City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 112 Dare to Fuck My Daughter?Who gave you the guts?

Chapter 112 Dare to Fuck My Daughter?Who gave you the guts?
At this moment, even though Gu Shicheng was furious like a thunderbolt, he didn't dare to go up to Su Chen to question him.

Because he hasn't figured out Su Chen's trump card yet, he is afraid that because of his temporary aggressiveness, he will provoke a demon god to himself and his family!
He could only watch helplessly as his goddess threw herself into Su Chen's arms and hugged Su Chen!
His eyes fell on the position where the two embraced. It was so big that it was squashed!
How tight is this hug? !

This kind of tank enjoyment is not him!But an uncle in his 30s! ! !

He clenched his hands into fists and turned his head, not daring to watch that exciting scene again!
And now it's dinner time, and tomorrow is the weekend, it's like a little holiday.

So many students who were going to go out and have fun gathered at the north gate of Imperial University.

From when Su Chen's car appeared to when Su Chen got off the car, these students covered their mouths in shock the whole time.

Even a lot of people gathered together to talk about it.

Especially when Su Chen got off the car, the discussion was as loud as a rumbling plane passing by.

Discussion by the girls:

"Oh my god, who is that man? He's so handsome!"

"He hugged the school belle!"

"Ahhh, sure enough, the one who can sit in the passenger seat of a top supercar is either the school belle or the school belle goddess!"

"I really want to go back to the stove and rebuild, let me become a school beauty!!!"

"Not only can you have such a handsome uncle, but you can also sit in a top supercar! You have a big face!"

"I don't know if this handsome uncle would mind having another girlfriend. I really want to go up and strike up a conversation. Even if it doesn't work, I can take a photo with his car and dominate the circle of friends!"


Boys' discussion:

"This is a model of a man!!!"

"At the age of 30, drive a top-level supercar and sleep in a top-tier university!"

"I'm so envious that my teeth are sore. When will I be able to buy such a luxury car?"

"When will I be handsome, mature, and rich? I really want to reincarnate!"

"I also want to reincarnate +1!"


"Queuing up for reincarnation +3!"


On Su Chen's side, after accepting the fourth daughter's hug, he felt the fourth daughter's acceptance of him as a father.

He was in a good mood, patting the little guy on the shoulder dotingly, then let go of her, and when he drove over, he saw the male student standing beside his daughter.

"Your friend?" Su Chen asked.

As a man, and still as an adult man, he knows that men are lower-body animals.

His own daughter is now a delicate 18-year-old flower. As a father, he must protect them well.

"No, it's just a classmate, Dad, leave him alone, let's get in the car." Su Yutong hugged Su Chen's arm and said.

After Su Chen confirmed that the other party was only his daughter's classmate, not her daughter's boyfriend, he immediately stopped looking at Gu Shicheng.

He patted the car door and said to Su Yutong with a smile, "Okay, let's go."

Su Yutong went around the front of the car and was about to get into the passenger seat, but Gu Shicheng couldn't bear it anymore and finally couldn't help calling her.

"Su Yutong, he is an uncle, he has a lot of emotional experience, he is just playing with you, don't get in his car!"

With that said, Gu Shicheng was about to grab Su Yutong's arm.

However, when his hand touched Su Yutong, Su Chen grabbed his wrist, and then Su Chen stood in front of Su Yutong like a strong man.

"Ah...! Pain!..." Gu Shicheng, who was born with a golden spoon in his mouth, had never experienced such pain before, as if his entire arm was going to be paralyzed and broken.

Numb and heart-piercing pain!

"It's good if you know it hurts, remember, don't pester Su Yutong again in the future!" With that said, Su Chen shook his hand away.

Gu Shicheng took several steps back in a row.

Dragging one hand, he glared at Su Chen angrily, and pressed the words back in his throat, but he didn't dare to let it out, so he could only clenched his teeth tightly.

Su Chen patted the front of Rafa's car, and then said to Gu Shicheng, "Did you see this car?"

"I just bought it for 2250 million."

"Ferrari Rafa."

"You drive a broken 458 Ferrari, how dare you pick on my daughter?"

"Who lent you your dog's guts?"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was shocked!

Especially the girls, covering their mouths and screaming like maggots.

"Oh my god!!! That handsome uncle is not Xiaohua's boyfriend, but her father!!!"

"So handsome! So domineering!! I like it! I love it~ I'm in love~~"

"Why have I never heard of Su Yutong's family being so rich!"

"Not only is she rich, but her father is also too young and handsome, right?! You can't see it at all!! There is nothing wrong with saying that Su Yutong and the handsome uncle are a couple! The handsome uncle is too young! He is in great shape! Mommy!"

"I want to be a mother!"

"Me too, I don't mind having daughters!"

"I don't mind either!! I want to be a mother!! My maternal love has exploded, and no one can stop me from showing the brilliance of maternal love..."


Gu Shicheng was so shocked that he was dumbfounded!
This handsome uncle is not Su Yutong's boyfriend, nor is he a godfather or goddaughter, but Su Yutong's real father! ! !

Then he just...

Are you speaking wild words to your future father-in-law? !

He really can't wait to dig out a three-bedroom and one living room with his toes on the ground immediately, and hide in it!

What an embarrassment!


She actually thought that Su Yutong's father was Su Yutong's boyfriend...

This is a big embarrassment for me in front of the goddess and future father-in-law!

He immediately changed his face, slapped himself in the face hard, and scolded himself, "Look at my unopened mouth, I'm a bitch, what I say is like shit, it's so ugly! I hate it myself My own mouth."

"Uncle Su, I'm sorry, I was wrong."

Su Chen glanced at him coldly, and then let Su Yutong get into the car.

He turned around the front of the car, got into the driver's seat, drove the car, and left with a bang.

Full of energy!

There are so many faces!
All the students of Imperial University at the gate of the North Campus all saluted in the direction of his car.

"Ding ding ding..." Gu Shicheng's cell phone rang.

It was his cousin calling.

"Shicheng, are you free? Come out and drink with me."

"That baby Blue Rafa was bought by someone else first."

"I'm furious."

"I have to go and find out who bought the car I fancy, Gu Chao!"

"If you dare to steal the car from Gu Chao, I have to let him know how powerful I am as the Fourth Young Master of the Imperial Capital!"

When Gu Shicheng heard this, he immediately trembled all over, and quickly shouted: "Don't, cousin, they are all from my family. Your car was bought by my father-in-law."

"Your father-in-law? ... What's the situation?"

"Didn't I beg my dad to buy me a Ferrari 458 recently?"

"Well, you want to chase that school beauty in your class."

"Yes! It's Su Yutong! The person who bought your car is Su Yutong's father and my future father-in-law."

"Cousin, for my sake, don't bother my father-in-law."

"I made a big oolong just now, it's really embarrassing to me..."

After he finished speaking, the other end of the phone was quiet for a while before the other party's voice rang.

"You said your father-in-law's surname is Su?"

"It should be? After all, his daughter's surname is Su!"

"Okay, I get it, the matter of you chasing your goddess is over! Let me just say, the person who dares to grab my car from Gu Chao is an ordinary person."

"Only those from the six major families dare not take me, Gu Chao seriously."

"Okay, that's it, don't worry, I won't mention this matter again."

Because it's useless to mention it, he is a member of the Su family, the upper three of the six major families! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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