City: Invincibility starts from the almighty dad

Chapter 903 Bai Luo: Who is the father

Chapter 903 Bai Luo: Who is the father
But there are four men here tonight. Will Teacher Bai ask men to help detoxify?
Suddenly, Su Chen thought of the scene he saw in the bathroom that night, Teacher Bai's graceful figure, and Su Chen's whole body became hot.

Su Chen sensed the changes in his body, and he immediately shook his head to keep himself calm and not think about these things again.


On Bai Luo's side, she is sitting alone outside the house.

Bai Luo didn't feel any movement of the poison in her body today, it seemed to be dormant, so she felt that the poison in her body should not recur tonight.

But everything should be careful. Although Su Chen has a good relationship with the three Jiang family's geniuses, she still has a competitive relationship with the Jiang family's geniuses.

This time there are only 20 Taoist platforms, and the five major families compete. Now the Sheng family has been excluded, and the four major families are left to compete.

I don't want the Jiang Family Tianjiao to know about her poisoning.

So, it's better to be cautious, don't sleep tonight, just sit at the door and squint for a while.

At her level, even if she doesn't sleep for two or three days, her spirit can keep up.

While sitting outside, she began to use her mental strength to observe inwardly, detecting the dormant toxins in her body.

After making sure it's stable.

She opened her eyes, and then took out the photo album of her daughters that she had seen many times from the space. Looking at the photo album of her daughters, she unconsciously put on a kind smile on her face.

She imagined her precious daughters calling her mother cute.

After Bai Luo read it all over, she still held the photo album in her hand, but this time her eyes had become very deep and she was struggling a little.

Because she knew that if she didn't get rid of the poison completely, she would die and never see her twin daughters again.

Thinking of this, she felt extremely sad in her heart.

Could it be that you really need to find a man to cure this poison?

Is there no other way?

Now in the secret realm, the ancestor cannot be contacted. After leaving the secret realm, the ancestor may have figured out a solution.

Thinking of this, she was full of hope for the future.

I hope to get out of the secret realm soon.

Then there are other methods of detoxification.

Seven years ago, that night was a drunken accident. Now, she does not allow such an accident to happen again.

So, she quit drinking.

Looking at the daughters in the photo, Bai Luo stroked their faces tenderly, and said, "Qing'er, Xuan'er, after my mother leaves the secret realm, I will visit you once a year."

"Don't worry, mom will be alive."

After talking with his daughters, Bai Luo began to think about what happened that night seven years ago, but it was still the same as usual, and he couldn't remember who the child's father was.

Now that the daughters are growing up, they start to ask her who their father is and why he didn't come to see them.

When she encountered this problem, she could only say that their father had passed away.

Then I found an unfounded photo in the world and told them that this was their father.

There is no such person in the world for that photo, she hired someone to make it.

The painting is exactly like the real person.

So it doesn't look like a synthetic human at all.

The kids believed it too.

He expressed his sadness that none of them honored their father yet.

He also said that if there is an afterlife in the future, they should honor their father well.

And let her not be sad, although there is no father to accompany mother, but the two sisters will accompany mother.

Thinking of these words of his daughters, Bai Luo's eyes became warm.

Recently, she came over with Su Chen and the others. On the way, she heard something, that is, if people from the world of cultivating immortals marry people from the human world, when they give birth to a child, the mother will not be deprived of her life.

Just like Su Chen's mother married Su Ye and gave birth to Su Chen, Su Chen's mother lived well.

She thought that she hadn't been deprived of her life force when she was giving birth, and that her drunken accident seven years ago also happened in Shencheng in the human world.

Come to think of it, the child's father should be a mortal in the world.

As for finding a father, it's not that she never thought about it, it's just that after thinking about it for a few minutes, she abandoned the idea.

Because she doesn't want to get married now, she already has a child, she can still live well without a man.

Moreover, the abyss clan has not yet settled down, and her mother has not avenged her revenge. She is not interested in marrying a man, and only wants to focus on cultivation.

Strive to break through the shackles of the world as soon as possible, break through and enter the realm of free travel!
"Didi..." The communicator she was communicating with Bai Qian rang.

Take it out and connect it.

"Xiao Luo, I will arrive at your place in about three hours. You can go to bed first and leave me alone. I will stop when I am 2000 meters away from you. I won't bother you. I will talk to you in the daytime tomorrow." Meet up." Bai Qian said.

"You come to my place directly. I'm not going to sleep tonight. I have a big house by the stream. I practice outside the house. I'll inform the people here first to avoid accidental injury." Bai Luo said .

Bai Qian was slightly surprised, "Big house? Is there a house in the secret realm?"

Bai Luo: "Um, my apprentice's husband brought the house from outside, and he put it in the storage space."

Bai Qian: "???? Are you sure you're not kidding me? Can the storage space hold a house??? Is it as big as a toilet?"

Bai Luo: "It's a big house with three bedrooms and one living room."

Bai Qian: "!!! I'll go! If it can accommodate a house with three bedrooms and one living room, then his storage space must not be hundreds of cubic meters."

"There should be." Bai Luo.

Bai Qian: "Your apprentice's husband is really shocking. I heard you say that the food he cooks is delicious. Now he still has such a powerful space. It's amazing. That's right. If you dare to enter the secret realm, you must have the ability."

"It's really great that your apprentice can find such a good husband."

"Xiao Luo, do you want to think about it? Choose one of our current year's arrogance to be your boyfriend? If that's the case, it can completely cure you..." Before Bai Qian could say the word 'poison', He was interrupted by Bai Luo.

"Call me when you arrive. They probably haven't slept yet. I'll say hello to them in advance." After speaking, Bai Luo hung up the phone.

Bai Qian looked helplessly at the hung up phone.


"Xiao Luo is really stubborn. At this time, finding a boyfriend is actually nothing. In fact, I heard that it only takes a minute."

"It can be detoxified in 1 minute, where can I find such a good antidote???"

"Hey, Xiao Luo still can't pass that test, she's too conservative."

"After reuniting with Xiao Luo this time, I'll help her find her first."

(End of this chapter)

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