City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 366 Mu Shengming Wants to Pick Up Big Treasure and Little Treasure Together with Mu Ziqing

Chapter 366 Mu Shengming wants to pick up Dabao and Xiaobao with Mu Ziqing

On Mu Ziqing's side, she just drove the car to the railing at the gate of Wenxin Community. Today, there were no shops in the fence, and she needed to manually open the railing, so she stopped the car.

While waiting for the security guard to open the railing, her car window was knocked on.

She turned her head to look over, and immediately, her pupils dilated.

Then quickly suppressed all emotions, lowered the car window, and shouted to Mu Shengming who suddenly appeared here: "Dad, why are you here?"

"I just want to ask you, why are you here?" Mu Shengming asked without answering.


"You moved to this community?"

Mu Ziqing has one head and two big ones.

She wasn't ready to tell her parents about everything about her, Su Chen and Lin Wanxue.

Because sister Wanxue's parents and grandparents will come to Brother Su Chen's house tonight.

She was going to avoid suspicion, and took Dabao and Xiaobao home for a night.

I didn't expect to see my father at the gate of Su Chen's brother's community!

"I, I'm here to pick up Dabao and Xiaobao. Dad, what are you doing here? You must be in a hurry, right? Then go and get busy. After I pick up Dabao and Xiaobao, I'll go back." Mu Ziqing Said.

Mu Shengming has been a military boss for many years, and he has only been in a semi-retired state for the past two years, so his eyesight is very sophisticated.

Immediately, she saw that something was wrong with her daughter.

He was here for something.

He heard Lao Pei tell him on the phone this afternoon that he seemed to see their boss Su Ye here.

Said that it was too fast at that time, I didn't see it too clearly, very similar to Su Ye.

As soon as he heard this, he drove here immediately and walked around here to have a look.

Want to see if the boss is really still alive.

I just searched for more than an hour, but I didn't see anyone like Su Ye.

Unexpectedly, he saw his daughter.

He was very anxious to find Su Ye, but he didn't know if Su Ye was really here, or if Old Pei only saw a person who looked like Su Ye.

Or, Su Ye just passed by here and didn't live here.

He and Lao Pei have been looking for Su Ye for more than 30 years, but they have never been found.

I have found someone similar to Su Ye several times, but finally found out that it is not their boss Su Ye.

I had hoped for it, and I was also disappointed because I found out that it was not Su Ye.

Although he hasn't found Su Ye yet, he believes that their boss, Su Ye, is still alive!

It is important to find Su Ye, and so is the matter of her daughter.

He hadn't been in the warm community yet, so he just went in with his daughter this time to see if it was possible for Su Ye to live in this community.

"Ziqing, then Dad will go with you to pick up Dabao and Xiaobao. Did you put Dabao and Xiaobao at your friend's house? Why didn't you put Dabao and Xiaobao here? Your mother has been talking about Dabao and Xiaobao for the past two days." With that said, Mu Shengming opened the door of Mu Ziqing's rear seat.

When he was about to bend down and sit in, suddenly, he saw a person walking out of the supermarket on the road opposite the car, and when he turned his head to look around, he happened to quickly see the other person's face.

A figure instantly appeared in his mind.

Su Ye!

Before he had time to explain to Mu Ziqing, he slammed the car door and quickly ran to where Su Ye was.

Mu Ziqing's heart was raised a second ago, but in the next second, when she saw her father suddenly leave on something, her heart finally fell safely.

At this moment, the railing was also opened, and she immediately drove the car into the community.

I'm afraid that Mu Shengming will turn around and go into the community with her to pick up Dabao and Xiaobao.

As for Mu Shengming, because this point happened to be the rush hour, there were not only office workers leaving get off work, but also students leaving school.

When Mu Shengming rushed to the position where Su Ye was before and wanted to catch up with Su Ye, he turned the corner a few times and lost him.

Then he hugged his head helplessly like a child, found a random step, and sat down.

"I didn't even catch up with the boss!"

From his pocket, he took out an old photo that had been treasured for a long time and was yellowed.

In the photo, four people in camouflage uniforms, with colorful paint on their faces and helmets on their heads, the four brothers put their shoulders on each other, smiling and facing the camera together.

At that time, everyone smiled brightly and sunnyly, and everyone was a young boy with blood.

Among these four people, one is him, next to him is the young Su Ye, next to Su Ye is Ye Fangchun, and on the other side is Old Pei.

Among the four of them, Su Ye is the oldest, and also the captain of their Spike Squad, their boss.

During the execution of the task, they have been rescued many times in between dangers.

They have a deep revolutionary friendship with Su Ye.

However, they never expected that they would never see Su Ye again due to the turmoil 37 years ago.

A tear fell on the old photo, so frightened that he hastily wiped the tear away with his sleeve carefully, and then dried it.

I'm afraid that this tear will spoil this precious photo.

Taking a breath, he called Lao Pei.

He told Lao Pei that he saw Su Ye from a distance just now, but he didn't catch up with Su Ye.

Lao Pei breathed eagerly and asked: "Old Mu, is it true? Are you sure you can see clearly, it's really Boss Su?"

"Really! I saw his face! Although more than 30 years have passed, I can be sure that it is Boss Su!" Mu Shengming said in a firm tone.

He is a soldier. Even though he is 55 years old now, his eyesight is still 5.2, which is very good.

Lao Pei said excitedly: "That's great! I said I felt like I saw the boss, but I didn't expect it to be!"

"Great, great!"

"Lao Mu, after seeing the boss, you should be happy, so feel sad there!"

"Although you didn't catch up with Boss Su, we can confirm that Boss Su is still alive and in the imperial capital!"

"Sooner or later we'll find him!"

"As long as Boss Su is still alive, that's fine!"

After being comforted by Lao Pei, Mu Shengming turned his head around and immediately stopped being sad. He wiped away his tearful eyes, patted his thigh excitedly and said, "Yes! Boss is alive, we will meet sooner or later!"

"Look at me, it's really a happy event, and I made it look like the end of the world."

"Why am I so emotional?"

"Old Pei, come to my house for a drink tonight. Tomorrow, the two of us will come to find the boss near Wenxin Community. You saw the boss here in the afternoon, and I saw him too, which means that he must live not far from here."

"We'll definitely find him!"

Old Pei laughed and said, "Okay, we must be able to find Boss Su! It's okay to come to your house to drink tonight, but will your wife allow you to drink?"

(End of this chapter)

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