City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 411 A major event caused by a circle of friends [1 more]

Chapter 411 A Major Event Caused by a Circle of Friends [3 More]

As soon as this circle of friends was posted, Lin Kaiwu's comment area exploded.

: "Old Lin, today's [-]th birthday, happy birthday, what do you mean by this? Can people advance directly?"

: "Old Lin, weren't your five granddaughters still ordinary people a while ago? They just reached the first rank??? What's the situation? I'll arrive at eight o'clock, will your family entertain you?"

: "Old Lin, the apology you are talking about, who gave the apology to your family? Let me tell you."


The news about Lin Kaiwu's circle of friends quickly reached the ears of Jack Hilton who was far away in the Great Eagle Country.

Jack didn't believe it at all, and sneered, "I think Lin Kaiwu is entertaining himself. There is no thing in this world that can make people break through the realm of martial arts at once. The yellow heart peach is just a small amount of things that supplement people's energy and blood power. .”

"I think he's begging for mercy, deliberately flattering my Hilton family."

"You want me to let him go."

"Accepting my apology and killing my two younger brothers, I, Jack Hilton, will never let it go!"

"Continue to suppress the Lin family!"

"Yes, young master, we blocked the Lin family's affairs in the Great Eagle Country, not only did not make the Lin family's situation worry, but increased their popularity and promoted their products!" The subordinates reported back with trembling voices.

"Okay, send the information to my mailbox, and I will tell you after I read it." Jack said.

"Okay." The subordinate took the order.

After Jack hung up the phone, he received an email from his subordinates.

Clicking on the email, he smoked while looking at the situation in the email about Daying Kingdom's disposal of the Lin Group after it was fermented in Long Country.

The more he looked, the tighter his frown became.

After reading it, he probably understood what was going on.

"It's Su Chen again!"

"It's just a live broadcast of a national competition that makes Su Chen so popular in Dragon Kingdom."

"It seems that in order to completely defeat the Lin family, we still need to release some black material about Su Chen!"

Thinking of this, he called Ye Changqiu, one of the persons in charge of the cooperation between Hilton and the Ye family.

First show that Lin Zhennan disregarded morality and killed his two younger brothers, and then show that he must dare to drop the Lin family.

The big cake painted for the Ye family is that after the matter is completed, the Lin family's wealth will be divided into two parts with the Ye family, eight for him, and two for the Ye family.

Then provide the Ye family with a batch of limited edition training resources.

Ye Changqiu agreed to cooperate.

Leaving Su Chen's dirty stories in the hands of Ye Changqiu.

Jack also said that Ye Changqiu would send someone to assassinate Su Chen.

Ye Changqiu refused, "Su Chen will go to the Heroes Conference, I will not kill him before he attends the Heroes Conference."

Jack narrowed his eyes dangerously, "Ye Changqiu, do you know who you are talking to?"

The 82-year-old Ye Changqiu's tone is still the same, "If your Hilton family wants to be targeted by the Dragon Kingdom officials, I can also send someone to kill Su Chen, provided that your Hilton family has the bottom line."

"You go and ask your father, and ask him what he means, and then talk to me about it."

Jack frowned immediately, probably understanding the meaning of Ye Changqiu's words.

Su Chen has been selected by the Dragon Kingdom official to participate in the national battle of the Heroes Conference!

A fourth-rank high-level warrior like Su Chen would be selected, hehe, it seems that there is really no one in Longguo!
"Okay, it's okay not to kill Su Chen for now, but it's okay to beat him half to death!" Jack said coldly.


After getting what he wanted, Jack immediately hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, he scolded: "Ye Changqiu, an old man, dare to mess with me! Very good, when I finish cleaning up the Lin family, I will definitely clean up you in the future!"

"Ding ding..." His phone rang again.

It was a call from a friend and he picked it up.

"Jack, your family still has treasures that allow people to advance directly! It seems that your research institute has achieved outstanding results over the years. Sell some to me, but I don't want low-level ones. At least I need to be able to break through from the third-rank intermediate level to A third-grade high-grade strong medicine."

"...What are you talking about?" I couldn't understand at all.

The friend immediately told Jack the content of the circle of friends posted by Lin Kaiwu, "The one who has an enmity with the Lin family recently is your Hilton family. Isn't that thing a gift from your family?"

"The things given to the little Lin family can make people advance from the first-rank intermediate to the first-rank advanced. Your family must have more good things."

"We are friends, don't be so stingy, sell me some, I promise not to counter the price."

"...! That was lied to by Lin Kaiwu!"

"I'm not lying. My people are going to participate in Lin Kaiwu's birthday. His five granddaughters have really advanced to the first-rank senior level! Yesterday, someone saw that his five granddaughters are only first-rank intermediate!"

Jack was stunned when he heard this.


Do those five yellow peaches really have a magical effect that can make people break through?
He didn't pay attention to where the five yellow peaches came from, because they were all things that their Hilton family didn't lack.

Just move it in their warehouse in Longguo.

"Jack, sell me some. The relationship between our two families is so good. My girlfriend wants to break through to the third-rank senior level. I want to go crazy. I invite her to dinner, but she refuses to come out. She says she wants to practice. Ask her to watch a movie. She doesn't know how to feel sorry for others when she says she has no time and wants to practice, and I feel like I'm going to go crazy." The friend said beggingly.

Jack's face was very cold. How could he have such a thing? If he had it, the Hilton family would immediately become the No. 1 chaebol in the Eagle Kingdom!
Become the NO1 chaebol in the world!

Do you still need to worry about the Dragon Kingdom's revenge in order to kill Su Chen?
"Then change your girlfriend!" After finishing speaking, Jack hung up the phone, and then called the person in charge of counting the compensation in the Dragon Kingdom last night to ask about Huang Xintao.

The person in charge said that five yellow peaches were indeed given away.

"Are there any leftovers from this batch of yellow heart peaches?"

"There are two more boxes, a total of 10."

"Personally send me to the Great Eagle Country! Remember to bring more bodyguards!"

"okay, I get it."

After Jack hung up the phone, he curled his lips and smiled coldly.

Lin Kaiwu, Lin Kaiwu, you have given me a big gift this time.

If I develop a great tonic that can instantly advance warriors, in the future, not only the Hilton family will be mine, but the entire Great Eagle Country and the entire world will be mine! ! !
Thinking of this, Jack's blood boiled all over.

Later, he received calls from other friends.

Some things he didn't like, he refused directly indifferently.

Some he needed to make friends with, and he complimented him by saying that he would send them to them himself after a while.

For those of the same generation, he said condescendingly that good things must wait, let them wait for news.

(End of this chapter)

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