City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 123 Lin Wanxue, Seize Tonight's Divine Opportunity!

Chapter 123 Lin Wanxue, Seize Tonight's Divine Opportunity!

After entering the elevator, just as the elevator door was about to close, Su Chen put one foot in the middle of the elevator door, and the elevator door retreated again.

He leaned on the elevator door with the other one, looked at Lin Wanxue who seemed to have misunderstood his words, and asked with a smile, "Where are you taking me?"

"Come in quickly." She felt that Su Youyu was about to see her!

"You don't tell me where you are taking me, what am I going to do here?" Su Chen felt that he was a little perverted, and he liked to see Lin Wanxue's blushing face.

"Father, do you want to go upstairs?" Suddenly, Su Youyu's voice came.

Lin Wanxue's complexion suddenly changed, alas, why is this fifth daughter here at this time!
Destroy the atmosphere!
She can't let the fifth daughter see her current state of being full of love, otherwise she will definitely be laughed at.

She hurriedly looked at Su Chen for help.

"You haven't answered my words yet?" Su Chen asked with a low smile in their voices.

"Didn't you say where the duck is the hardest?"

"Hard," Lin Wanxue's fair little face was already flushed with a charming luster, like a tempting apple, which made people want to take a sip.

Su Chen said with a low smile: "What I said is, the duck's mouth is hard, where did you think?"

Sure enough, this little girl was wrong.


Seeing her froze for a moment, and then getting embarrassed, is really beautiful and delicious.

He turned his head and said to Su Youyu who was walking towards him: "Xiaoyu, Dad has something to do here, you go back with your sisters first, you don't have to wait for Dad."

"Ah, oh, okay." Su Youyu wanted to see clearly who Su Chen was blocking with his arm.

But Su Chen was too tall, she couldn't see the other person's face, but she saw the black boots the other person was wearing.

It must be a woman!


Is Dad picking up girls?
Well, my father is 37 years old now, and he hasn't married yet, so it's normal to pick up girls and make girlfriends.

After all, men have needs in that regard.

It's just that the eldest sister said that I hope everyone can bring father and mother together.

If daddy picks up another woman, won't daddy be with mommy anymore?

Should she stop it now?
However, Dad is obviously interested in that woman, otherwise, why would Dad treat that woman in a wall-dong way? ?
He also told them to let them go back first.

She heard from her second sister before that when the eldest sister and second sister were eating with their father at the Diaoyutai Hotel, they met Aunt Mu.

Dad's attitude towards Aunt Mu is very clear.

She didn't even give Aunt Mu her phone number.

Aunt Mu is also very beautiful, and she is only 30 years old, younger than her mother.

Dad is not interested in Aunt Mu.

So, at this moment, who is this woman that Dad is interested in? ?

She is really curious.

I really want to go and have a look.

"Ding ding ding..." Her phone rang.

It was my mother calling, which startled her.

She quickly took the phone, turned and ran towards the door.

I'm afraid that my mother will find out that she lives with my father now.

Because her mother called her before and said that she would come to the capital soon.

She hadn't received the call when suddenly, the phone hung up.

"Xiaoyu, hey, where's dad?" Su Yinuo got off the supercar and asked.

Because it was almost ten o'clock in the evening, and they were ready to go home.

Su Youyu said: "Dad said he has something to do tonight, so he won't go back with us for now, let's go back first."

The matter of Su Chen picking up girls, Su Youyu didn't mention it for the time being, because she mentioned something urgent at the moment, "Eldest sister, second sister, fourth sister, my mother called me just now."

"I didn't receive it, so my mother hung up the phone."

"I, should I call my mother now?"

"Hit! My mother told me today that she is going to go on a mission. I don't know if something happened right now, so I called you. Hurry up and call." Su Yinuo said seriously.

"it is good."

Su Youyu was about to call Lin Wanxue, when suddenly, a text message from Lin Wanxue entered her phone.

The content is: I have something to do temporarily, I don’t have time to call, the phone is going to be turned off, I will call you when my mother is free, remember to go to bed early.

Su Youyu showed the text message to her sisters.

After Su Zihan and the others looked at it, they said, "Then don't call. When mother is doing tasks, she sometimes has time and sometimes doesn't. If we call, it will affect mother."

"Yeah." Su Youyu nodded, "Then shall we go back to Dad's house now? Or to the dormitory?"

"Of course I'm going back to my dad's house. Are you going back to the dormitory?" Su Yinuo put his hands in his trouser pockets and said coolly.

"Um, I definitely want to live in my father's house, am I worried about my mother coming over?"

"Don't worry, it will take at least three days for Mom to do the task this time. She won't come to the Imperial Capital for these three days. It happens that these two days are weekends off. We will live with Dad and wait until next Monday. Live at school." Su Yutong said.

Su Youyu thought it made sense, nodded, "Hmm~"

Su Zihan thought about going to SKP tomorrow, so she said: "I'll call Kexin and ask if she's back. Dad will take us to SKP to buy things tomorrow. It would be perfect if Kexin also went together~ "

Saying that, Su Zihan called Su Kexin.

On Su Chen's side, when Lin Wanxue saw that her daughter was coming over, she immediately called her fifth daughter in the pocket of her down jacket.

Then when she saw the fifth daughter running towards the door, she hung up the phone again.

Then he quickly typed blindly in his pocket, sent a message to the fifth daughter, and turned off the phone.

All of this was done in less than 20 seconds.

This matter, put on ordinary people, definitely can't handle it. For her, she is already familiar with it.

Because when doing tasks before, you need to have such skills to be able to send messages invisible.

Otherwise, you still need to take out your phone, and then type and send a message, it will be easy to be exposed when doing confidential tasks...

As for the fact that she misunderstood Su Chen's words that the duckbill was the hardest, but Su Chen told the fifth daughter that she would go back later.

Obviously, Su Chen wanted to talk to her again.

Moreover, the two of them also entered the elevator at this moment.

However, although the elevator door was closed, it did not start.

Because Lin Wanxue hasn't checked the floor yet.

It's not that she doesn't want to press it, but that her IQ has dropped to an outrageous level right now, especially after the matter of the fifth daughter is settled, only her and Su Chen are left alone in the narrow elevator. two people.

Everything in her mind is colored.

Can't think of anything else at all.

Her whole body was tense, even her breathing was a little tense. Although she didn't stare at Su Chen anymore, her eyes were fixed on the stainless steel mirror in the elevator, where Su Chen's figure was reflected.

"Not by floor?" Seeing that the little woman seemed to have forgotten why he came to take the elevator, Su Chen asked her with a smile.

To be honest, seeing the child's mother Lin Wanxue being fascinated by him gave him a sense of accomplishment!
Sure enough, 19 years ago, Lin Wanxue took a fancy to his handsomeness, dragged him into the room, and rolled the sheets~
(End of this chapter)

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