City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 1094 Mu Ziqing: Husband, I miss you so much!

Chapter 1094 Mu Ziqing: Husband, I miss you so much!
"Of course, I'm your wife!" Jiang Yuxiu said while looking at Su Ye with a smile.

"I see." Su Ye curled his lips in depression and watched Jiang Yuxiu deal with it.

Su Chen and the others watched Su Ye and Jiang Yuxiu bickering with a smile, and then all of them laughed along.

"Grandpa, we miss you so much~" At this moment, Dabao and Xiaobao ran to Su Ye's side and looked at him and said with a smile.

"Grandpa misses Dabao and Xiaobao so much too!" Su Ye stretched out his hand to hold Dabao and Xiaobao in his arms, and said with a loving face.

Jiang Yuxiu saw Dabao and Xiaobao clinging to Su Ye's arms, and looked at them with a smile.

Su Ye looked at Dabao and Xiaobao and said, "Have you been obedient recently?"

"Yeah, very good!" Dabao and Xiaobao put their arms around Su Ye's neck, and replied with a serious face.

"That's good, you two have grown up, it's time to learn to be more independent!" Su Ye looked at Dabao and Xiaobao and said.

Su Yinuo and Su Kexin who were nearby heard it. Su Yinuo looked at Su Ye and said, "Grandpa, you are partial, why don't you ask us?"

"That's right! Grandpa, you are biased!" Su Youyu also looked at Su Ye and complained.

"Hehe, you little girls, who does grandpa prefer?" Su Ye looked at them with a smile and teased.


After hearing Su Ye's words, several people snorted coldly, then turned around and ignored him.

"You guys! The bigger you are, the more naughty you are!" Su Ye smiled and shook his head and said, "It's not because I know you guys are good and will be obedient."

"That is, don't look at whose granddaughter we are!" Su Yinuo proudly raised her head and said to Su Ye.

Jiang Yuxiu also found it amusing to watch a few children bickering.

At this moment, Mu Ziqing looked at them with a smile and said, "Okay, all of you, hurry up and wash up, so you can feel better. We're going to order the servants to cook now, and we'll ask you to have dinner together."

"Okay!" Jiang Weihai and the others nodded in response.

Su Chen and the others also smiled and nodded when they heard the words.

So everyone went to their respective rooms to wash and rest.

Mu Ziqing and Su Chen came into the room, she looked at Su Chen and said, "Honey, wait a minute, I'll get you a change of clothes."

"Okay!" Su Chen said with a smile.

Soon, Mu Ziqing took several sets of men's clothes and walked over, handed them to Su Chen, and said, "This is your clothes."

"Thank you, wife!" Su Chen thanked with a smile after taking the clothes.

"Why are you being polite to me, go take a shower quickly, you can eat in a while!" Mu Ziqing said while looking at Su Chen with a smile.

"Honey, I found that you are becoming more and more virtuous." Su Chen looked at Mu Ziqing and said with a smile.

"That's natural!" Mu Ziqing said with a smile on her face after hearing Su Chen's words.

Su Chen walked over to Mu Ziqing and said, "It's been so many days, do you miss me?"

"I thought about it, of course I thought about it!" Mu Ziqing stretched out her hand to hold Su Chen's arm and said coquettishly.

Su Chen looked down at Mu Ziqing, and then kissed her on the forehead.

Mu Ziqing looked at Su Chen and said, "You didn't even know that you were in danger during that time, and we all worried about you to death."

"Fool, am I okay now?" Su Chen stretched out his hand to scratch Mu Ziqing's nose, and said with a smile.

"Hmph, you're fine now! Then what if something happens!" Mu Ziqing looked at Su Chen, pretending to be fierce and staring.

Su Chen smiled and hugged Mu Ziqing tightly and said, "Don't worry, this kind of thing will never happen!"

"If you really dare to do something, I won't spare you!" Mu Ziqing raised her eyes and looked at Su Chen threateningly.

"Okay! Okay! This kind of thing won't happen, this kind of thing won't happen! I promise not to worry my precious wife next time!" Su Chen hurriedly expressed his promise.

"That's about the same!" Mu Ziqing said while looking at Su Chen with a smile.

Seeing Mu Ziqing's cute look, Su Chen couldn't help leaning over to kiss her red lips again.

Mu Ziqing stretched out her hand and pushed Su Chen, "I hate it, go take a shower quickly, and go downstairs to eat after taking a shower!"

"Obey, my dear wife!" Su Chen saluted Mu Ziqing and said.

"Go take a shower, don't be silly!" Mu Ziqing said with a smile.

"Of order, my wife!" After Su Chen finished speaking, he pecked Mu Ziqing's red lips again, then turned around with a smile and walked to the bathroom.

Looking at Su Chen's back, Mu Ziqing's eyes shone with happiness.

Su Chen washed up in the bathroom for half an hour, then came out fully dressed.

Su Chen was wearing a white shirt and black suit pants underneath, and he came out of the bathroom dripping from his hair.

Mu Ziqing had been sitting on the sofa reading magazines, and when she saw Su Chen coming out, she hurriedly threw away the magazine in her hand to greet Su Chen.

"My husband is so handsome!"

When Su Chen heard Mu Ziqing praise himself, he was overjoyed immediately, hugged Mu Ziqing into his arms and said with a smile, "Thank you wife for your compliment!"

"Okay, let me dry your hair first, don't catch a cold!" Mu Ziqing said with a smile, looking at Su Chen.

Su Chen nodded when he heard the words, and reached out to hand the hair dryer to Mu Ziqing's hand.

Mu Ziqing picked up the hair dryer and started blowing Su Chen's wet hair.

Mu Ziqing gently combed Su Chen's hair with her fingers, and then blew it slowly.

Su Chen's hair is black and beautiful, especially smooth.

Mu Ziqing dried her hair, then looked at Su Chen and said with a smile, "Okay, my hair has been dried."

"Yeah!" Su Chen nodded and said with a smile.

"Then let's go eat!" Mu Ziqing stretched out her hand to hold Su Chen's arm, and said with a smile.

"Okay!" Su Chen nodded.

So the two walked towards the restaurant hand in hand.

A wealth of food has been prepared on the table, and everyone has already sat at the table and prepared to eat.

Everyone has already sat down in their seats, waiting for Su Chen and Mu Ziqing to come together.

"Chenchen! You are finally here!" Su Ye looked at Su Chen and greeted with a smile.

"Okay! Let's eat!" Su Chen responded with a smile, and pulled Mu Ziqing to sit on the chair together.

"It's been a long time since our family got together for a meal today, everyone should eat more today!" Jiang Weihai said with a smile and looked at the crowd.

"That's a must! We must eat more today!" Su Chen nodded in agreement.

"Yeah! We haven't had dinner with Dad and Mommy for a long time." Su Kexin looked at Su Chen and the others with a smile and said.

(End of this chapter)

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