City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 350 Su's Dad and Su's Mom's Relationship 37 Years Ago 【3 more】

Chapter 350 Su's Dad and Su's Mom's Relationship 37 Years Ago 【3 more】

It's just that as soon as he finished speaking, he received an invisible slap on the face.

It was Ye Xianfeng who beat him.

"Su Chen's life and death, you can also decide? Get lost!" Ye Xianfeng scolded coldly.

Ye Jin was angry in his heart, but in front of Ye Xianfeng, he just floated and would not shake the big tree, so he chose to continue to endure!

This also further confirms his strong ambition to become stronger and finally sit on the position of the head of the Ye family!

Therefore, he continued to smile, "Auntie is right, Su Chen's life and death are indeed beyond my control. Auntie, I was wrong, I crossed the line."

"I came here today to tell my aunt Su Chen's address in the imperial capital."

"Moreover, my people also found out that Su Chen's parents have come to Su's house."

This is the point of his coming to find Ye Xianfeng today.

"I go first."

"Come back!" Ye Xianfeng shouted.

Ye Jin was secretly delighted, as expected——

He turned around and looked at Ye Xianfeng respectfully.

"Where is Su Chen's address in the imperial capital?" Ye Xianfeng asked coldly, if the anger could be substantiated, all the top of her head should be on fire.

The flames rushed to the roof.

Ye Jin said cautiously: "It's in Room 1, Building 501, Xinxin District, Hai District."

"Very good, get out!" Ye Xianfeng reprimanded with a big wave of his hand.

Ye Jin left immediately.

After walking out of the second room of Ye's family, Ye Jin didn't change much on the surface, but he let out a sigh in his heart, "What the hell! She's just a woman after all! She doesn't have any self-control! No wonder she hasn't married yet! No man dares to marry! "

"Dare to hit me! Very good, after I become the head of the Ye family, I will return these to you a thousand times, a hundred times!"
On Su Chen's side, everyone had eaten enough, the daughters, Lin Wanxue, Mu Ziqing, Dabao, Xiaobao, and Mother Su went to play in Room 502 on the opposite side to see the house in Room 502.

Su Chen and Papa Su sat in the restaurant and continued eating.

Because the atmosphere was so good tonight and it was a good day for the whole family to reunite, both Su Chen and Su's father drank some wine.

Right now, they are drinking, chatting, and eating.

"Son, I really didn't expect that in just a few months, your cooking skills will be so good."

"Besides, in just half a month, you have become so outstanding. Dad is really surprised."

"But Dad won't ask too many questions. Everyone has their own opportunities. This opportunity belongs to you. You should cherish it."

Su Chen nodded, he was also very emotional at the moment, the system appeared too timely.

Comparing the present half a month later with the him half a month ago, it can even be said that there is a huge difference.

At that time, he was single, and he was a little confused in finding a marriage partner, because every time he fell in love, he rushed to get married, but in the end, they broke up unhappy.

Now, he not only has the police girl's mother Lin Wanxue, but also the military girl's mother Mu Ziqing by his side. Although he is not married, he is better than married, and his love life is very happy.

Half a month ago, although he had savings of more than 100 million, buying a house in the imperial capital was a luxury.

Now, the deposit has reached 37 billion, which is terrifying!

The house even has two sets of duplex rooms.

There are more cars.

Half a month ago, apart from being handsome, he was nothing special in his career.

Now, handsome is no longer synonymous with him!Martial arts peerless genius, master chef, national doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, drag racing king, etc. have become his new pronouns.

All in all, the current him is stronger!Even better!

Very cool!

Also very emotional!

After the father and son drank a few more glasses of wine, Su's father said to Su Chen with a smell of alcohol: "Son, you are so old now, and you are so good, and you are about to become the spokesperson of the three first established martial arts universities. There are some things you should know."

Su Chen knew what his father was going to tell him next.

It should be about the Su family in the imperial capital.

He nodded, "Dad, tell me."

Papa Su took a sip of wine, and then told Su Chen about the past.

He and Su's mother did come from Su's family in the imperial capital.

But he and Su's mother didn't come out of the imperial capital Su's house on their own initiative, but were forced to come out.

Su's father and Su's mother fell in love at first sight. It originated from the fact that Su's father suddenly encountered danger during a deep mountain exploration, and then fell off the cliff.

Similar to the plots of many romantic dramas, Papa Su was rescued by Mama Su who lived under a cliff.

At that time, Mother Su had always lived in the deep mountains and never went out. She was very simple and kind.

Only Mama Su lives in the cliff, so when Mama Su sees Papa Su, she is very curious about Papa Su. After rescuing Papa Su from waking up, Papa Su tells Mama Su how wonderful the outside world is.

Mother Su is looking forward to the outside world.

Su's father spent 3 months under the cliff for his wounds. During these three months, Su's father and Su's mother were lonely and in their youth, and both were interested in each other. So, the two fell in love. With feelings.

Papa Su wants to take Mama Su out.

Mother Su thought for several days before deciding to walk out of the mountains with Father Su to see the outside world.

After Su's father took Su's mother back to the imperial capital, the two of them really lived happily.

Moreover, Grandpa Su is also very optimistic about Su's father and Su's mother, so he made an engagement for the two and got married.

It was not yet possible to obtain a marriage certificate.

So the two didn't get a marriage certificate, and Mama Su didn't have any relatives, and Mama Su didn't like excitement, so the wedding was kept simple, with only a few important people attending.

Then Mother Su became pregnant and became pregnant with Su Chen.

While talking about this, suddenly, the door made a bang bang bang sound.

It woke Su Chen and Papa Su from their memories.

Papa Su got up and went to open the door.

As soon as the door opened.

A woman who looked about 40 years old and was very expensively dressed rushed in.

His eyes were fixed on Papa Su's face, and the love-hate intertwined emotions in those eyes were so strong that Su Chen could see it at a glance.

The person who came was none other than Ye Xianfeng from the Ye family.

Ye Xianfeng looked at Papa Su, her face was contorted, and she shouted hysterically, "Su Ye! It's really you!"

"You're back!"

"How dare you come back!"

"Why don't you die!"

Because Ye Xianfeng hammered the door too loudly just now, Mama Su and the others who were playing in room 502 heard it and opened the door.

When Mama Su saw Ye Xianfeng who turned around to look at her when she heard the sound, her face turned cold, and told Lin Wanxue and Mu Ziqing to stay here with the children and not to come out.

Then she closed the door of Room 502, walked into Room 501 coldly, and said coldly to Ye Xianfeng: "Ye Xianfeng! Your mouth is still so vicious, I think you just came here after eating papa! "

"I said why there is a bad smell in the house all of a sudden!"

"So it was you who came!"

(End of this chapter)

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