City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 378 Su Chen is going to meet Mu's father and Mu's mother [3 more]

Chapter 378 Su Chen is going to meet Mu's father and Mu's mother [3 more]

Su Yutong: "Yinuo, she should come to you tomorrow."

Su Yinuo: "Am I still afraid of her?"

Su Yutong: "Be careful."

Su Yinuo: "Got it!"
On Su Chen's side, he made a video call to Mu Ziqing.

At this moment, Mu Ziqing was playing on the bed with the two babies who had already taken a bath. She was going to sleep, but the two babies suddenly became energetic again, so she continued to play with the babies.

Hearing the phone ringing, Mu Ziqing took it over, and saw that it was a video call from Su Chen.

She smiled sweetly, looked at the closed door, answered the video call, and then pointed the camera at the two babies rolling on the bed.

When Dabao and Xiaobao saw Su Chen on the screen of the phone, they immediately crawled over.

In a childish voice, she called out, "Daddy."


Su Chen saw the two cuties, and smiled dotingly, "Da Bao, Xiao Bao, are you good at grandma's house?"

"Yeah yeah..."


Both babies are waving their little hands, babbling in their mouths, speaking baby words, and using movements to show what they want to say.

Su Chen looked at their cute little faces, and really wanted to kiss them.

"Ziqing, is it okay to live at home? Did your parents ask you anything?" Su Chen asked Mu Ziqing with concern after interacting with the babies.

"I didn't ask anything, everything is as usual." Mu Ziqing didn't want to worry Su Chen, so she didn't tell Su Chen that her mother almost dug out Su Chen's name.

"Well, I'll come to your house tomorrow afternoon to visit your parents." Su Chen said.

He must have told Mu Ziqing's parents about the matter between him and Mu Ziqing.

He didn't want to wrong Mu Ziqing.

I also don't want Mu's father and Mu's mother to be kept secret.

"Tomorrow afternoon, brother Su Chen, is it too early?"

"Silly girl, this kind of thing must be done sooner rather than later."

"Don't worry, with your brother Su Chen and I here, you can swallow your heart in your stomach."

"Be obedient and wait for me at home."

"You don't need to tell your parents about my coming, I will tell your father."

Mu Ziqing pursed her lips, tears were shining in her beautiful eyes, she knew that Brother Su Chen did this to prevent her from being wronged, so that she could stand beside Brother Su Chen in a fair and just manner.

Instead of taking Dabao and Xiaobao back to her natal home at a critical moment like tonight.

"Thank you brother Su Chen."

"Silly girl, thank Brother Su Chen and go to bed early."

Mu Pa Mu Mu is here.

After the two lay on the bed, Mu's mother told Mu Shengming about her conversation with Mu Ziqing tonight.

"Mu Shengming, tell me, why did Ziqing change the subject when I asked Ziqing the name of the child's father? Why didn't she want to tell me who the child's father is?"

"Then what else is there? It must be that she doesn't want to talk about it yet. When she wants to talk about it, she will naturally tell us. She's already in love. What's your rush?"

Mu's mother slapped Mu Shengming on the shoulder, "Hey, I said you, why am I not in a hurry? Let me tell you, if Ziqing didn't tell me the name of the child's father, it must be the child's father who we don't look at , or someone we know but is against us!"

"Otherwise, she could have told us."

Papa Mu lifted the quilt, got up to drink tea, and said, "I think you've been too idle recently, thinking wildly."

"Where am I thinking wildly? Go look it up tomorrow, and find out among your opponents, those who agree with the age and appearance of the child's father, and give me the names of those people."

"I'm not free tomorrow, I'm going to find my boss."

"The day after tomorrow, are you free the day after tomorrow?"

"The day after tomorrow is Kaiwu's 60th birthday."

"The day after tomorrow!"

"Okay, let me tell you Qu Qiaohui, don't think about it, I think as long as the girl is looking for a man, it doesn't matter whether I like him or not, or whether he is with you or not. The ones we're against."

"Since he has become our son-in-law, then I have a crush on him. An antagonistic relationship can also become a friendly relationship."

Qu Qiaohui didn't think so, "You're just a martial artist, you just want to get these things, what if that man lied to our Ziqing's feelings?"

"Zi Qing is not that stupid."

"You...! Women are not smart or not when it comes to relationships! All IQs will drop to zero!"

Mu Shengming frowned, "I'll check the day after tomorrow."

"Well! Be sure to check it out!"
The next day, at ten o'clock in the morning, Su Chen ordered the decoration workers to put two 800-liter water tanks at home, one on the balcony of the house on one side.

After sending away the decoration workers, he turned off the main water valves of the two rooms, and then let the system fill the two water tanks with clear spring water, and set the minimum water level.

The drinking water system of the two houses is done.

Then he received a call from Yan Zhengjun.

"Su Chen, the three major martial arts universities are about to officially start recruiting students, and the promotional video has to start recording. Are you free today?"

"How long does it take to record?"

"Three hours should be enough."

"Okay, let's put it on today." Because there will be father-in-law Lin Kaiwu's birthday, a party with his father's friends, and going abroad.

The thing about the promotional video should be done as soon as possible.

"Okay, I'll send you the location of the Imperial Warrior University, and we will record it at the Imperial Warrior University. When the time comes, let their other two universities change the scene. There is no need to go to the two Warrior University to record." Yan Zhengjun said.

"Okay, I'll come here."

After hanging up the phone, Su Chen told his parents that he was going to record a promotional video.

Upon hearing this, Su's father and Su's mother expressed that they wanted to go with Su Chen.

Because this is a very honorable thing, the two elders happen to be free and are going to watch their son record a promotional video.

Su Chen smiled and said, "Okay, let's go together."

Here, Su Chen took Su's father and Su's mother to Emperor Capital Martial Arts University.

Mu Shengming and Lao Pei were looking for Su Ye at the gate of Wenxin Community. From six in the morning to eleven in the morning, they still couldn't find Su Ye.

"Dididi..." Mu Shengming's cell phone rang.

He picked up the phone, and after listening to what was said on the other end of the phone, he frowned and said, "Can't we leave this to Lao Zheng?"

"I have something important here, I really can't leave."

Immediately afterwards, Mu Shengming frowned again, looked around, but still did not see Su Ye, he frowned and said unhappily: "Okay, I'll go."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone, and then said to Lao Pei: "The superior asked me to go to the Imperial Capital Warrior University to review the quality of the warrior instructors there."

Old Pei said clearly: "You go, this is indeed a very important event. This is the first martial artist university in the imperial capital, and it is also the first batch of martial artist universities in our country. It is normal for the higher authorities to attach great importance to it. Send you to , I value you."

"Hurry up and leave this to me. After I find the boss, I will call you as soon as possible."

Mu Shengming nodded, "Yes! You must call me as soon as you see the boss. Don't be so happy that you forget to call me!"

(End of this chapter)

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