City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 109 Lin Wanxue's Handover Work Completed, Arrive Tonight! 【4 more】

Chapter 109 Lin Wanxue's Handover Work Completed, Arrive Tonight! 【4 more】

Zhang Manwen: "(picture)..."

This is a picture of the purchase order that Su Chen paid in full.

Zhang Manwen: "Am I joking? You guys underestimate President Su too much."

As soon as this picture came out, the audience fell silent again!
These students all over the country, either someone broke their mobile phone, or someone smashed the keyboard, or they were rear-ended by a car...

No one spoke.

Regardless of whether it was true that Zhang Manwen said that Su Chen bought a 2250 million Ferrari, they didn't want to talk in the group anymore.

Too uncomfortable, too uncomfortable...

Whether it's a boy or a girl who doesn't like Su Chen's life better than them, at this moment, they all feel uncomfortable, and their whole body is trembling because of the news of Su Chen.

I can't wait for 2250 million yuan to fall from the sky and hit them on their heads, so that they can immediately say, 'What's so great about buying a supercar for [-] million yuan? '.

When everyone was too irritated to speak, Liu Zhigang stood up.

Liu Zhigang: "Oh, the 2250 million supercar is amazing, but it's a waste of money. I think the money should be invested in our next generation, so that the whole family can be prosperous for a long time."

"It's not just the rich generation."

Yu Xuan: "Su Chen, it's amazing, you actually bought a 2250 million supercar! Awesome! By the way, I remember that this Sunday is our three-year class reunion, and the venue for this year's reunion happens to be Bibo Island in Jinhai Lake, the imperial capital. , Su Chen, remember to come here with your Ferrari, I've never touched such an expensive car before, you have to let me gain some insight."

He didn't believe that Su Chen could afford a supercar worth 2250 million!

What a bragging nonsense!

I don't know what Zhang Manwen was thinking, why did he insist on praising Su Chen's stinky feet so much because Su Chen was handsome?

But that was also handsome more than 10 years ago.

Now, everyone is 37 or 38 years old. Either their bodies are getting fatter, bald, beer belly, or bald with wrinkled faces.

Su Chen must have gained weight in his middle age now!

Didn't Zhang Manwen flatter Su Chen?

Very good, just when the class reunion was coming, he came to tease Su Chen!

Praise Su Chen highly, then Su Chen won't be able to drive Rafa to attend the class reunion, hehehe.

He is really looking forward to this Sunday's class reunion!
This Sunday is the day after tomorrow.

He waited for that day to see Su Chen get slapped in the face!
He Meijiao also immediately agreed: "Yes, Su Chen, you must come."

The day after tomorrow, she must be well-dressed, gorgeous and rich in the past!

Take all the most valuable things at home with you, including real estate certificates, car registration certificates, various luxury items, and so on.

Su Chen: "Okay, I happen to be free, so I'll come over."

It just so happens that the daughters are on vacation, so it’s nice to take them out to play~
Jinhai Bibo Island is not very far from where he lives, it can be reached within two hours by car.

It is a good place for travel and vacation.

4A level scenic area.

Especially suitable for parent-child travel.

After sending this message, Su Chen turned off his phone, and took Su Zihan into the Ferrari.

He is used to driving a nanny car with ample space like the Alpha, and then he drives a supercar.

Needless to say, he was still a little uncomfortable.

Because the space of a supercar is really quite narrow.

But once he got used to the small space, he still felt great.

Whether it is the seat, the steering wheel, or the console on the right, it is worthy of being a top supercar brand, and it is thoughtfully and comfortably designed!
Su Zihan was sitting in the passenger seat at the moment, completely dazed.

This is a supercar worth 2250 million!

She sat in the passenger seat!
She immediately took a photo of herself, and then excitedly sent the photo to the sister group.

Su Zihan: "Father's new car."

Su Yinuo: "!!! I lost it! I lost it! I lost it! I lost it!!!!"

Su Yinuo: "!!!!!!"

Su Yinuo: "Shocked! Shocked! Shocked!"

Su Yinuo: "Why didn't you call me? I want to go home immediately!"

Oh my god, my dad actually bought a Ferrari sports car! ! !

The first person to sit in the passenger seat was not her, but the elder sister!

Chacha, I knew that my dad was going to buy a supercar today, so she went home after the first class at noon today.

You still have to brag to your roommates at school and pretend to explain that you will go shopping at SKP tomorrow, what are you doing! ! !

Now it's all right, I perfectly missed the more pretentious event of going to buy a Ferrari supercar with my dad! ! ! !
Su Youyu: "Wow! Dad is awesome, he bought a Ferrari sports car! It's so cool, I'll be back after class in the afternoon~~"

Even if it takes 40 minutes to go home by car, it can't stop her desire to go home~~~
Su Yutong: "I don't have class in the afternoon, big sister, come pick me up, I'm too poor to have dinner, so I'll go to my father's place for dinner tonight."

"You can drive over to pick me up now."

Even if there was an experiment tonight, she didn't want to do it.

No matter how great the prehistoric power is, it can't stop her from going to her father's house to have a big meal and run away!
Especially when Dad came to pick her up in a supercar!
Great face!
Although she is not a vain woman, she also has a vain heart...

Hurry up, hurry up and pick me up~~
Su Zihan: "Then I'll ask Dad."

After sending the message, Su Zihan told Su Chen about Su Yutong asking them to pick her up.

Su Chen learned that the fourth daughter asked him to drive to pick her up.

Immediately smiled and said: "Yes!"


The fourth daughter asked him to pick her up, which meant accepting him as a father.

Of the five daughters, three were completely taken down, and the fourth daughter would be taken down by him soon.

Then there is only the third daughter Su Kexin.

Thinking that he would soon be able to sit at the dining table with his five daughters, and even have the child's mother Lin Wanxue, he was full of expectations for the future.

"Dad, what about our Alpha? How can we drive it back?" Su Zihan thought of his father's Alpha nanny car still being repaired in the Toyota 4S shop.

"It's okay, just let the 4S shop open back at that time, it's easy, I'll call their repairman." After speaking, Su Chen picked up his mobile phone to make a call.

Zhang Manwen who was standing beside was shocked again.

Su Chen also has an Alpha nanny car!
That's right, Su Chen has five daughters and a mother, so it really doesn't fit in a normal five-seater car.

A seven-seater Alpha nanny car is required.

Sure enough, I answered that sentence. If you see a Porsche, don’t be afraid. If you see an Alpha nanny, you have to tighten your tail and be a man, because no one knows how many people there are in the family of the owner of the Alpha nanny. A top luxury car!
I haven't seen her for more than ten years, Su Chen really shocked her!

She is looking forward to those students who are still extolling in the group and who don't believe that Su Chen makes a lot of money. The day after tomorrow, she saw Su Chen with his quintuplet daughter and wife, driving an Alpha nanny car, plus a Lafa top supercar When he came over, he was so shocked that his eyeballs dropped all over the place.

Haha, it's cool to think about it, just look forward to it! ——
On Lin Wanxue's side, she put down the signature pen in her hand, let out a sigh of relief, and said comfortably: "Finally, the handover materials are processed!"

Then she twisted her nearly stiff neck, stood up, twisted her hips to move her slender waist, and clasped her hands together in a stretching posture.

Immediately made her H size fierce, making it more upright, curvy, and uneven.

"I'm lost, Wanxue, what are you doing? I've been up all night, and I'm falling asleep. You actually showed me such a scene of nosebleeds. It's so infuriating."

"It's the first time to be a human being. Why, you have a bumpy shape, and then I, I, I will be at the airport, with a flat butt..."

"This evil can we treat them differently..."

"I hate it so much..."

Lin Wanxue showed off her figure in a rare way.

Would Su Chen like such a figure?

After thinking about it, she took the phone happily, and started booking tickets with anticipation.

"I'm going to book a flight ticket for seven o'clock tonight, and at nine o'clock in the evening, I can arrive in the imperial capital~~"

"Su Chen, I'm really here~~"

"Wait for me to throw you down~"

(End of this chapter)

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