate."


Lin Wanxue heard Bai Luo's words and wanted to refute, but she still didn't say it.

After all, she also understood that what Bai Luo said was the truth.

Lin Wanxue thought for a while, then took out her mobile phone and called Su Chen directly.

I kept chanting silently in my heart: Husband, answer the phone quickly!
After a long time, when Lin Wanxue would not be connected to the phone in the future, the phone was connected suddenly!

Ling Tian answered the phone, because Su Chen fainted suddenly on the way back.

"Hi, I'm Ling Tian." Ling Tian said.

Upon hearing this, Lin Wanxue asked anxiously: "Dean, what's wrong with Su Chen? Why didn't he answer the phone?"

Ling Tian said: "Su Chen fainted and is now in a coma."

Hearing this, Lin Wanxue showed a look of anxiety on her face.

"Having fainted? Then how is he doing now?" Lin Wanxue asked worriedly.

"It's not life-threatening yet, so don't worry. We're on our way back now." Ling Tian said.

Hearing this, Lin Wanxue was relieved.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Wanxue walked back and forth in the room, her face was full of worry, and her heart was even more messed up.

(End of this chapter)

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