City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 1092 Dad wants a chapter!

Chapter 1092 Dad is coming back!

"This Su Chen is definitely a super strong man!"

"Su Chen is simply the hero of our human race!"

"Great, our human race finally won again!"


Now Su Chen's fame has resounded throughout the world of cultivating immortals and the human world.

But Su Chen himself didn't know at all at the moment, because of him, he became a hero among everyone in just a few days.

Su Chen himself is now on his way to find Ling Tian, ​​and is going to tell him about going home.

Su Chen came to the door of Ling Tian's room and knocked on the door.

"Please come in!" Ling Tian's voice came from inside.

Su Chen pushed the door and walked into the room, looked at Ling Tian who was lying on the bed, and said with a smile: "Dean, how are you? How is your body feeling?"

Ling Tian opened his eyes, looked at Su Chen, and said with a smile: "I feel like I'm completely fine! I've been resting and recovering from my injuries during this period, and I've recovered!"

"It's fine, that's fine." Su Chen said with a smile.

"What's the matter, what can I do for you?" Ling Tian looked at Su Chen and asked.

"Well!" Su Chen nodded, and then said: "Dean, the things here are finished, and I plan to go home first. This time I came to you to discuss going home with you."

"Well! That's fine!" Ling Tian nodded and said, "Then you go back first, and I will contact you later."

Hearing this, Su Chen also nodded, then stood up and left Ling Tian's room.

After Su Chen left the room, he directly left the courtyard where Ling Tian lived, and walked towards his residence.

Here Lin Wanxue and Su Ye are all waiting for him, Su Chen walked in front of them and said with a smile: "Let's go, I've already told the dean, we're going home now."

"Well, then let's go!" Lin Wanxue nodded and said.

"Well! Let's go!" Su Chen smiled, and then Su Chen took the whole family out of the passage of the No. [-] battlefield, and got on his own ark.

Su Chen sat on his own ark, closed his eyes and rested his mind, his mind was also running rapidly.

Lin Wanxue was beside her with a look of joy, after all, she hadn't seen the children for a long time, so she naturally missed them.

Lin Wanxue thought about it, took out her mobile phone and sent Mu Ziqing a message: Ziqing, we are on our way home now, we will be home in five hours!
When Mu Ziqing received Lin Wanxue's message, she was watching TV with the children and Jiang Yuxiu in the living room.

Seeing this news, Mu Ziqing felt a surge of excitement in her heart, then quickly looked at Jiang Yuxiu and the others and said excitedly: "Mom! Sister Wanxue said that they are on their way home now! They will be home in five hours!"

"Good! Good!" Hearing Mu Ziqing's words, Jiang Yuxiu and the others were also very happy. Although Mu Ziqing and the others have been practicing on the battlefield of the No. [-] realm for a while, they haven't seen Lin Wanxue and Su Chen for such a long time. Jiang Yuxiu and the others also missed them very much.

Now that they knew that Lin Wanxue and the others were going home, they were of course happy.

When Jiang Yuxiu heard the news, she also smiled and said, "Okay, Wanxue and Chenchen are finally going home!"

Su Yinuo and Su Youyu were also very happy when they heard the news. They also miss their parents very much these days.

"Father and the others are coming back? It's great!" Su Zihan said happily with a smile.

Su Youyu heard the words and said: "Yes, Mommy and Dad must be very happy, they are finally coming back!"

"I also miss my parents and the taste of their cooking!" Su Yinuo also said with a happy smile.

Su Kexin said with a smile: "Then I have to go back to the room and tidy up, and I can't let my father and mother see my sloppy appearance!"

"Yes! I want it too!" Su Yutong said happily with a smile.

"All right, all right, let's go pack up!" Jiang Yuxiu also said with a smile when she heard the words.

Dabao and Xiaobao both looked at Mu Ziqing and said, "Mommy! We want it too! We want it too!"

Upon hearing this, Mu Ziqing said with a smile: "Okay, Mommy will take you there!"

Mu Ziqing picked up Dabao and Xiaobao and said, "Let's go clean up and dress up, so we can see Dad later."

"Great!" Dabao and Xiaobao also cheered happily.

Mu Ziqing put Dabao and Xiaobao down, and then walked towards her room with Jiang Yuxiu.

The three of Mu Ziqing and the others quickly returned to the closet in their own room, and the three of them started packing together.

"Oh, which one should I wear today?" Mu Ziqing looked at the rows of beautiful clothes in the closet, and couldn't help feeling troubled. She didn't know which one to wear to look the best.

She also wanted to look beautiful in front of Su Chen. After all, she hadn't seen Su Chen for so long, and she missed him too.

However, among so many clothes, she didn't know which one to wear better.

In the end, Mu Ziqing chose a long blue dress to wear. This blue dress was chosen by Lin Wanxue for Mu Ziqing.

Putting on this long blue dress, Mu Ziqing looked very noble and elegant, like a fairy, making people look up to her.

"Wow! Mommy, you look so beautiful in this dress!" Dabao couldn't help but admire Mu Ziqing's dress.

Xiaobao also looked at Mu Ziqing's dress with envy, and said, "Mum, your dress is so beautiful."

Mu Ziqing also smiled when she heard the two children's praise, and then said happily: "Thank you, Mommy will dress up our Dabao and Xiaobao~"

"Yeah!" The two children nodded obediently when they heard the words.

After Mu Ziqing finished speaking, she began to dress up Dabao and Xiaobao.

Dabao and Xiaobao also cooperated with Mu Ziqing in dressing very well, looking very cute.

When Dabao and Xiaobao were almost dressed, Mu Ziqing stopped what she was doing.

"Well, these two little guys are getting cuter and cuter!" Mu Ziqing looked at Dabao and Xiaobao with satisfaction, and said with a smile all over her face.

Xiaobao is wearing a beautiful pink princess dress, which looks even more cute.

She raised her head and saw Mu Ziqing happily said: "Mommy, do I look good?"

Hearing Xiaobao's words, the smile on Mu Ziqing's face became brighter, and she said happily: "Of course, Xiaobao is our super beauty!"

"Hee hee!" Hearing this, Xiao Bao laughed happily, looking very happy.

At this time, Dabao looked at Mu Ziqing and asked, "What about me? Mommy."

(End of this chapter)

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