City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 330 Wife, this is an ambulance, the sound insulation is not very good

Chapter 330 Wife, this is an ambulance, the sound insulation is not very good

At this moment, festive cheers erupted in all major colleges and universities, and even the whole country.

Even in the countryside, some people set off firecrackers to celebrate.

In places where firecrackers cannot be set off in the city, everyone also celebrated the big victory in their own ways.

Su Yinuo shouted loudly: "YES! I knew it, Dad is the best!"

"Win! Haha! Dad is invincible!"

The roommates and classmates next to him also cheered: "Papa Su is amazing!"

"Papa Su is amazing!"

"I'm uneducated, I can only say two words: awesome!!!"

And Xia Zhu was completely dumbfounded!

Su Yinuo's father Su Chen actually won! ! ! !
In this way, Su Yinuo's family will become a big star family!
On Su Zihan's side, she jumped up excitedly. Although she didn't say anything, her excited expression showed that she was so excited that she exploded.

Yin Jiayi looked at the big computer screen with admiration and said to Su Zihan, "Zihan, your father is too strong!"

"So handsome! So flammable! So explosive!"

"Hee hee, yes! I won't tell you any more, I'm going home to see my father." Saying that, Su Zihan picked up her schoolbag and was about to run home.

As soon as she ran out of the class door, the teacher stopped her at the door, "Student Su Zihan, you are a first-grade martial artist. The school will hold a teacher-student meeting later. The teacher will nominate you as the martial artist representative for freshmen in our department. You need to go on stage to give a speech about warriors, so you go back to the classroom and prepare well."

"Okay, teacher." Su Zihan agreed.

Then she quickly sent a message to Su Chen on her mobile phone, "Dad, you are amazing! Awesome! Excellent!"

"Now all schools are going to hold a meeting of all teachers and students to popularize the knowledge of warriors."

"I was elected by the teacher as the warrior representative for the freshmen in our computer department. I will give a speech on stage later, and I won't be able to come back soon."

"I don't know when the meeting will be held. I will give my father a message when the time comes."

"If I can't pick up my grandparents, please ask my dad to say hello to my grandparents for me."

"I can definitely go back to see my grandparents tonight."

Su Chen: "Yes."

Lin Wanxue had already told him about the match between him and Char today, which caused a sensation all over the country.

He also told him that the official took this opportunity to fully promote the knowledge of warriors to the public.

The schools of the daughters are all top universities, and they will definitely take the lead in making popular materials in this regard.

He even felt that it was possible to select warriors from among the students of these top universities, and then re-establish a warrior class, or even a warrior university.

Knowing that his daughter was selected as the warrior representative of the freshmen in the department, he, as a father, also felt very honored and honored.

Immediately, he sent another message to his daughter: "Come on."

Su Zihan: "Yeah."

At the same time, Yutong's daughter, Kexin's daughter, Yinuo's daughter, and Xiaoyu's daughter all sent messages to Su Chen, the content of which was similar to Su Zihan's.

All of them were selected as representatives of the freshman warriors of the department, and they would give speeches on stage.

Su Yinuo: "Dad, you are amazing! As your daughter, I am also in your shoes. This is a meeting of teachers and students of the whole school. I will go there to represent the freshmen of our accounting department to give speeches." , I feel that Bel has face!"

Su Chen replied with a smile: "You are excellent."

Su Yinuo: "It's because my dad cultivated it well. The medicinal bath is too strong. My friends were shocked when they knew that I was a first-rank martial artist who had been tempered three times."

"We also have a first-rank martial artist this year, but they are all warriors who have been tempered and built their foundations once. They are not as good as me, so the quota of this warrior representative belongs to me, haha."

Su Chen: "Come on."

Su Yinuo: "Yeah!"

Su Chen was replying to the messages of his daughters one by one, and there were many messages from other people on WeChat, but he didn't have time to read them for the time being, because he hadn't finished replying all the messages of his five daughters.

Lin Wanxue suddenly grabbed his hand and exclaimed, "Husband, there is blood on your collar, hurry up, take off your clothes, let me check it for you!"

While Su Chen was replying to the news from his daughters, Lin Wanxue was checking Su Chen's body.

As soon as she saw the blood on Su Chen's collar, she immediately blew up.

Su Chen looked down at the collar, and comforted Lin Wanxue, "Honey, it's not my blood, it's Charles's."

"No, you take off your clothes and let me check it." Lin Wanxue insisted, "Otherwise, I don't feel relieved."

His wife cared so much about him, even though Su Chen knew that he was not injured, he still took off his clothes and let Lin Wanxue see.

To reassure her.

Lin Wanxue carefully checked Su Chen's chest and back, and found that there was indeed no wound, and her heart sank.

Then he poked Su Chen with his hand, "Does it hurt here?"

"No pain."

"What about here?"

"No pain."

"What about here?"

"No pain."

Lin Wanxue's tender white hand continued to move down, and Su Chen clasped her wrist. As soon as Lin Wanxue raised her head, she saw Su Chen's eyes change.

Immediately, she understood what it meant.

Her little face turned red instantly, and then quickly looked around quietly, bit her lips and said in a low voice, "Husband, have you thought about it?"

"This car is going to the city hospital. It will arrive at the hospital in 20 minutes, but the sound insulation effect is not good."

"If you want~~"

Su Chen pampered and helplessly flicked her forehead, and said with a low smile, "Be serious."

"This is an ambulance..."

My wife dared to think too much.

So cute.

If it wasn't for the poor sound insulation of this car, he would really have planned to try the exciting feeling of playing games in an ambulance with his bold wife.

Lin Wanxue's little face flushed red again, she turned her head away in embarrassment, not daring to look directly at Su Chen.

Su Chen put on his clothes, put his arms around Lin Wanxue's slender waist, and whispered in her ear with a smile, "I will satisfy you when I go back tonight."

Lin Wanxue immediately turned her head, looked at Su Chen with bright eyes, hugged Su Chen's neck, and kissed Su Chen sweetly on the face, "You said it~"

"Then I'm going to play a nurse-patient role-playing game."

Su Chen said with a smile: "Okay, let's play the new gameplay that we haven't played before last time."

"Hmm~~" Lin Wanxue bit her red lips and nodded shyly.
At this moment, on the highway, when mother Su saw her son beating Charle's face into a pig's head, and saw the scene of Charle begging for mercy, she waved her hand very vigorously and shouted: "It's amazing!"


"My son is so cool! He still has a little black stomach, haha, he pretended to have misheard Charle's confession, and beat him up again, and he didn't let go until his face was turned into a pig's head, haha, This dark-bellied attribute is amazing, it must have been inherited from me."

(End of this chapter)

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