City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 337 My eldest grandson, let grandma hug her~

Chapter 337 My eldest grandson, let grandma hug her~
"Oh, my eldest grandson! Come, come, Dabao, let grandma hug you."

After speaking, Mother Su happily walked to the side of the fence, bent down, and hugged the chubby boy Dabao.

As soon as she got started, she said happily: "It's very strong, Xiao Qingqing, you feed Dabao very well on weekdays."

"Hey~" After saying that, Mother Su slapped Dabao.

Dabao was stunned for a moment, then grinned, imitating Mama Su, and also slapped '嘤', although the slap was not very standard, but it also had that taste.

It made Su's father and Su's mother laugh.

The two of them knew the big move their son was holding back before, and told them what it meant to keep nine rooms.

Five granddaughters of the eldest daughter-in-law, five rooms, and two children of the younger daughter-in-law, two rooms.

Plus two daughters-in-law, each with a room.

That's nine rooms!

The son doesn't need a room, and the two daughters-in-law's rooms take turns.

Son is so bad.

If it wasn't for the two of them not being old, their heads were spinning so fast, they would almost show Mu Ziqing a disgrace.

This bad boy found two daughter-in-laws in the imperial capital, and even hid one, trying to shock her and Papa Su, it's too bad!
Fortunately, she is smart, instead of taking a plane, she drove directly with Papa Su and came here early in the morning.

Haha, she will give this bad boy a big surprise later on the contrary.

"Ziqing, Chenchen, Wanxue, and Hanhan are not at home, are they?" If they were at home, they should have come out long ago after they have been here for so long.

But she had better ask first.

Because she still has something to say to Mu Ziqing.

Mu Ziqing shook her head, "Brother Su Chen and Sister Wanxue are in Sister Wanxue's unit, Hanhan and the others are at school."

She didn't say that Su Chen and the others were at the police station, because upon hearing this, it would remind people of committing a crime, so she changed to use the word 'Sister Wanxue's unit'.

She was so shocked right now.

She didn't expect Mother Su to let her call her mother!
Brother Su Chen probably hasn't told Su's father and Su's mother about her and Dabao and Xiaobao, but they only accepted her and the two children after listening to her explanation.

It was really beyond her expectations.

The surprise came so suddenly that she was a little dizzy.

When Su's mother heard this, she blinked slyly and said to Mu Ziqing: "Then don't tell them about your father and I coming."

Mu Ziqing was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that Su's father and Su's mother wanted to surprise Su Chen and the others!
Because brother Su Chen told her before that Su's father and Su's mother came here by plane.

He planned to go to the airport to pick them up at six o'clock in the evening.

However, it was only after five o'clock in the afternoon, and the two elders came directly to Brother Su Chen's house.

It was clear that the two always wanted to surprise Brother Su Chen.

This surprise, because Brother Su Chen and the others were not at home, only she and Dabao and Xiaobao were at home, so they were not given to Brother Su Chen and the others.

So what Mama Su meant was, continue to give surprises later.

She immediately nodded her head and said, "Okay."

"By the way, Mom and Dad, you two can sit down wherever you want, and I'll boil water and make tea for you." Mu Ziqing happily ran to the kitchen to work.

Feel so good to fly.

That's great, Su's father and Su's mother accepted her!

Admit that she is the daughter-in-law of the Su family~~

Very good!
She put the water on the base, tapped the button of the water temperature for making tea, immediately took out her phone, and excitedly sent a text-only circle of friends without pictures.

The content is: [Super happy today! 】

As soon as this circle of friends was posted, her cell phone rang, and it was a message from her mother, Qu Qiaohui.

Qu Qiaohui: "Daughter, you are so happy, why don't you bring Dabao and Xiaobao home for dinner tonight?"

Mu Ziqing: "I'm not free tonight."

I'm going to have dinner with brother Su Chen's family tonight.

Qu Qiaohui: "OK, I understand, I understand, I understand. If you want to live a two-person world, why don't you send Dabao and Xiaobao to your mother's house? Parents will take care of the children for you. Both of you can enjoy the romantic world tonight." .”

Mu Ziqing paused when she saw the news.

Mom knows?

Impossible, she didn't tell them both!

And the two nannies, when she recruited them, signed a non-disclosure agreement with them, and neither her nor the baby's affairs could be revealed.

Even if her parents asked, the two of them couldn't tell.

She felt that her mother was cheating on her.

She just stopped talking.

In order not to say too much, make too many mistakes.

Now Su's parents and Su's mother accept her, but she doesn't know if her parents can accept Su Chen's brother.

She was a little worried.

But no matter how her parents react after knowing that Dabao and Xiaobao's biological father is Su Chen, she will protect brother Su Chen and never let the two of them scold brother Su Chen!
Not to mention wanting to hit Brother Su Chen, she was the first to refuse!

Qu Qiaohui didn't receive a reply from her daughter. Instead of being angry, she pulled Mu Shengming happily and said, "Old Mu, haha, it seems that I was right this time!"

"Our daughter is really in love!"

After speaking, she showed Mu Shengming the chat interface between her and Mu Ziqing.

After Mu Shengming read it, he frowned and said, "Daughter didn't say anything!"

Qu Qiaohui poked Mu Shengming's head with her finger, "You elm-headed man, haven't you heard a word? If you don't speak, it means you acquiesce!"

"Otherwise, do you see that your daughter has posted a circle of friends since she registered a WeChat account?"

"Today, for the first time, I posted a circle of friends!"

"It must be that she and the child's father are as close as glue!"

When Mu Shengming heard this, he felt very reasonable, and he looked up to the sky and shouted, "Great! My daughter has finally found the father of the child! She is still with the father!"

"In the future, I will also have a family!"

"I'm going to burn incense to my ancestors and thank them for their blessing."

"I'll go too, burn more paper money for the ancestors, let them work harder, and let Ziqing bring the child's father back to see us." Qu Qiaohui said excitedly.

"Okay!" Seeing that Lin Kaiwu's son-in-law Su Chen is so good, he is also very looking forward to seeing his son-in-law! ——
Su's father and Su's mother are here.

Papa Su took Dabao, and Mama Su took off her shoes and went into the enclosure to tease Xiaobao.

When Xiaobao saw someone, he raised his head in a daze. Then, he saw Mama Su, and then turned around to see Papa Su holding Dabao.

Then I looked elsewhere and looked around, but I didn't see Ma Ma!

Immediately, she burst into tears with a loud 'wah wah wah'.

Trying to tell Mama that she is here!
The older brother was hugged by a stranger.

There was another stranger beside her.

Mama come quickly.

She cried super loudly, and cried out loudly.

Mu Ziqing, who was waiting in the kitchen for the water to boil, heard Xiaobao's cry and ran out immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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