City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 114 4 Daughters Write a Poem for Su Chen~Wonderful~

Chapter 114 The Fourth Daughter Writes a Poem for Su Chen~Wonderful~
The person who went to intercept said in a panic on the intercom: "No, when he went to intercept, he had already caught up with the middle!"

"It's driving too fast!"

"It's like a wind blows!"

When the racing program team heard this, their expression changed drastically.

Unfortunately, if the opponent is already approaching the middle, there is no way to intercept it.

If it is intercepted, I am afraid that there will be more unpredictable consequences.

As soon as the leader of the program group made a decision, he immediately ordered: "Another unmanned aircraft will be sent over to follow this baby Blue Lafa throughout the entire process, ensuring the safety of the people in the vehicle to the greatest extent!"

"Okay, boss!"

"Wait a minute—!" The leader of the program group was so shocked by the scene on the monitoring screen that he immediately lay down on the screen and stared at the screen, "There is no need to arrange for the drone! He has already entered the racing track !Join the racing army!"

"The unmanned aerial vehicle that broadcasts the live broadcast can follow him all the way!"

"Who is this person? Why is it so fast?"

"This is definitely a professional racing driver!"

"This corner is overtaking! Cool! The drift is so beautiful!"

"There was a snowfall a few days ago, which made the road a little slippery. Today, many racers dare not use drifting!"

Because if the drift is not used well, it will reduce the speed and affect the efficiency.

However, when Su Chen was overtaking on a curve, he just drifted over.

Keep going without affecting the speed of the car!

Su Yutong in the car kept screaming 'ahhhhhhh'.

So, so exciting!
"Father, if I shout like that, will it affect your driving status?" Su Yutong asked worriedly.

"No, your father is invincible!" He is not only proficient in driving skills, but also a second-rank intermediate warrior!
Compared with ordinary people, warriors are much stronger in terms of physique, energy, spirit, and five senses!

The higher the warrior level, the stronger!

Even though his speed has now reached 300 yards, he feels that everything is under his control.

It will not be in a hurry because the turning speed is too fast.

To him, this level of racing is like running fast in the playground.

He has perfect control of the vehicle.

It's similar to reaching the point where people and cars are one!
"Dad is awesome!"


"My head is almost dizzy!"

"Dad, you can drive so steadily!"

"Dad, why are there so many cars around?"

"There is also a big number on each car."

Su Yutong, who had never seen a car race, had no idea that their father and daughter had accidentally entered the live broadcast of a car race.

Although Su Chen has come here to play karting, he has never seen a car race.

Because racing competitions are not often held, especially at the China Overseas International Circuit, large-scale racing competitions are held here.

For example, the F1 racing competition is held once a year.

In addition to playing karts, you can also rent junior racing cars here on weekdays.

Moreover, no one stopped at the gate today and was not allowed to enter.

Because if the racing competition is officially held, other vehicles are not allowed to enter, and all other activities will be stopped, and the entire racing track will be handed over to the racing program team.

Logically speaking, today is not a racing competition.

However, the racing cars he overtook just now were of all kinds. They were not ordinary racing cars provided by the racetrack for tourists, but professional racing cars!
Especially the state of the racing driver driving the car, he is not a novice at all, he looks like an old racing driver at first glance.

It seems that today...

The father and daughter had strayed onto the racing track by mistake.

Wanting to understand this, Su Chen's blood suddenly boiled.

For a man who has never touched a supercar before, and hears a professional racing driver, he will feel very tall, he now has racing skills.

He just wanted to compete with these professional racers!
Prove it: Even if I am middle-aged, I am not inferior to you little teeth!

Still a stable batch!
He laughed and said to Su Yutong: "Yutong, sit still, Dad is going to speed up! We broke into the racing scene by mistake!"

"Ah? What? Speed ​​up! Dad, come on, speed up! Speed ​​up! Go! We are going to win the racing championship!" Su Yutong immediately shouted excitedly after being stunned.

Her whole body is floating now, and the blood in her whole body is boiling.

No wonder so many men like drag racing.

This feeling is really exciting and refreshing!

Although she was very scared, she was not afraid when she thought that the man holding the steering wheel was her father!

Be fearless!

It turned out that what he said was really true.

With father's participation in family education, children will be more courageous.

She is really getting bolder now.

Eyes are no longer closed when screaming.

Dare to open your eyes to see the road ahead.

When she saw Su Chen passing a racing car, she would shout excitedly, "Dad is awesome! Dad is excellent!"

"Dad, I want to write poetry!"

"Flying vertically and horizontally like flying, drifting around corners like walking on the ground, removing fame on the famous autumn mountains, dominating the world and no one wins!"

When Su Chen heard it, he laughed heartily and said, "Good poem! Dad wrote it down, and when we go back later, Dad will write it down and hang it in our house!"

I really didn't expect that there was a daughter of a school girl sitting in the passenger seat, and even racing became more interesting.



"It's a good sentence to dominate the world and no one wins!"


"Dad loves it!"

in the audience.

It has exploded now.

"Oh my god! What happened to this car that rushed out suddenly?"

"There is no number on the car body! Isn't this a racing car??"

"I just received gossip that one of the two bodyguards guarding the gate quietly ran to watch the racing car, and the other just went to pee in a hurry, causing a family car to drive in!"

"Oh my God, what? This is a family car? Not a racing car?!"

"No way? When did the driver of a family car drive better than a racing driver?!"

"Look, he has already broken into the top five!"

"My God, when this baby blue Rafa came in, all the cars were in the middle!"

"He broke into the top five within a few minutes of his arrival. Could it be that today's champion will be Rafa from Baby Blue?!"

The person in charge of Ferrari trembled with excitement, and quickly called the distribution general manager of the Imperial City, holding his breath and asked, "Who bought the baby blue Rafa?"

At this moment, Zhang Manwen happened to be giving a report to the general manager of Imperial Capital Distribution.

The general manager turned on the loudspeaker of the mobile phone and replied: "Su Chen, Su from Su Dongpo, Chen of the time."

"Su Chen! Send me his contact information. We will be looking for him as the spokesperson for Ferrari this year!"

The general manager and Zhang Manwen were both shocked.

Ferrari's spokespersons have always looked for professional racing drivers.

Because people who buy Ferraris like racing cars.

Therefore, inviting a professional racing driver to act as a spokesperson will have a more star effect.

Why did the person in charge suddenly say that Su Chen, who bought the baby blue Rafa, should be the spokesperson? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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