Chapter 405

Tonight, Lin Kaiwu's yard was very lively.

During the dinner, the five granddaughters congratulated Lin Kaiwu one by one. Su Zihan and the others had already discussed in the sister group the congratulatory messages and gifts for grandpa's birthday.

Lin Kaiwu was very happy.

Dabao and Xiaobao were taught by Mu Ziqing to put their hands together to do 'Gong Xi Fa Cai', which also made Lin Kaiwu laugh. Lin Kaiwu generously distributed red envelopes to the five granddaughters, Da Bao and Xiao Bao one by one.

After dinner, Lin Zhennan and Qin Huaying came over.

The two of them went out for a trip today, and they just came back now.

As soon as they came back, they came to their son Lin Kaiwu.

Seeing that the house was so lively, and there were Mu Ziqing and Dabao Xiaobao who had never seen before, Lu Biyun explained to the two elders about Mu Ziqing, Dabao and Xiaobao.

Lin Zhennan and Qin Huaying, the two old men, were more open-minded, and the three parties agreed, and they both expressed their blessings.

Then Lin Zhennan was surprised to find out that his son Lin Kaiwu had changed.

Lin Kaiwu pretended to be coercive in front of his old man, and finally revealed the truth. It was because of the 60th birthday gift given to him by Su Chen that he had such a transformational change.

Lin Zhennan and Qin Huaying were shocked and sighed for a long time, saying that Su Chen is such a good boy.

Lin Kaiwu took the opportunity to tell about the assassination of Su Chen by the Hilton family.

When Lin Zhennan and Qin Huaying heard this, they were immediately furious.

Then left behind a bunch of treasures, some of which were specifically designated as a meeting gift for Su Chen.

When they went to Su Chen's house last time, they brought a meeting gift, but after seeing Su Ye, they were very pleasantly surprised, and then chatted a little bit, and forgot to give Su Chen the meeting gift.

After leaving the treasure, Lin Zhennan and his wife said they had to be busy and left first.

Lin Kaiwu knew that his parents must have gone to support his son-in-law.

After Lin Zhennan and his wife left, Lin Kaiwu immediately approached Su Chen and asked, "Chenchen, quickly open the box and see what the meeting gift your grandparents prepared for you."

Last time, he emphasized that he must give a precious meeting gift.

I don't know what kind of meeting ceremony my parents prepared, but it must be a good baby!
Su Chen opened the box, and immediately, a golden talisman appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Ding... It is detected that the host has received a gift devouring talisman, and the host is facing a choice."

"Choose one, accept the gift, and then call Lin Zhennan, saying that the host of the meeting ceremony likes it very much, and reward the host with an upgrade function, which can upgrade the Devouring Talisman to the Devouring Talisman, even if it is a move made by a peak-level master with all his strength, It can also be swallowed by the sky-swallowing talisman! It can swallow the opponent's three moves in total! After three moves, this talisman is invalid."

"Option [-], accept the gift, do nothing, and reward the host with a sixth-grade treasure."

Hearing the system's voice, Su Chen asked the system, "What is the function of the devouring talisman?"

"The devouring talisman can devour a move made by an intermediate master with all his strength."

Really good stuff!

Now that Grandpa Lin is a pinnacle grandmaster, the devouring talisman given to him as a meeting gift can devour one move with all the strength of an intermediate grandmaster, and it can devour a total of three moves from the opponent!

That is to say, it can withstand three full blows from the intermediate master!
This talisman is awesome!
If he took this devouring talisman to participate in the heroic meeting outside the territory, he would definitely be able to save his life at a critical moment.

Although it is said that the Heroes Conference is a bit of a rule, but in order to compete for the generous rewards, each and every one of them will work hard!

In addition, warriors have the pride of warriors, and they will never admit defeat even at the moment of dying.

This will lead to the possibility of accidental death that the referee cannot prevent.

Of course, if he goes to participate in the Heroes Conference, he will definitely not lose!
But from Grandpa Lin's point of view, the devouring talisman that Grandpa Lin gave him was really thoughtful, and it is indeed an extremely rare treasure.

I've never heard of something that can devour someone's full strength in one move before.

This thing is extremely useful for anyone, especially for the powerful masters, it is a life-saving treasure.

Because the battles between the masters are often short-lived.

If you can't beat the opponent, you only need to devour the opponent's move, and you can escape in an instant.

Not to mention being able to devour the opponent's three moves, which can be counter-killed!
He accepted Grandpa Lin's kindness.

In terms of rewards given by the system, not to mention the upgraded Heaven Swallowing Talisman, it has the effect of devouring the peak master's full blow, and it can be used three times!Just say that Grandpa Lin gave him such a good gift, he should also call to thank him.

After all, at this moment, Grandpa Lin and Grandma Lin are very likely to find the Hilton family for him.

Immediately, he had a choice.

He took out his mobile phone and called Lin Zhennan.

"Grandpa Lin, I like this meeting gift you gave me very much. Thank you, Grandpa Lin."

"As long as you like it, the method of use and its function manual are placed under the talisman, remember to read it."

"it is good."

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for making the choice, the host will be rewarded with an upgrade function once, may I ask the host to upgrade the devouring talisman to the swallowing talisman now?"

"No upgrade for now." Now everyone is watching, if you directly upgrade the talisman seal, it will be too obvious.

After Su Chen hung up the phone, Su's father took out the small book under the talisman and opened it, and Lin Kaiwu leaned over to read it.

When the two of them read the contents of the small book, they were both shocked!

"Devouring Talisman!"

"It can devour one move from the full strength of an intermediate grandmaster, and it can devour a total of three moves from the opponent!"

"You only need to use blood to activate the talisman, and you can use this talisman!"

Lin Kaiwu's eyes became hot when he saw it, "It really is a big baby! Chenchen, you have this big baby, and you can save your life when it comes to the Yingjie Conference!"

"It is impossible for a master-level powerhouse to appear at the Hero Conference!"

Papa Su said, "Chenchen, this meeting gift from your Grandpa Lin is very big, please keep it."

"It can withstand three full blows from an intermediate master."

Mother Su, Lin Wanxue, Mu Ziqing, Lu Biyun, and Su Zihan were all happy.

Everyone knew in their hearts that going outside the region to participate in the Heroes Conference this time seemed like an honor, but in fact it would be a brutal and dangerous fight.

Especially Lin Wanxue, she and Su Chen will also participate in the national battle of the Heroes Conference.

It is related to the division of resources among countries, and it will be more tragic than individual wars.

So she was very happy to have this life-saving thing.
In the middle of the night, when everyone was about to fall asleep, thunder exploded in the sky, and thunder after another on a sunny day struck down from the sky in bursts.

It's like clearing away the filth of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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