City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 354 What do you think of Su Chen?

Chapter 354 What do you think of Su Chen?
Aaron Hilton's eldest son, Jack Hilton, walked in.

Jack obviously looked more sinister than Charl Hilton and William Hilton.

"Father, although Charle lost face to our Hilton family in the Dragon Kingdom this time, and William even lost his legs, I think this is also a chance for them both to hone their skills."

"Who said that a person in a wheelchair cannot become a master?"

"Char, you should know your shame and be brave."

"In addition, this time also let us see that among the young strongmen in the Dragon Kingdom, not only the Ye family, the Xiao family and the Su family in the imperial capital, but also more people who came out of ordinary people, such as this Su Chen!"

"I have already checked the information. He is now the son-in-law of the Lin family in the imperial capital. I also found out that the Lin family had obtained a heroic order before. Presumably the Lin family's heroic order will definitely be given to Su Chen. Su Chen will definitely go to participate in the next meeting." The Global Heroes Conference held outside the territory on the 1st of the month."

"Before, I only regarded the Ye family, the Xiao family, and the few peerless geniuses of the Su family as opponents. Now, we have discovered the dark horse Su Chen in advance, which is a good thing for us."

"At least, when the time comes, you won't lose to him because you underestimate him."

"In addition, I have carefully watched the duel between Char and Su Chen. Su Chen's treasure is the sixth-grade Fangtian painting halberd, which can hit eight fire dragons. It is really powerful. Char will lose to him, and William will be defeated by him. It's normal to go to the hospital."

"These days, I will study Su Chen's tricks carefully. At that time, as long as I meet him at the Hero Conference, I will definitely avenge Charle and William, maim him, and even kill him!"

After Aaron Hilton heard these words from his eldest son, his anger subsided a little.

He looked at his eldest son with satisfaction.

Fortunately, one of his three sons was able to become a talent. After he called a servant to clean up the room, he chatted with his eldest son about the Yingjie Conference and Su Chen.

At the end of the chat, he stood up, lashed out at Fang Qiu and said, "You must enter the top three in this Heroes Conference, and only after you enter the top three will you be eligible to participate in the national battle of the Heroes Conference and help our Great Eagle Country One battle! When the time comes, kill all those warriors of the Dragon Kingdom! Give our Great Eagle Kingdom more glory! Let other families know that our Hilton family is not something that can be bullied by just a Dragon Kingdom person!"

"Yes, father!" When Aaron Hilton said this, his eyes shone with determination.
The Lin family, where Lin Zhennan lives, he and Qin Huaying haven't fallen asleep yet.

Today Qin Huaying brought back the meeting gift that the two of them always wanted to give to Su Chen.

Originally, it was planned to wait until Friday, when Su Chen came to Lin's house to celebrate Lin Kaiwu's birthday, and give it to him.

But in the evening, Lin Kaiwu came to look for them in advance, and planned to take them to Su Chen's house to play tomorrow night.

They knew that this was the eldest son's eagerness to perform well in front of Su Chen.

It must have been oppressive.

Qin Huaying said with a smile: "It's rare to see Kaiwu so anxious."

Lin Zhennan ate a few peanuts and said with a smile: "As a person, you have to give him a sense of urgency to understand the importance, otherwise, he can lie flat until he grows old."

"That's the reason, haha." After laughing, Qin Huaying said again, "After watching the live broadcast of the duel between Su Chen and the Hilton family this afternoon, I really want to find a chance to see Su Chen. Tomorrow night Going to Su Chen's house is exactly what I want."

"Su Chen advanced too fast, I hope he won't cause irreversible damage to his body."

"We'll give him a good look at his body tomorrow night."

Lin Zhennan nodded, "Yes."

"Old man, tell me, when we go to see Su Chen tomorrow night, should we ask his parents? It would be great if he is really Xiaotian's grandson." Qin Huaying said.

Lin Zhennan ate two peanuts, moved the Go in front of him, and after a long time, he said, "Okay, ask tomorrow night."

When he met Su Chen for the first time, he didn't want to ask, because he was afraid that if he asked, it would turn out that Su Chen was not Xiaotian's grandson, and they would be desperate.

Now, seeing Su Chen, he feels more and more that Su Chen is like Xiaotian's son.

Moreover, Su Chen and Wanxue are together, and they will meet Su Chen's parents sooner or later.

So, he also figured it out, it would be better to ask tomorrow night.
Ye family, after Ye Xianfeng returned home, she immediately called her professional beauty doctor and confirmed that she would take out the nose prosthesis and breast augmentation silicone tomorrow.

Then she looked at herself in the mirror.

Thinking of what Su Chen said, she snorted disdainfully, "You are just jealous that I am younger and more beautiful than your mother!"

"It hurts me!"

"I spend hundreds of millions of dollars on maintenance every year, and it is impossible to have the sequelae of micro-plastic surgery!"

"I'm so pissed off!"

"Ding ding..." The phone rang the sound of the video.

She took the phone, saw that it was her father Ye Changqiu, she answered the phone.

"Xianfeng, I heard that you are in a bad mood today? What's the matter?"

"It's okay, Dad." She didn't tell her father that she had seen Su Ye and Xiao Yuxiu.

Because if her father found out, he might be able to kill her immediately, and then Su Ye and Xiao Yuxiu would really be dead.

She can't let them both die just yet!
One is a cinnabar mole branded on her chest, and the other is a fishbone stuck in her throat.

She wants to make the cinnabar mole her own again!

Pull out the fishbone stuck in her throat, throw it aside, and watch her grow old with the cinnabar mole together!
"Is there anything we can't say to Dad? I heard that you went out tonight." Ye Changqiu said.

"Well, I did go out for a trip. I went to meet Su Chen. Isn't this the Hero Conference is about to be held? A dark horse like Su Chen suddenly appeared in our Dragon Kingdom. I have to go and see."

"No.1 of this Heroes Conference must belong to our Ye Family!"

Ye Changqiu nodded, "After seeing Su Chen, what do you think of him?"

"It's not that bad. I guess he just used a treasure to hide his true martial arts realm, so it makes people think that he has been promoted from an ordinary person to a fourth-rank advanced warrior in just half a month. It's against the sky." genius."

When she saw Su Ye and Xiao Yuxiu with her own eyes today, she didn't feel any blood fluctuations from them. She thought that Su Ye had become an ordinary person because of Xiao Yuxiu, and that Xiao Yuxiu had always been an ordinary person.

But later, reality slapped her hard in the face.

Su Ye is the master!Xiao Yuxiu is a sixth-rank intermediate martial artist!
It seems that in the past 37 years, the two of them have not slackened in martial arts at all!

(End of this chapter)

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