City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 346 Su Yinuo: I am the son of luck!Ha ha!

Chapter 346 Su Yinuo: I am the child of luck!Ha ha!
Mother Su was happy when she saw it.

Papa Su's expression didn't change at all, Dabao blinked.

Papa Su raised his palm, and Dabao imitated raising his little palm, then Papa Su patted his little palm with his palm, and immediately made a very exaggerated happy expression.

Dabao blinked his big curious eyes, then grinned excitedly, and continued to hit Papa Su's palm with his small hands.

After a high-five, Papa Su would make an exaggerated happy expression, which made Dabao feel more amusing. Once he slapped his palms, he would laugh, which was so fun.

Continue to play with Papa Su.

Mother Su smiled and picked up Xiaobao and said to Father Su: "Our son is so old, you still remember the little tricks of raising a baby."

Young babies, especially those between eight months and one year old, love to pull people's hair and hit people in the face.

This is not the baby's natural violent temper, but entering the sensitive period of the hands.

Likes throwing things, pulling hair, hitting people in the face.

Because the baby's fine and gross movements are not yet fully developed, and he cannot control his hand speed and strength like adults.

Originally, he wanted to touch the other person's face, but in the end he slapped him unexpectedly.

If after being slapped in the face, the adult makes a "squeak" immediately and changes his face, then the baby will think it is very funny, once the face is slapped, the adult's expression will change, and he will continue to slap the face.

If the adult has no reaction after being slapped in the face, the baby will feel that it is boring, and then guide the baby to high-five. After each high-five, show the baby an exaggerated expression, so that the baby will feel that high-fives are more fun. You will like high-fives instead of slaps in the face.

Su's father weighed the big treasure in his arms, and said to Su's mother: "I must remember, when we two didn't know how to bring up a baby, I didn't know how many times I was slapped by Chenchen..."

"Every time I go to work, people think that I was beaten by you, and secretly give me a name, called Wife Control..."

Papa Su shed tears of sadness.

"Haha..." Mother Su laughed happily.

Looking back now on the time when the two of them raised their baby, she didn't find it hard, but just full of fun.

Especially after seeing the granddaughter in her arms, the grandson in Papa Su's arms, and five granddaughters in school, she felt that the future was really worth looking forward to.
Su's father and Su's mother went downstairs to play with Dabao and Xiaobao in their arms.

Su Zihan and the other five sisters finally finished the teacher-student meeting and disbanded.

Su Zihan called Su Chen and asked if they received their grandparents.

"Hanhan, grandpa and grandma are already at home, you come back directly." Su Chen said with a smile.

"Are you home?" Su Zihan looked at his watch, it was [-]:[-] in the afternoon, not even [-]:[-] in the evening.

Didn't it mean that grandpa and grandma's plane landed at the imperial capital at seven o'clock in the evening?

"Well, your grandparents drove here ahead of time and didn't take the plane." Su Chen said with a smile, "I have a big surprise for you, your father, me, your mother, and your aunt Mu."

"Come back quickly."

"Okay, Dad, then I'll tell my sisters about this." Su Zihan said happily.

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Su Zihan sent a message in the sister group.

Su Zihan: "@All Members, grandparents are already home. Grandparents came here by car and didn't take the plane. It's a big surprise for Mom, Dad and Aunt Mu."

Su Yutong: "Got it, I'm on my way home."

Su Kexin: "Grandpa and grandma are really interesting, but it's a long way to drive from Dad's hometown to the imperial capital. It takes 10 hours to drive, right? Are grandpa and grandma exhausted?"

Seeing Su Kexin's words, Su Youyu immediately thought of what gift she was going to give to her grandparents.

Immediately ran into the nearby large supermarket.

She originally thought that it might be nine o'clock in the evening when her parents received her grandparents back.

So she was planning to go directly to the big supermarket to buy gifts after the meeting was over.

Because she thought about it for a few days and didn't think of a gift for her grandparents, which would make her the most special gift among the five sisters.

Now I have an idea~~

Grandparents will definitely remember her, Su Youyu, the most!

Su Yinuo: "I'm almost home."

After sending the message, Su Yinuo put the phone back into his trouser pocket, and then he clapped his hands, "Haha, God helped me!"

"Grandpa and grandma are already home!"

"I'll be the first granddaughter to meet my grandparents!"

"Grandpa and grandma will definitely impress me the most! I will be the number one granddaughter of grandpa and grandma!"

Su Yinuo was about to enter the community, when suddenly, she saw Dabao and Xiaobao from a distance!

I also saw two elderly people holding Dabao and Xiaobao!
She immediately thought of the elder sister saying that her grandparents had arrived home.

She took a deep breath, then quickly took out her phone, clicked on the mirror function of the phone, and looked at herself in the mirror, it was fine, everything was perfect.


I, Su Yinuo, am really a child of luck!Not only did he show off at school today, but now he is the first one to see his grandparents when he returns home.

Haha, grandparents came out holding Dabao and Xiaobao, they must be going out to play.

When the eldest sister and younger sisters come back later, they will definitely not be able to see grandparents all at once!
Su Yinuo immediately ran towards Su's father and Su's mother, and shouted angrily, "Grandpa! Grandma!"

Su's father and Su's mother heard the voice, looked over, and saw Su Yinuo running over.

Both of them had seen Yinuo's granddaughter on mobile phone videos and on TV, so they recognized her right away!
Mother Su shouted loudly: "Yinuo, here, grandparents are here."

Su's father had a kind smile on his face.

Seeing the second granddaughter, the other four granddaughters should be coming home soon after school.

The two babies also looked at Su Yinuo one after another. Seeing Su Yinuo, they excitedly waved their little hands to greet their sister.

The elder sister squeezed their little hands hey, and then said to Su's father and Su's mother: "Grandpa and grandma, where are you going to play? I'll take you there, I know the neighborhood best!"

Mother Su also wanted to chat with her granddaughter, so she smiled and said, "Yes, your grandfather and I are going to take Dabao and Xiaobao to the mother and baby store."

"Mother and baby store, I know there is a very large mother and baby store near here, I will take you there." The location of the mother and baby store immediately appeared in Su Yinuo's mind.

And she also quickly thought about whether the eldest sister, the third younger sister, the fourth younger sister, and the fifth younger sister would pass by there.

Then she found that none of them would pass by there, so she excitedly took her grandparents there.

And took the initiative to take Xiaobao from grandma's arms, "Grandma, let me hold Xiaobao."

She was worried that grandma would be too old and weak to hold Xiaobao after a while, so she came to hug her.

(End of this chapter)

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