City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 116 Lin Wanxue found out the address of Su Chen's house and ran immediately~

Chapter 116 Lin Wanxue found out the address of Su Chen's house and ran immediately~
At this moment, the racing scene and the audience who were watching the live broadcast were all shocked!
"My God! Can anyone tell me what happened?"


"A car of a tourist who strayed into the race track by mistake won the championship of the national racing competition!"

"It's really a master of the people!"

"It's a pity that I didn't see the racing driver!"

"This is my idol!"

"My idol doesn't look down on the champion of the national competition at all. He hides his achievements and fame! A master! A peerless master!"


Lamborghini: "Find me the information of the owner of the baby blue Rafa quickly! Our spokesperson is him!"

Bugatti: "This is the spokesperson I'm looking for! Immediately, I want all the information on the owner of the baby blue Rafa!"

Siebel: "I really didn't expect that such a dark horse could emerge from the national racing competition in Longguo. It would be great if the car was our Siebel! This time, Ferrari got a big deal!"


At this moment, in Zhong Hai, Lin Wanxue, who had made herself beautiful, was heading to the airport by car.

"Ding..." A message entered her phone.

A WeChat message from best friend Ying Huanhuan.

Ying Huanhuan: "(picture)"

It's a picture of Su Chen driving the baby Blue Rafa across the finish line of a car race.

Ying Huanhuan: "Oh my god! This is my male god! My husband!"

Ying Huanhuan: "So handsome!"

"Wanxue, do you know? My husband just went to the racetrack to play. He didn't expect to break into the racing competition by accident, and then won the championship! The whole racetrack is in a state of confusion!"

"Hahaha! It's so cool!"

"The most important thing is that my husband is still very low-key. After winning the championship, he didn't stop to accept interviews. He just rode away, hiding his achievements and fame!"

"I just like such a low-key, handsome and domineering husband!!!"

Lin Wanxue clicked on the picture.

Looked, no interest.

It's not the car driven by her family, Su Chen.

She is not like Ying Huanhuan, who changes husbands every day.

Two days ago, Ying Huanhuan wanted to chase her family, Su Chen, but now she has changed the racer.

Not bad.

It's good that Ying Huanhuan has a new goal.

Immediately, Lin Wanxue sent a message to the Internet Literature Office, saying that she had read the chapter edited by the author, it was ok, and there was no need to edit it.

Internet Literature Office: "Okay, received, thank you Sir Lin, I will notify the author now."

"And warn her never to write novels like this in the future!"

Lin Wanxue: "Yes."

After a few minutes.

Ying Huanhuan: "Wow! I'm so lucky today! Not only did I meet my new husband, but also, hahaha, the editor sent me a message saying that I don't need to change the article!!!!"

"Liberation la la la la ~~~"

"I'm going to hug my husband's car and go to sleep. Bye, Wanxue."

"I wish you a successful start tonight, and win your male god in one fell swoop! Have a good time with your male god~~~"

Lin Wanxue: "Yes!"

Get rid of a hidden rival in love, comfortable!
Will she have a good time with Su Chen tonight?

It seems that you can also think about it~~
But first, he had to find his daughters to get Su Chen's address.

Which one should I look for?

eldest daughter?
Or the second daughter?
The eldest daughter is very caring, and the second daughter is also very good, but she is a little cheating.

Still looking for the eldest daughter!

Do it as soon as you think of it, Lin Wanxue immediately sent a message to Su Zihan: "Hanhan, is it convenient to make a video?"

Su Zihan is resting in the room right now.

Today I went out with Su Chen to look at the car and ride in the car. I was so excited. After the excitement, I felt tired.

Just went to sleep.

Her phone was off silent.

So she didn't see the message from Lin Wanxue.

After waiting for a few minutes, Lin Wanxue, who didn't get a reply, knew that the eldest daughter must not be looking at her phone right now.

Originally, she could have waited until her eldest daughter was free to reply, but she couldn't wait...

I am very eager to know Su Chen's address immediately~
So, she made a video call to her second daughter, Su Yinuo.

Su Yinuo was looking at the photo of Su Chen's car sent to her by Su Zihan on her mobile phone at the moment, when she saw a WeChat video invitation that popped up suddenly.

Especially after seeing the video invitation from my mother.

Shocked her!

As for the fact that she secretly photographed Su Chen for Lin Wanxue last night, she had already forgotten all about it, just like the wine she drank.

Because I was drinking and drunk at the time, I was very courageous and did everything I wanted to do.


She is sensible!
I am at my father's house right now, so I must not let my mother know that she, the eldest sister and the fifth younger sister are already living in my father's house.

Otherwise, before the mother's misunderstanding of father is resolved, she will preconceive that father is robbing them from mother, which will lead to mother's bad impression of father.

She slapped her head suddenly, took her mobile phone and went to the balcony, then leaned her back against the window so that her mother could not see what was going on at her father's house, and then answered the video call.

"Mom..." Su Yinuo smiled when he was making a video call with Lin Wanxue.

He used to have a cool face.

Now this is not 'guilty', so I have to smile.

Lower your mother's guard against her.

"Eh, you're not in the dormitory?" Lin Wanxue asked, pretending not to know that her second daughter was at Su Chen's house.

Thinking of her second daughter being a professional cheating mother, Lin Wanxue didn't tell her second daughter that she was going to come here tonight.

Because she wanted to surprise Su Chen.

If the second daughter knew that she was coming to see Su Chen tonight, with the carefree nature of the second daughter, she would definitely tell Su Chen about it immediately.

Then there is no surprise!
It will be much less exciting.

She wanted to see Su Chen's surprise when he saw her suddenly.

"Mom, I'm not in the dormitory. Isn't it just the weekend? My friend called me to come to her house to play, and I'm at her house right now." Su Yinuo made up nonsense without blushing.

Lin Wanxue didn't look at her daughter, but looked at the position behind her daughter.

She saw the word 'hotel'.

"Oh, I'm playing at your friend's house, so remember to go back tonight. Don't stay too late at your friend's house, or it won't be safe to go back at night." Lin Wanxue said while tilting her phone, trying to get Su Yinuo's The screen was moved to the left so that she could see the full name of the hotel.

In this way, you can directly find the community where Su Chen lives!
Then through the properties of the community, it is easy to find the unit where Su Chen lives.

"Okay, Mom, is there anything else? My friend called me to see her cat." As he said that, Su Yinuo took the phone away, and imitated the sound of a cat, "meow~".

This action made Lin Wanxue on the other side of the video clearly see the name of the hotel: Bailai Hotel.

"Yes!" Lin Wanxue shook Oli's little pink fist.

The hotel got it, and after taking a screenshot, she said to Su Yinuo: "It's okay, just now Mom called your eldest sister, but she didn't answer, Mom has to do a task later, the phone has to be turned off, remember Help mom and ask your eldest sister about her current situation, she has had her period for the past two days."

"Okay, Mom, I'll call Eldest Sister later, Mom, pay attention to safety and come back safely." Su Yinuo reminded.


After speaking, Lin Wanxue hung up the phone.

Then quickly sent this photo to the information group, asking them to find out the name of the community immediately.

"Speed! Very important!"

"Yes, it's urgent!"

"Okay, Sir Lin!"

"Lin sir, I found it. This community is called Wenxin Community, and the address is located on Yiheyuan Road, Haidian District, the capital..." The female subordinate quickly reported the address to Lin Wanxue, and then sent it to Lin Wanxue by text message.

After posting, she was slightly dazed.

"What does Sir Lin suddenly want the location of this community for?"

"Oh, by the way, Sir Lin was transferred to the imperial capital, and he has to do some important things that are confidential. This must have something to do with the important things that are confidential!"

Immediately, she deleted all the search records and gave her thumbs up~
(End of this chapter)

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