City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 414 Mu Shengming was shocked again: Boss, you are an intermediate master!

Chapter 414 Mu Shengming was shocked again: Boss, you are an intermediate master!
As an old driver, Su Chen immediately understood the meaning of what Mu Ziqing said when he heard what she said.

This surprised him, but also surprised him.

Patting her on the shoulder, he said with a low smile, "Satisfy you tonight!"

With a wife like Mu Ziqing who has an explosive figure and a beautiful appearance by his side, Su Chen wanted to sleep with her a long time ago, but he was afraid of scaring her, so he never mentioned it.

It seems that Wanxue's wife's suggestion that night was very good, and Ziqing's wife was enlightened.

She even took the initiative to mention it to him, wanting to play games with him.

Really looking forward to tonight!
"Duck duck...Duck duck..." Dabao patted the little yellow duck hard, and immediately sent the little yellow duck flying and rolled onto the snow under the pomegranate tree beside him. He immediately started to shout anxiously.

Su Chen looked over and saw that his son's toy was blown away, so he walked over to pick up the little yellow duck.

Dabao immediately patted the panel of the stroller excitedly, and his calves were also pushing hard, trying to stand up, but because his feet were dangling in the air, he couldn't stand up. He hurriedly looked at Mu Ziqing beside him for help, and stretched out his hands to wear it. Putting his hands in the padded jacket, he hummed.

Mu Ziqing bent down and picked him up, and he pointed at Su Chen, thumping excitedly.

Mu Ziqing carried him to Su Chen, and he wanted to go down again.

"Dabao wants to play in the snow." Su Chen said with a smile.

He simply squatted down and put the little yellow duck back on the snow.

Mu Ziqing put down the excited Dabao, then supported his shoulders with both hands, letting him stand on the snow, and he immediately stepped on the snow excitedly.

After the snow was stepped on, it made a crisp 'creaking' sound.

It sounded so good that Dabao stepped on it again, and then stepped back and forth non-stop, making a circle around the pomegranate tree, and he didn't want Mu Ziqing to support him.

Mu Ziqing did as he wished and let him go.

At first he was a little unsteady on his feet, but after his small body swayed, he stood firmly again, and then he grinned more happily, and began to try to lift his feet to step on the snow.

This time, without Mu Ziqing's support, he stepped on the snow. As soon as he stepped on the snow, his whole body immediately became unstable.

He wobbled and sat on the ground.

Then Su Chen saw the most classic expression of the little guy.

The whole fair and tender face was wrinkled into a ball, and the eyebrows were also wrinkled.

It's so cold!
Because the little guy is still wearing crotch pants.

Although there was a diaper separating them, but sitting on the snow, the cold of minus five degrees came on the table.

He was so cold that he grinned his teeth, and his small body shivered.

Su Chen took out his mobile phone and took this video.

Haha, when my son grows up, I will show it to him when he graduates from elementary school.

"Giggle..." Xiao Bao, who was obediently sitting in the stroller playing with the little yellow duck, smiled.

Dabao still wanted to stand up, but the snow was still a little slippery. He didn't stand up after standing up several times.

In the end, it was so cold that he kept shaking his little head, that he stretched out his little hand to Su Chen for help.

Su Chen hugged him with a smile, patted the snow on his little butt, and said, "You know you're afraid of the cold? Then you still play in the snow?"

"Baba, Baba..." Dabao hugged Su Chen, absorbing the warmth from Su Chen's body, wishing he could get into Su Chen's down jacket.

Seeing his small appearance, Su Chen smiled.

Then he said to Mu Ziqing: "Go, take Xiaobao in together."

"Okay." Mu Ziqing pushed two strollers into the room.

After returning to the house, Su Chen handed the big treasure to Mu Ziqing, and the little guy turned his head to look at the snow outside the house, with a look in his eyes that still wanted to play.

Seeing that Su Chen smiled and said: "I like playing so much, wait until you grow up and can walk by yourself, then go play."

Dabao seemed to understand Su Chen's words, and immediately began to train his walking ability.

It made everyone in the room laugh.

Babies are pistachios.

Mu Shengming's little heart stimulated by Lin Kaiwu also eased a little.

Then he looked at Su Ye, because Su Ye restrained his energy and blood, so Mu Shengming looked at him, Su Ye was the same as usual.

"Boss, before Chenchen told me outside, you have a big happy event?"

"What great event?"

Su Ye said with a smile: "I have broken through to an intermediate master."

"What?!" Mu Shengming's tiger body shook violently, and he looked at Su Ye in shock. This, this is too shocking!

My boss turned out to be an intermediate grandmaster!

So powerful!

He immediately felt that he was suddenly half shorter than Lin Kaiwu and taller than Lin Kaiwu.

He quickly straightened his back and said to Su Ye: "Boss, you are amazing! Sure enough, you are the best among our four brothers!"

When he said this, Mu Shengming deliberately raised his chin to Lin Kaiwu.

As if to say: This is my boss!My boss is better than you!

Lin Kaiwu smiled and squinted his eyes, and said to Su Ye: "Brother, Xiao Mu calls me Big Brother, I call you Big Brother, and Xiao Mu calls you Boss, that's right, I didn't mess up the etiquette."

After finishing speaking, Lin Kaiwu also raised his chin to Mu Shengming.

It means to say: your boss is my elder brother, in terms of seniority, you are behind me!

The invisible gunpowder started to fight, and Mu Shengming proposed to play mahjong.

Because it was still early at this point, no other guests had come.

Lin Kaiwu waved his hand and said, "Yes, no problem."

Because it was Lin Kaiwu's birthday celebration today, the tea table in the living room had been cleared out early and replaced with a mahjong table for mass entertainment.

There are three mahjong tables in the living room.

Men say to play mahjong, and women play too.

Lin Zhennan and Qin Huaying left early because they wanted to go back to rest, and said that they would come to have dinner with everyone when they waited for the meal.

Without the elders here, Lin Kaiwu and the others are more at ease.

Lin Kaiwu, Su Ye, and Mu Shengming, three missing one, called Su Chen who was raising the baby, and the four of them played mahjong together.

Because the chef of the Lin family is in charge of cooking today, Lu Biyun is very leisurely. Today, she only needs to be in charge of receiving guests.

Ever since, Lu Biyun, Su's mother, Lin Wanxue, and Su Yinuo made up a mahjong table.

Mu Ziqing doesn't know how to play mahjong, she and Su Zihan are raising two babies.

Su Kexin, Su Yutong, and Su Youyu sometimes stood behind their parents, sometimes sat beside them, watching them play cards, and sometimes ran over to tease Dabao and Xiaobao.

The living room is very lively, warm and grounded.

Mu Shengming and Lin Kaiwu fought at the poker table, you take mine, I take yours, all kinds of cards.

At last.

"Touch yourself, you're fooling around." Su Chen, who came to play cards together, pushed down the cards and said.

Su Kexin and the others ran over when they heard the voice, "Oh yeah, Dad is stupid!"

Mu Shengming and Lin Kaiwu fought each other, "It's all your fault. Who told you to play the red middle? If I don't touch the red middle, Chenchen won't be able to touch that card, and he won't be playing bad cards."

"Come again, come again."

(End of this chapter)

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