City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 357 About the wedding, Su Chen's solution

Chapter 357 About the wedding, Su Chen's solution
"Option [-], tell Lin Wanxue and Mu Ziqing [we don't hold a large wedding, but we can hold a small one, and only invite the parents of the three sides to have a meal as a witness], reward the host with five primary martial arts upgrade cards (can be designated for others to use) )."

Choice [-], the reward is the marrow-washing fruit. The marrow-washing fruit was rewarded once before, and it was used by Lin Wanxue, which directly made Lin Wanxue reach the perfect level in every stage of martial arts!
Not only has the combat effectiveness improved, but the future potential has also been greatly improved.

It's a very good thing.

The reward for option two is the primary martial arts upgrade card, and there are still five!It can be designated for others to use!
The primary martial arts upgrade card, which he had obtained when he first became a first-rank martial artist.

The primary martial arts upgrade card is not as strong as the martial arts upgrade card.

"System, five elementary martial arts upgrade cards, for me now, can I break through the fourth-rank advanced and become the fifth-rank?"

Because in fourteen days, it will be the official competition of the Heroes Conference.

It is very important to improve his martial arts level.

"No, host, the junior martial arts upgrade card is suitable for first-rank warriors. After a first-rank junior warrior uses one, he can be promoted to a first-rank intermediate warrior."

"Using three cards, you can advance to the first rank."

"Using six cards, you can advance to the second-rank junior warrior."

Hearing the system's explanation, Su Chen knew that these five primary upgrade cards could only increase a little bit of strength for him who is already a fourth-rank advanced warrior, and it was not enough to advance to a fifth-rank warrior.

These five cards can be used by others, so it happens to be used by five daughters, one for each of them.

Right now, the daughters are at the primary stage of the first rank. After using this card, they can all advance to the intermediate stage of the first rank.

Not bad!

Moreover, for the content of the two choices, he is more inclined to choose the second.

Instead of holding a big wedding, we will hold a small one, and only invite the parents of the three parties to have a meal as a testimony. It is not a big wedding, such as picking up the relatives, which can be omitted.

A Chinese-style wedding ceremony will be adopted. Lin Wanxue and Mu Ziqing will both wear bright red clothes, and then he and the two of them will toast to the parents of the three parties as witnesses.

This pattern is great!

Immediately, he patted Lin Wanxue and Mu Ziqing on the shoulders, and said to them: "Wanxue, Ziqing, we don't hold a large wedding, but we can have a small one, and then only the parents of the three parties will be invited over." What do you two think about having dinner and then giving a testimony to the three of us?"

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for making the choice, and I will reward the host with five primary martial arts upgrade cards."

"May I ask the host whether to activate these five elementary martial arts upgrade cards now."

"Not activated for now."

It's time for the girls.

It is still possible to continue to use medicine baths, and then activate this elementary martial arts upgrade card for them.

At that time, the daughters will all be first-rank intermediate warriors!

So cool!
Haha, having a system is awesome, not only can you improve yourself, but you can also improve with your wife and children!
After Lin Wanxue and Mu Ziqing heard what Su Chen said, they were pleasantly surprised at first, and then they looked at each other, a little annoyed.

If the two small games were held separately, neither of them would have any entanglements, and both thought it was a good idea.

But this is a small event, and parents from all three parties are present.

Lin Wanxue was a little worried that her father's violent temper would lead to a showdown with Mu Shengming on the spot.

Mu Ziqing was also worried.

I'm afraid that the festive atmosphere will turn into a duel between the Lin family and the Mu family.

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for activating the hidden mission in the selection."

"Lin Wanxue and Mu Ziqing are worried that Lin Kaiwu and Mu Shengming won't get along harmoniously. The host told Lin Wanxue and Mu Ziqing that the host can handle this matter and will never turn the festive and lively atmosphere into a duel field. As long as the host If this matter is really settled, the host will be rewarded with a big roulette draw."

Big Roulette Draw!
The last time he drew it once, he directly drew an intermediate martial arts upgrade card, from the fourth rank to the fourth rank advanced!
The big draw is really a good thing.

Immediately, he said to Lin Wanxue and Mu Ziqing: "Wanxue, Ziqing, I know what you two are worried about, but I think it is appropriate for the three of us to have a small wedding together. Don't worry, I can handle your husband." This matter will definitely not turn the festive and lively atmosphere into a duel field."

Hearing what Su Chen said, although Lin Wanxue was still a little worried, she knew Su Chen's ability.

At first, when she thought Su Chen told her that her father could be dealt with, she thought Su Chen was just comforting her, but unexpectedly, it really succeeded, and it was only one night, Su Chen completely dealt with her father .

So, now that Su Chen has said that, she believes that Su Chen can definitely handle this matter, and the small wedding at that time will definitely be festive and lively, full of the blessings of the parents of the three parties.

"Honey, I believe in you!" Lin Wanxue said with a trusting expression while hugging Su Chen's arm.

It was the first time for Mu Ziqing to hear brother Su Chen say such a sure thing to her, although she didn't know if brother Su Chen could prevent Sister Wanxue's father from quarreling with her father, even to the point of fighting with a knife, However, she unconditionally believes in Brother Su Chen~~
"Brother Su Chen, I believe in you too~"

With a smile on his face, Su Chen wrapped Lin Wanxue in one hand and Mu Ziqing in the other, then patted the shoulders of both of them, and said, "Okay, it's late tonight, you guys go take a bath."

Mu Ziqing said: "Brother Su Chen, you and Sister Wanxue go back to live at the opposite door tonight. The nanny and I will take care of the baby tonight. The nanny is renting the building next to us, so it's very convenient to come here."

Lin Wanxue blinked her eyes, then thought of a good idea, and said to Su Chen mischievously: "Husband, we will live here tonight, Ziqing, don't let the nanny come over, if you encounter any problems at night, you can directly Come to us and call us, we'll help you."

Su Chen didn't know what idea his wife had in mind, but he knew it was not a 'good idea' at a glance, he smiled and said to Mu Ziqing: "Then listen to your sister Wanxue, we live here, at night If you have something to do, just knock on the door and call us."

"Okay." Mu Ziqing thought of something else when she heard Lin Wanxue's words. Her little face was slightly flushed and she nodded, not daring to look directly at Su Chen.

Su Chen and Lin Wanxue went back to the master bedroom, and Su Chen went to take a shower first.

Mu Ziqing lived next door, and she was about to take a shower when her cell phone rang, and it was a message from Sister Wanxue.

Lin Wanxue: "Ziqing, if you can't sleep tonight, you can come and chat with us."

(End of this chapter)

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