City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 120 After 19 years of thinking, I can finally do it tonight

Chapter 120 After 19 years of thinking, I can finally do it tonight
"If you're in such a hurry to eat, then you go eat first. My classmates asked me something, and I'll get back to them first." Su Yinuo decided to take out his phone and ask for help.

Otherwise, if she said that she didn't get out of the car because she couldn't open the door, she would lose her image!

Su Chen probably guessed why the second daughter didn't get out of the car.

Because he saw his second daughter going to open the door before, and then he was dumbfounded.

The little guy hid it pretty well, and immediately changed back to his cool look.

Holding the phone at this moment, it is probably to find out how to open the door.

Su Chen walked over with a smile, pressed a button on the inner wall of the car door, and then the door opened. He smiled and said to Su Yinuo: "Nonuo, it's cold outside. Let's go to the hotel first. After entering, you will follow you." Classmates chat."

With this action and these words, Su Yinuo got off the car and jumped onto Su Chen's body, hugged Su Chen's neck like a koala, and hung on him.

Kissed him on the cheek and said, "Dad, you are so handsome tonight!"

She still wanted to continue enjoying her father's hug, but Su Yutong tore her down.

"Outside, pay attention to your image!"

"Cut~~ You just envy me!"

"Did you not know how to open the door just now..." Before Su Yutong could say the word ''get off'', Su Yinuo immediately blocked her mouth with a lollipop.

Then Su Yinuo and his brothers hooked Su Yutong's shoulders happily, and said with a smile: "Fourth sister, you are very beautiful tonight."

"I wasn't pretty before??...!" Su Yutong took down the lollipop, and gave Su Yinuo a faint look.

"I'll take you on a drag race later."

"Cut, it's not rare." To go racing, she was the one who learned how to drive, and drove her father's car to go racing, so there was no need for Su Yinuo, who couldn't even open the door of a Ferrari, to take her to go racing.

Although she is the fourth eldest at home.

But they are the same age, both 18 years old.

It's just that she was born a few minutes late.

Therefore, in her heart, she recognized that Su Zihan, who was in charge of her financial power, was her eldest sister, and everyone else was her younger sister!

"Oh oh oh, then just wait, it's very difficult to get a driver's license now." Su Yinuo said while chewing a lollipop, kicking and walking coolly.

Su Yutong looked over.

Su Yinuo continued to say: "Now we can't finish the four subjects at once. You have to take subject one first. After passing subject one, you can apply for subject two. After passing subject two, the imperial capital needs to wait After 20 days, you can make an appointment to take subject three, and you can take subject four after passing subject three."

"You can get a driver's license only after passing four subjects."

"If you calculate it like this, even if you are a genius, it will take at least a month to do your best."

"What's more, I don't feel that you are a driving genius. You estimate that it will take three months at the earliest to get your driver's license."

"Three months... It doesn't seem long, that is, after the Chinese New Year this year and next spring, you will be able to get your driver's license."

"During the Chinese New Year, just watch me drive around in a supercar~~"


Su Yutong's face darkened instantly, and then she replied coldly, "You are shaking!"

"..." Su Yinuo.

In order to play cool tonight, she deliberately opened the roof of the supercar and drove all the way here.

But it's winter...

While racing, the cold wind from the north in winter was blowing directly into her car.

Not only was she shivering from the cold, but her face was also cold.

This is the result of demeanor but not temperature in the winter...

I didn't expect to be stabbed by Su Yutong...

Although she was shivering from the cold now, she was a face-seeking person, and said immediately, "I'm shaking, not shaking, you are too small."

"The real shaking is like this." Immediately, Su Yinuo made a very exaggerated shaking gesture.


Su Chen, who was walking in front, smiled as he listened to the private chat between the two daughters behind him.

The days when the two daughters bickered from time to time didn't seem to be such a headache, and it was quite interesting.

In addition, Su Zihan and Su Youyu are very well-behaved, and they are chatting with him about applying for a driver's license and finding a teacher.

He felt that the whole person was very happy!
It seems to have fallen into a sweet fuwowo.

After ordering, I was waiting for the food.

Su Yutong talked about how she and Su Chen won the racing championship today.

Both Su Zihan and Su Youyu were stunned.

"Oh my god! Dad is so good at driving a supercar! He even won the national racing championship after accidentally breaking into the racing track!"

Just at this moment, a piece of news was playing on the TV in the box.

That's the thing about today's national racing competition.

These news are generally only liked by young people or those who like racing.

The audience is not very big, so even if Su Chen's baby blue Ferrari Rafa drove into the entrance of the hotel just now, no one exclaimed that it was the car that won the national racing championship today.

Because the positioning standard of this hotel is a mid-range hotel, not a five-star hotel.

Therefore, people who come here for consumption like to talk about BBA cars, at most they talk about Porsche.

Because these are within reach for them, and if they work hard, they will also be able to own cars in the future.

But Ferrari, Lamborghini, Siebel and other top supercars are completely out of reach for them, so they simply don't pay attention or talk about them.

"Dad, there's a TV on your car!" Su Youyu shouted in surprise.

Su Yutong continued to talk about Ferrari also invited Su Chen to be the brand spokesperson, but Su Chen refused.

At the whole table, the atmosphere was particularly lively.

Sentences of shocked sounds escaped from the pink lips of the girls with flowers.

The shocked eyes of the girls with various patterns focused on Su Chen.

Su Chen enjoyed such a good atmosphere.

If the third daughter, Su Kexin, and the child's mother, Lin Wanxue, were also at this dining table, it would be even more complete and happy~——
At this moment, Lin Wanxue just boarded the flight from Zhong Hai to the Imperial Capital.

She has already booked a room at the Bailai Hotel.

Wait a while, after she gets off the plane, she will go to the hotel first, put her luggage away, and then go to Su Chen's house beautifully, and give him a surprise~
From the bag, she took out the couple's acrylic keychain that came with the store where the pillow was ordered.

There are two Alec figures on the keychain.

These two villains are her and Su Chen~~
It is the same as the picture and shape on the pillow.

It's a picture of two people holding their hands behind their backs, and then bending down to kiss each other.

She looked at the villain Su Chen on Alec, couldn't hold back, and kissed him directly on the cheek.

Kiss all the longing and secret love of the past 19 years.

Then he happily held the keychain in his palm, and looked out of the cabin expectantly.

The plane has started driving on the runway and will take off soon~
"Buzzing..." The plane speeded up and rushed into the sky.

Her heart also drifted to Su Chen's side in Room 1, Building 502, Wenxin District, thousands of miles away~—
Su Chen and his daughters ate until nine o'clock in the evening.

He was resting on the sofa in the lobby, watching his four daughters playing with the car in the parking space outside.

The entrance of the hotel is very big, Su Yinuo drove the car, taking Su Youyu and the others to play in the car in turn.


Su Yinuo was the happiest, because she could drive the car all the time, and Su Youyu and the others had to sit in batches.

However, even so, Su Youyu and the others had a great time.

They all said that tomorrow they will ask their father to enroll them in a driving school and start learning to drive.
Right now, on Mu Ziqing's side, as soon as she got home, she saw two little babies crawling around a pot of lush green trees.

After a while, I stretched out my fleshy hands, trying to grab the leaves on the tree.

Then the babysitter would grab her little hand, "Miss, you can't touch this, I don't know if it has been sprayed with pesticides."

The more the nanny prevents the two from grabbing the leaves, the stronger the two will be.

Then, while the nanny was stopping Dabao, Xiaobao caught a small leaf with quick eyes and hands, stuffed it into his mouth and gnawed it.

Smile crescent crescent.

When the nanny saw it, she was so frightened that she exclaimed, "Ah, Miss, this is inedible, come on, spit it out."

"What should I do? If pesticides are sprayed, it will be broken."

But Xiaobao didn't cooperate, he shook his head, kept pursing his lips, and laughed, but refused to spit out the small leaves that had been eaten into his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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